Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harry’s P.O.V

I was so excited for my date with Ellie but also totally nervous. Like come on she was just amazing I can’t believe she even said yes to me, I thought she already had a boyfriend. I just want this relationship to work out unlike my last one. She had an amazing smile and from the way she sounds an amazing personality. She also seems quite popular; she hangs round with a group and they all seem to love her. I kinda knew what I was going to wear my chinos, navy blazer and shirt with my white converse. I texted her and she sounded excited as well. I thought we could go see the titanic in 3D and then go to Nandos. I walked in the living room to watch a bit of TV when my sister walked in “What’s with the smile Harry” she asked “Nothing” I replied “You have a date don’t you?” “What…no….um…maybe…wait how did you know?” “Because I’m your sister and awww have fun but not too much fun” she laughed “Shut up Gemma” I laughed chucking a pillow from the sofa at her. “So what’s the lucky girls name?” “Ellie” I replied and I could help the smile that formed on my face when I said her name. “Just don’t mess this one up” “I won’t she is just amazing” “Well I am glad my little brother has found someone that someone

Someone that makes him happy” I just laughed and continued watching the TV.

Nathan’s P.O.V

“Mum I’m gonna pop round next door because May’s not well” I shouted up the stairs to her. “Okay Nath don’t be too late take you key as well also tell her if she needs anything to just call because Emma phoned me earlier and she’s in France with work” “Okay” I called up just as I reached the door. Jess stood in front of me “Move Jess, I am going out” I sighed and tried to get passed her. “Where you going?” she asked “Out” I replied bluntly “Where’s out?” “To May’s now move please” “Can I come?” “No, Jess she is my friend not yours” “Wait no she said she was my friend too” she sulked “Jess you are so annoying, she doesn’t want to be best mates with a 12 year old little girl now MOVE” “MUM NATH’S BEING MEAN!” she shouted “NO I’M NOT” I shouted. “Nathan don’t be mean to your little sister” mum said while walked down the stairs with a massive pile of washing “I’m not I just want to go, but Jess won’t let me” “Jess come help me with the washing” she said “Thanks mum see you later” I said and Jess moved out of the way and walked towards the kitchen in a strop. I walked out of the door and walked to Mays I also had the ‘hangover’ and ‘Twilight’ DVDs and a packet of skittles with me because I know they are her favourite. I rang her doorbell and she soon answered it. She was in pyjama bottoms and hoodie she looked pale and ill. I held up the pack of skittles and DVD’s. A smile an appeared on her face and she opened the door wider and I walked through. “How you feeling?” I asked and pulled her into a hug. “Horrible” she sniffed “You want a cuppa?” she offered “It’s ok I’ll make it, you stick the film on” “Okay” she said and pulled away from hug and walked into the living room. “So did you find Ellie an outfit” I called out to her. “Yeah the perfect one” “Good” I made us both one and sat on the sofa with her she had her duvet and we both sat under it. We watched the hangover and we were now watching twilight. She was slowly falling asleep so I pulled her into a hug so she was leaning on my chest. I smiled the film was nearly finished thank god. *ring ring ring* “shit” May instantly sat up and rubbed her eyes. I pulled my phone out of my pocket  and mouthed be back in a min to May and she nodded and I walked into the kitchen and answered it “Fuck sake Tom” “Woah that’s a nice way to greet your best mate, mate” “Tom way to ruin the moment” I said under my breath. “Take a chill pill mate” “So Tom what did you want” I said and leaned against the kitchen counter.  “Just a chat” he said innocently “Fuck sake mate I was on the sofa with May and she was asleep” “Shit sorry mate did I ruin your special moment” he mocked “Shut up just think if you finally had Ellie with you” “Shut up that’s different” “Parker have I touched a nerve” I joked backed. “Ok ok I’ll call you tomorrow or something, do you and May want to come over, I would ask Ellie but she’s out with the twat” “Hey Tom give the guy a break you don’t even know him” “Yeah but I don’t need to know him to know he’s an idiot” “your just jealous” I laughed. May walked into the kitchen with our empty mugs and put them into the sink and I smiled at her “Right yeah mate, I’ve got to go” “Okay bye mate” I hung up the phone. We stood in an awkward silence.  “Ummm… I bet be going home” “Oh okay” she smiled weakly “If you need anything like even something stupid like milk just call okay because my mum told me about yours being away again” she laughed “I’ll call you tomorrow and I think Tom needs something to do because you know Ellie’s got her date” “Yeah cool” we walked to the front door.  We stood their awkwardly “so yeah bye” I said “bye” she whispered. I slowly leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips. She smiled into the kiss which made me smile. I pulled away “You have beautiful eyes” I whispered. “Thanks Nath”. She kissed my check and blushed “See you tomorrow” I whispered. “See ya later Nath” she called and I walked away with a smile on my face.

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