Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Tom’s P.O.V

7 was the number of hours, 27 was the number of minutes and 43 was the number of seconds we had been waiting in the same chairs starring at the same blank white walls on the hospital ward. 166 was the number of sighs I had made in the past 7 hours. 22 was the number times I had shivered. 3 was the number of times I had past tissues to various people.15 was the number of times Nath had asked after May at the nurse’s station. 16 was the number of times the nurses said they would let us know if they heard anything. 33 was the number of times I said everything would work out and that she would be fine to him but that didn’t stop him pacing. 28 was the number of times I was offered coffee and how many times I had turned it down. 68 was the number of times Nathan had walked from one end of the ward to the other. 8 was the number of hugs I had given. Yet 0 was the number of times we had received any good news.  

I continued to stare at the same stone white cold hospital ward deep in thought about everything that had happened in the past 8 hours. I swear these places were meant to bring happiness, but this brought the complete opposite. I had always hated these places ever since my uncle had died I had always hated them. I shivered again. And tiered my eyes away from the wall , I was lucky I got away with a few cuts and bruises with a dislocated thumb nothing major everything was eventually heal. I was lucky, Nath got away with the same but he dislocated his shoulder instead of his thumb. He was lucky. Ellie was currently in theatre they think she broke her tibia which is the long bone in her leg, so they were pinning it or something. I just wanted to know what was happening. I thought about the whole evening again and how we got here.

*Flash back*

A massive bang ringed in my ears, and a massive hot force pinned me to the ground. I covered my face and I focused on my breathing the smell of smoke filled my face and I closed my eyes tight shut. Fuck, when I felt able to lift my head I did, and took in everything around me; the bus shelter was no longer there, and all that was there was a pill of ash in its place. I heard people crying in the distance and the faint sound of sirens. I slowly got to my feet I wobbled by I managed to steady myself my holding on to a nearby tree. Ellie. She was my first thought. Where was she? Was she ok? I scanned around me and I couldn’t see her. “Ellie?” I shouted, I suddenly felt a hand on my band, I swung around quickly to be faced with an unfamiliar man he looked about 60 he looked a bit scared but calm. “Excuse me mate; sit down your bleeding and your hand… I’ve called an ambulance it’s on its way” he smiled. I hadn’t even noticed my hand I looked down and it was covered in blood I suddenly noticed my thumb was throbbing but I pushed that aside. “Have you seen a girl she has brown hair she was with me or any my friends another girl and a boy” I stuttered. “Come with me” he said I followed him to the edge of the road and I saw her sitting on the curb another lady had her arm around her shoulders as well as a blanket she was crying.  I ran up to her and sat down next to her quickly; I pulled her into a massive hug. “Ellie are you okay I was so worried” I whispered. “My leg it really hurts” she cried “Fuck” she wined as she tried to move it I saw a big lump coming from the back of her leg but I didn’t say anything I didn’t want to worry her “Babe don’t move it wait until the ambulance is here, don’t worry I’m here.” I smoothed her; she rested her head on my shoulder. “Tom where’s May and Nathan?” she sobbed.  I forgot about them I was too focused on other things, wait before the bus shelter exploded I remembered a loud bang it almost sounded like a gun shot. I asked the lady next to Ellie “Excuse me have you seen our friends another man a bit smaller than me and a brunette haired girl?” I questioned “No sorry we only found you two” she said. “Ellie wait here for the ambulance I’m going to go find them” I smiled weakly. “Be careful Tom Tom” she said.  I stood up and nodded and walked into the smoke again. I coughed as the smoke hit my lungs. “May?” I called out I carried on walking “Nath” I shouted a bit louder.  I head faint sobs I walked towards them. “Nath?” I said again. I saw a small figure amongst the smoke it was sitting down. I realised it was Nathan and I fell to my knees next to him. “Mate are you…” I didn’t finish my sentence I noticed May she was in front of him sitting against a wall slouching she was sweating and was taking small sharpe breaths and she was crying. Her T-shirt was soaked in blood and her eyes kept on closing. Nath was topless and was holding his Top to her wound and has his jacket wrapped round her shoulders. “Babe it’s fine shhh I’m here” he whisper to her and kissed her head “Tom” May whispered “It’s okay, May just hold on the ambulance is on its way” “Nath you need to apply pressure to it” I said sternly.

I took one look at his face. He had tear stains down his face, and a deep cut on his cheek. He nodded and wiped away a tear from his cheek. He pushed hard to the wound. May screamed. “Shhh babe it’s ok I sorry I have to do this trust me it will make you better” Nathan smoothed. I grabbed her hand and rubbed it. The sirens all of a sudden sounded louder. “I’m gonna get help” I stated and ran over to where the noise was coming from.

*End of flash back*

May was in theatre too, they were trying to get the bullet out. Nath was still pacing. “Mate sit down” I sighed.  He ignored me and carried on pacing. I sighed and placed my head in my hands.  I stood up and walked towards him “Mate” I trailed on. I realised he was crying, and I pulled him into a hug.” I just want everything to be okay” he cried into my shoulder. “Same mate…same” I sighed.

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