Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ellie’s P.O.V

I practically skipped to dance I could wipe the smile of my face; I was so happy I felt as if I was on top of the world. I couldn’t wait until the weekend I am so excited. As soon as I reached the dance changing rooms I quickly got changed then made my way up to the studio where I saw May warming up. She was in a daydream humming a tune when I basically jumped on her. “Holy Shit, Ellie you scared the shit out of me” she laughed and turned around to face me. She must has seen the massive smile on my face because “How was Mr perfect?” she winked. “He asked me out to see a movie on Saturday and I gave him my number” I screeched. “OMG OMG I am soooo happy for you omg what are you going to where” she screeched with me. “I have no idea we need to go shopping” “Omg yeah we do lets go tomorrow after school, Oh my god Saturday is in like 3 days” “Yeah I know he is so amazing May he is so fit and has an amazing personality” “awww I am so happy for you he is lucky to have you” “I am so excited!” “OMG I am excited for you!”. We must have looked like idiots because we were jumping up and down and screaming.

For the rest of the day I could wipe the smile off my face. All I could think about was him. His Hair. His eyes. His voice. Just him. I was currently sitting in English with Tom staring at the clock watching the clock hands move slowly round the numbers. “You seem happy” Tom interrupted me from my thoughts.  “Yeah I kinda got a date on Saturday” I screeched. His face just froze for a second I watched his expressions change into a small smile. “Aw I am happy for you who’s it with? and Where? What time?” “Woah Tom what’s with all the questions?” “Just wondering” he said bluntly . “Ummm… okay umm… well.. it’s with that knew boy Harry on Saturday and just going for a meal and to the cinema. I thought you were my mate I thought you would be happy for me” I looked away from him and at the text book and wrote down the next question.  “I am. Umm whatever makes you happy if he makes you happy then I guess I am happy too” I turned to look at him he was avoiding my gaze and was pretending to be writing.  “Thanks Tom that means a lot” I pulled him into a hug. Even though I was slightly confused about the whole conversation.

After English me and Tom walked in silence to lockers to meet May and Nath its never awkward between me and Tom cause he is practically my brother, but for once it is. “Hey guys” I smile as we reach them “Hey you never guess who walked out of English?” May asked me “Who?” I laughed as we began walking. She linked arms with me “Ben Johnson” “Shut up” “Nope it’s true Mrs Ashton told him off for being on his phone and then took it away and he just walked out” “He has really changed he thinks hes all that but he is just a dick head now, I can’t believe what you saw in him” “I know he’s an prick”

Tom’s P.O.V

The girls walked in front of me and Nath so I decided to take this time to talk to him. “You al’right mate” I said “yeah the usual what about you, you have been acting a bit strange” “Well yeah it’s Kinda because I well umm. … I donno how to tell you but I like Ellie” “Awww mate that’s great!” he grinned “No it’s not” “What yeah it is why isn’t it she likes you too you can tell by the way she looks at you” “Nope she has got a date with Harry” I looked at the floor. Just thinking of her with another boy holding hands and kissing ewwww he’s a twat I know he is. “Mate, he seems weird I donno, don’t worry about it, I know she really likes you” he pulled his cap from his bag which he properly got told off for wearing which he does every day. He patted his hair down and put his cap on.  “As long as she is happy anyway you got your eyes on anyone” “Not really still looking for that someone” “Nath you are so weird” “Maybe or maybe you’re the weird one and I am the normal one” he laughed “After you said that you are defo the weird one” I punched him slightly. So he pushed me back. We ended up play fighting. Until we got to the station. “Will you boys just stop now” May laughed. “See you later Mate I pulled Nath into a hug and May as well and they walked into the station.

May’s P.O.V

Me and Nath just mad the train again. I sat down on a seat and sighed. “What’s up” “Tired” “At least its half term next week we can actually sleep in past 6 for a week” “Even though we have to study for the exams the week after and the final show” “True that” “How’s your song coming along?” “yeah got the next bit” he pasted me the paper.  

Personal soldier:

Tell me what's going on

I know there's something on your mind and can you just open up?

Do you feel out of love

Is somebody trying to hurt you?

You know I'd never let that happen

Must be out of their minds

Cause you are the sunshine that makes my day

And I won't let them take that away, hey

I'll be your hero whose standing strong

Who protects you from any fight

And if your battles are piling on

I will take them on with all my might

Cry your tears on my shoulder

You don't know what the future holds

So I'll be your personal soldier

“Awwwwwww Nath that’s amazing!” “It’s not but thanks anyway” “Shut up Nath it is” “I am glad you like it” “You are sooooo cute” He blushed and we made our way home.          

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