Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My P.O.V

I finally got home I looked at the clock 5:45 great. My brother might be home soon even though he’s hardly ever home he doesn’t get on with my mum and dad so he left home about a year ago, but comes back every now and then, normally when he has no food in his fridge. My Mum and Dad Work Nights and early morning shifts and travel a lot so it’s just normally me in the house. I sighed out loud and kicked off my shoes and chucked my bag down on the kitchen counter. I opened the fridge and found a pizza, I put that in the oven and that will do for my dinner. I pulled out my phone and saw *3 new messages* I clicked on the first one which was from Ellie ‘ Heya need your help for tomorrow with Harry I have no idea what to do ly xxx’ I clicked reply ‘Heyyyy just be yourself, trust me if he doesn’t like you he must be blind and I think he likes you by the way he was smiling when talking to you ly 2 xxx’ I opened the next message which was from Tom ‘ Hey btw please can you not tell anyone what I told you I don’t want any1 to no and I don’t think she likes me I no she likes that Harry :S xxx’ I clicked reply again ‘Yeah course don’t worry Tom Tom I promise and I always keep my promises and you know everything happens for a reason ;) if you need any1 to talk to I am here xxxx’ and I sent the message and clicked on the one remaining message from Nath ‘Alright thanks for the lyrics earlier I thought about the next part ‘I'll be your hero whose standing strong, who protects you from any fight, and if your battles are piling on, I will take them on with all my might’ need your feedback xxxx I clicked reply ‘Love it Nath its amazing and shot gun getting the first hear of this song , its gonna be a good one I can tell ;) xxxx’ . 

Once it reached about 9:30 I headed up to my bedroom and pulled on my PJ’s and sat on my bed texting Ellie about what she should do with Harry tomorrow, and was just thinking about the whole situation with Tom. I heard a little tap on my window, I chose to ignore it but then I heard it again and I looked out the window to see Nath throw pebbles from his bedroom window, once he saw he had my attention he smiled and waved. I waved back, he grabbed a pen and bit of paper from his desk in his room and began writing. Once he finished writing he held it up so I could read it ‘You ok?’ I grabbed a bit of paper from my French book and wrote ‘yeah just a lot on my mindL’ he wrote again ‘You mum or dad home? I replied again ‘Nope home alone again’ he smiled sympathetically and wrote ‘Want me to keep you company?’ ‘thanks but I think I am gonna go to sleep so tired text you xx’ he replied ‘okay cya tomoz xxx’ . I waved one last time and shut my curtains, got into my bed and fell fast asleep.

Ellie’s P.O.V

It was now 3rd lesson and I was meeting Harry at lunch, me and May were sitting in Art drawing still life. “Elz that’s like the 20th time you have looked at the clock in the last minute” May laughed. “I know I just want this lesson to hurry up” I sighed. I was so nervous that I haven’t really eaten today, I just hope he likes me, I can only be myself though and that’s what May had told me and I agree. I swear the clock had broken or something because I swear it hasn’t moved. “Shall I meet you in dance then after your date with someone” she winked.  “Shut up it’s not a date” I looked down and I could feel my checks turned pink. “So what is it then?” “Just a friend showing round another friend so that, that friend does not get lost” I said quickly “Does that even make sense” “Kinda… well I know what I mean” I laughed.  The bell went and I kinda froze I looked at May and she laughed “You have been waiting for this moment since yesterday and when it comes you just freeze” she giggled “I am sooooo nervous” I moaned “like I said just be…” “Yourself” I finished her sentence for her. “Exactly, now go otherwise you will be late and promise you will tell me everything” he begged “Promise okay byeee” “See ya good luck” she called as I walked down the corridor towards the library.

Harry’s PO.V         

I just about found my way to the library it was horrible being new everyone just stares at you like you’re an alien. At least Ellie is going to show me around so I don’t get lost. She is so pretty, from the moment she walked into biology her beautiful blue eyes caught my eye. She seems to be lovely and would love to get to know her more she is definitely one in a million.  I saw her from the bottom of the corridor she was smiling. She has an amazing smile. I smiled as she finally reached me. “Hey” she said “Hi thanks for showing me around and stuff” “It’s okay come on let’s start of in this corridor this is the science block” she said and we began walking.

She was talking about the things she liked, the school her friends. I smiled and took in every word she said. I don’t know why but when she was talking to me it just made me smile. “Sorry I am blabbing on aren’t I” she said and looked embarrassed “No I like it keep talking I am interested” I insisted “Well this is the music department yeah its pretty cool, the recording studio is over there” she pointed to a little room in the corner. “And that’s pretty much it I hope I helped a little” “Yeah you helped tons thanks again” “anytime” we stood there in a slightly awkward silence. “Umm… I was thinking if maybe you want to catch a movie and a bite to eat this weekend” I asked her hopefulness in my voice. I really liked her and from this lunch I found out she wasn’t just pretty she also had an amazing personality. “Yeah I would love that” she beamed. She wrote down her number on a scrap piece of paper and handed it to me “Call me, I best be going to my lesson” “Okay bye” I pulled her into a hug and then she walked away from me. As if she said YES. Nothing can mess this up not like last time.

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