Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Nathan’s P.O.V

It had been several days since me and May went out for the meal with my family and it was the day of Jay’s piss up as he liked to call it, and everyone was buzzin. Jay already had everyone ordered about what to bring like Kelsey, Max, Siva and Michelle we all ordered to get any sort of food they could find on the other hand Me, May, Elz and Tom were ordered to get drink for everyone. Tom shot out last night into town and brought loads back. I was lying on my bed back in my bedroom at home, I came back this morning to grab the clothes I was going to wear tonight, but May insisted I stayed over here just to visit Mum and Jess because it had been ages since I had been back. It was now 5 and I wasn’t meeting May, Tom and Elz until 7. I was currently laying on my bed reading my song to myself and softly singing the harmony to myself

Tell me what's going on
I know there's something on your mind and
Can you just open up?
Do you feel out of love
Is somebody trying to hurt you?
You know I'd never let that happen
Must be out of their minds

Cause you are the sunshine that makes my day
And I won't let them take that away, hey

I'll be your hero whose standing strong
Who protects you from any fight
And if your battles are piling on
I will take them on with all my might
Cry your tears on my shoulder
You don't know what the future holds
So I'll be your personal soldier

Left, left, left, right, left
Left, left, left, right, left

If life is a battlefield, there's so many dangers
Just when you think it's OK, it blows up in your face
And when this road gets harder
You think your luck's run out,
I will find a reason to take it right back
To where your heart deserves
Cause there is no way that I won't put you first

I'll be your hero whose standing strong
Who protects you from any fight
And if your battles are piling on
I will take them on with all my might
Cry your tears on my shoulder
You don't know what the future holds
So I'll be your personal soldier

I'll protect you girl, don't worry

I'll be your hero whose standing strong
Who protects you from any fight
And if your battles are piling on
I will take them on with all my might
Cry your tears on my shoulder
You don't know what the future holds
So I'll be your personal soldier

Left, left, left, right, left
Left, left, left, right, left

To be honest I was quite impresses by myself this was definitely one of my best songs I had ever written it was probably due to that t was about my feelings. I just needed to show her, I knew how I was going to do it after Jay’s party I was going to bring her back here and play it for her. I had it all planned, Mum and Jess were out anyway tonight visiting mum’s friend and they were leaving around 6 so it was perfect. I decided to start getting ready because knowing me I’d probably still be running late.

 I wore my dark jeans, denim/black jacket, converse and a plain white top. I made sure my fringe fell to the side of my face just above my eyes and I sprayed on my aftershave and I was ready to go.

May’s P.O.V

Me and Ellie were currently getting ready after a few changes to our outfits we were all set. I wore my cream dress with my cream wedges to match I also had my hair straight but at the ends I had curled it. Ellie wore,r:21,s:0,i:135 with her white heals and she had her hair curly. I let Ellie do my make up because she is always so good at doing my make-up and I watched her do hers. I sat on my bed and slipped on my heels and Ellie did the same. We took a few photos and then I turned and faced her “Tonight’s going to be epic” “I know I am so excited!” “Same come on let’s go down stairs” I smiled and I grabbed her hand and pulled her down stairs behind me.

We reached down stairs to find the boys waiting for us by the door. Nath looked amazing as always and so did Tom. He wore grey chino looking trousers with a light red polo type shirt converse and a black blazer he was looking very handsome too. I walked over to Nath careful not to fall over in my heels and he pulled me into a massive hug “You look beautiful babe” he whispered in my ear I pulled away and kissed him “so do you” I smiled he smiled too. Tom was hugging Ellie, I couldn’t help but think maybe she felt the same way towards him too., just by the look in their eyes I could tell. “You girls ready to go” Nath smiled and placed his hand on my lower back. “Yep” me and Ellie smiled. Tom and Nath picked up the few bags placed at the front door and I locked up. Tom had already organised a cab for us and it was waiting for us. Nath offered to sit in the front to direct the driver because it’s really hard to find his house especially in the dark and he was the person who probably knew the way best. Tom opened the cab door for me and I slid over to the far side then Ellie followed and Tom sat next to her.

Ellie’s P.O.V

We all piled into the cab and we set off. I sat in the middle of Tom and May. As Nath and Tom were talking May gently nudged me and gave me a questioning look and indicating at Tom’s hand that was resting on my knee. I massive smile appeared on my face as I bit my lip trying to hide it. Her face lit up and she mouthed ‘go for it’ I smiled and lent over and whispered to her “Do you really think he will like me back” “Trust me let’s just say he may have mentioned it to me before” she winked. I sat back in my seat and butterflies started to develop in my stomach. I looked over to Tom who was talking to Nath about some band they both liked and as soon as he saw me looking he smiled at me. Maybe she was right. I smiled tonight was going to be great or was everything just being too good, I didn’t want to ruin the mood but deep at the back of my head I was thinking everything was just going too good to be true.  

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