Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Tom’s P.O.V

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.  I swallowed hard. The girl in the picture was the girl I dreaded the most to get caught up in all of this and yet she was there smiling without a care in the world. She was looking beautiful as always. Her hair perfect and shining as she had a massive smile on her face. Her eyes shone that beautiful blue that I loved. I glanced quickly at the other photo and then immediately looked at Nath. I felt his pain. The colour had drained from his face. He gulped and gave me a scared stare. We knew these people, so well. That twat would defiantly pay if I ever get my hands on him. Anger ran up my body but I held it together. We needed to find out why them and what had they done. The people in the photos were the people who meant the world to us. May and Ellie.

May’s P.O.V

I began to clean the house. It looked like a bomb had hit it; I had tried to get away from doing it but I needed to do it. I sighed and I began by picking up all of the beer cans from the floor and table and stuffing them into a black bin liner. I sighed and mumbled “I’m am never getting pissed with Tom ever again”

2 hours later and I looked around my living room and smiled. It was back to normal. I just sat down on my sofa and relaxed when my phone buzzed, I pulled it from my pocket and saw Ellie’s face pop up I smiled and answered. “Heyyyyaaa Elz” “Hey May, you ok” “Yeah much better my headache has finally gone”. She began to tell me the whole story of the text. “That prick I thought he was a decent guy” I said “Yeah me too, I guess it was typical me falling for a horrible guy” she sighed “Hey you never know that text could mean anything he might have done it to help you, I guess you will never find out.” “Yeah I guess” she sighed “Elz cheer up, there is someone out there for everyone, I know you will find the perfect bloke” “Yeah that’s the reason Tom came over earlier, but he had to go home because he said his parents would think he’s dead or something” she laughed. Wait Tom went out with Nath earlier. “Ummm… Ellie he picked Nath up about 2 hours ago and said he needed his help with something, I don’t think he went home before either” I said “Oh that’s weird did they say where they were going” “No, is too weird though you don’t think they would you know” “NO way they would never go back to that stuff” “yeah your right, I am so stupid sometimes” I laughed “Why don’t you come over and we can wait for them to come back and explain what they did” I suggested “Yeah sounds great meet me at the station?” “Course text me love you byeee” “Love ya too byeee” and she disconnected the call. Something was definitely going on and that text was just weird.

Tom’s P.O.V

Nath interrupted the silence “Why what have they done?” he whispered “You see the girl on the right” That was Ellie. “She was currently dating him she must know where he is and if she doesn’t she will make sure she finds out where he his” he smirked. “WHAT ITS NOT HER FAULT SHES DONE NOTHING” I snapped and grabbed his shirt by the collar and held him up. “Woah Parker, it’s not as if you know her” he held his hands up and stepped back. “Yeah Tom it’s not as if you know her” Nath said he gave me a look. He was my mate though, but now was not the time to be a sarcastic twat but considering the situation I understood why he said it. “What about the girl on the right?” Nath said bitterly “She is best friends with the other girl” he stated “How do you know all this?” “We have our sources” said Amy “But they have done nothing wrong!” Nath shouted “You’re okay with hurting innocent girls which have done nothing wrong” he said “I don’t care what I have to I’ll do whatever it takes to get money back” he spat. “You want to come back to the gang boys or what?” Ben asked “I think we will sort it out for ourselves thanks” I spat and walked over to him and corner him up against the wall. “You leave them innocent people alone ok! do you hear me” “Just leave Parker” Amy said. I looked him right in the eye before walking away. Then before I knew what was happening. He jumped on my back and we both fell forwards to the floor with a thud. Pain instantly came to my knee. He began to punch me in the stomach. I began to fight back and kick him. All of a sudden I felt him be pulled of me. Nath then had him back up against the wall and hit him in the face hard. Blood began to spill from his nose. He whispered in his ear “Not such a ‘baby nath’ anymore now stay away” he spat. He got up and he and Amy began to walk away. He walked over to me and held out his and I took it and he pulled me up to my feet. “You okay mate?” he asked “Um… Yeah shit Nath how did you learn to punch like that? ”I said while patting myself down “I don’t know” he shrugged We quickly walked away from the estate and began walking back to Mays “Mate what are we gonna do?” he whispered “They have people watching them, they can’t hurt them they just can’t” “I know Nath that’s what we are gonna have to do never let them out of our sight call the police and tell them everything and get everything sorted” I said. He ran his hand though his hair. “Call the girls mate just tell them to stay in the house until we get to theirs” I said “Okay” he pulled out his phone and called May “Hey babe, I don’t know how to put this but just, make sure you stay inside your house until I get there ok”. He paused and listened to her reply “What fuck why you at the station?” He looked at me worry in his eyes. “Okay just as soon as you’ve got her go straight home yeah babe” He said “Promise me, love you stay safe” he paused again “Babe don’t worry I will explain when we get back don’t be scared love you” he disconnected the call. He wiped a tear from his eye. “Mate come here, it’s gonna be fine” I pulled him into a firm hug “She said she’s at the station meeting Ellie then they are going back” he sighed. We began to pick up our pace and walk home quicker. I wouldn’t let anything happen to them I just wouldn’t.

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