Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Tom’s P.O.V

I pulled away slightly out of breath and slightly dazed at what had just happened. The moment I had always wondered what would really be like. But she kissed me back right? Hell yeah. I watched her eyes slowly re open and look into mine. “Night Tom” she whispered and kissed me gently on my cheek. “Nigh” I replied and she walked away back towards the stairs. I swear she was smiling, for once in your life Parker you did the right thing I thought to myself. Her touch still lingered on my lips and cheek, I smiled things were just starting to get better. But how long could this last for. I began making my way back upstairs and along the corridor, I crept carefully because I didn’t want to wake the girls. I walked into the spare room and saw Nath. The little twat was in the bed and I shotgunned it. I know it’s childish my still he had no right I had won fair and square. So  I pulled the cover off him “Nath I am sleeping in the bed I shot gunned it now move please” I half shouted and half whispered. He stirred and goaned “Urgh Tom fuck off I’m sleeping don’t have a fucking Tom tantrum it’s just a bed you weren’t hear and it looked comfy” he moaned “Mate this ain’t fair” “Just sleep on the mattress its 5 am leave me alone” He yanked the covers from my hands and lay back down. “Fine” I huffed. I got onto the mattress and pulled the covers over me. Even though I was pissed off at Nath, I still had that warm feeling in my stomach from the kiss. It was a good feeling and I couldn’t help the cheesy grin that plastered across my face.

May’s P.O.V

I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Ellie sound asleep next to me. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 08:00 Am. This is early for me I am never usually up before 10. But I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep so I decided to get up. I pulled on Nath’s hoodie and rubbed the crispy eye syndrome away from my eyes. I stretched and ran my hand though my messy hair and walked downstairs. I walked straight into the kitchen and stuck the kettle. As the kettle was boiling I walked to stare out of the window. It was raining yet again the usual weather, it was quite scary to think someone was out there, but the police are going to sort it. Right. Think positive I told myself. I heard the kettle whistle so walked to it and poured my tea. I felt hungry so I put a slice of toast into the toaster. “Oi make me some” Naths thick Gloucester accent surrounded the room. I turned around to see him in his track suit bottoms without a top leaning against the door frame smiling. “Morning to you too” I replied he came over to me and pulled me into his bare chest; I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed. He really was perfect. He tilted my chin up so I was looking into his gorgeous green eyes and he kissed me gently on the lips “Morning” he whispered “Now make me some toast please” a big cheesy grin appeared on his face. I hit him slightly “do it yourself” I began to walk toward the toaster and pulled my toast out of it and placed it on a nearby plate. “Pleaseeee” “Fine” I said and placed another slice into the toaster. “Hey is that my hoodie?” he asked pointing to the one I was wearing. “Yeah” laughed “I wear it so much better” I giggled. “True” he whispered. I started buttering my toast, and Nath’s popped up in the toaster and I buttered it for him. I passed him his toast at the table and smiled “Cheers babe”.

We ate our toast then I looked at the clock 9. “We better wake Ellie and Tom up if the police are…” I said “Shot gun Ellie” Nath said so quickly I barely finished my sentence. “What wait no fair”. Tom was horrible to wake up in the morning. I thought Nath was bad then I met Tom, he hates being woken up. “Haha good luck” “You are so horrible” I said to him. “But that’s why you love me” he grinned. We walked upstairs and he knocked and walked into my room. “Right please be nice Tom” I mumbled. I knocked lightly on the door to the spare room. No answer so I knocked louder and entered. “Tom it’s time to wake up” “Tom tom” I walked towards him and he was spread out across the mattress fast asleep. “Tom” I shock him and he moaned “go away”. “TOM GET UP” I shouted “No go away” “Please Tom the police are coming soon” “5 minutes” he said. I quickly climbed up and onto the mattress and starting bouncing up and down. “GET UP TOM TOM PLEASE!” I shouted “FUCK OFF” he moaned and pulled his pillow over his head. “ELLIE NEEDS YOU WHEN THE POILCE COME OVER AND YOU KNOW THAT” I shouted. He turned to look at me. I knew I had hit his weak sport “Fine give me 5 minutes and I’ll be down” he huffed “Thank you” I said and climbed down and made my way downstairs to Nath and Ellie sitting at the table.   

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