Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nathan’s P.O.V

I stepped out of the front door and closed it slowly behind me. “Al’right mate” I said “Yeah” we began walking down May’s drive and onto the main road. “So what exactly are we doing then mate?” I asked him. “Well… you know the reason I left so quickly that time?” “Um yeah” “Well Harry broke up with Ellie and she asked if I could go round so obviously I said yes and she was in a state bless her, he really broke her heart” he looked down and nodded at him encouraging him to carry on talking. “But he did it by text and the text said…” he pulled out his phone from his back pocket and showed it to me  

*So sorry babe, my parents are in some trouble I had to go with them, they found out about you and me I am so sorry I will try and come back when everything is sorted. I never meant for it to turn out like this I promise ly *

He watched me read it and waited for my response. “That twat aww Ellie really cared for him” I didn’t really get why he was showing me the text. “Don’t you get it Nath what is ‘the trouble’ and ‘they found out’ ‘every things sorted’”. That did seem very weird now that I re read the message. “Shit mate that’s freaky” “I know exactly I could mean anything like literally anything. She could be in trouble so therefore I thought we could go to his house and see if he is still there and ask him what he meant and to ask Why the Fuck did he break her heart” “Ohh I get it now, how do you know where he lives?” I asked “Facebook, I added him when Ellie first mentioned him, and I saw some of his photos and my uncle used to live in the same estate”

Tom’s P.O.V

We carried on walking for about another 20 minutes I remembered the way exactly. I used to come down here every weekend to visit my uncle before he died. He would always welcome me in no matter what time it was even if I had just come back drunk from a party. He was always there for me when I couldn’t talk to my parents. I loved him however about a year ago he passed away from a heart attack. I miss him so much, in his will he left me a saint Christopher chain and I wear it every day in memory of him so he is always with me no matter what. The only people who knew about my uncle were Ellie, May and Nath. Let’s just say when he died I got very depressed. Me and Nath did really. He followed my lead because he didn’t want to lose me as a friend and I led him into the wrong kinda stuff.  I felt tears build up my eyes as I remembered him but I blinked them away. We got into trouble yeah but we have changed now for the best. We never bring it up because we are both ashamed of what we did. We didn’t talk to May and Ellie and the rest of the group for about a year, we were in year 10 at the time, just kids we didn’t know what we were doing. Ellie and May finally got it into our heads that we were ruining our lives and we could end up banged up in prison. I will never forget what they did, maybe that’s why we are so close now as friends. We reached the estate. It was still the same old place, old buildings. Gangs and dogs, smoking weed. Nothing had really changed. His number was 13. As we began walking Nath must had realised why I was upset, because he put his hand on my shoulder “He would be proud of you mate, and old memories, we’ve changed mate” I smiled weakly at him and continued to guild him to the house. We stopped outside the flat. It had an old mouldy green door. I paused and looked a Nath and he nodded back at me. Then I knocked on the door. We waited about a minute and the no one came to the door so I knocked again this time harder “HARRY OPEN UP” I shouted. Still no response. I walked around and looked though one of the dusty old windows; I saw nothing no movement, it looked bear and empty. Just cigarette buts over the floor with a few items of clothing covering the floor.  “I don’t think he’s here anymore” Nath broke the silence “I think you’re right, let’s just go” We turned to walk away when I heard a familiar voice “Is that you Parker long time no see?” I gritted my teeth and turned around to see her. She hadn’t changed one bit. She had the same black greasy hair, pulled back into a messy ponytail. With hooped ear rings, grey tracksuit bottoms and that same black vest top and black hoodie up. She walked closer to us “Wow you look different Parker what brings you back, back on the coke again” she grinned. “Shut up never, I would never sink that low again and besides you were the person who made me start” I spat and cornered her up against the wall. She looked at the door and ignored my comment and actions and pushed me away so she could stand up straight again. “You looking for someone?” “Urh… yeah do you know a lad who lives here?” Nath but in.  “Is that you Nathan, Syko Sykes  you’ve grown up too, not the baby face Nathan anymore are we” she laughed. “Shut it Amy” he spat “He was there one day then left the next, I think Ben scared him off” she giggled. I looked and Nath and he looked at me. We both knew, what he was capable of, he is a pure utter twat. “He lent him money and he never paid it back, and you know what he can do… why don’t you come back with me and see him, he’s missed you both being in the gang.” Before we could answer another voice appeared. “Oi Amy who you talking to” he voiced bellowed down the estate. Shit. “Fuck” Nath mumbled “Come here Ben, you never guess who’s back” she winked. I felt Naths eyes piercing on me. It was May’s ex which made this ten times worse, that’s how we met and she warned us about him being a twat. But we didn’t listen. That’s why we stopped talking for that year. He came closer. I recognised him by the smell; he still smelt the same, like weed and alcohol. “Well, well what brings you back Parker and Syko?” “Just looking for someone” I replied sharply. “Now that’s not the way to talk to an old friend is it” I ignored his comment. I laughed to myself I was pretty much the same height as him now. “They’re looking for Harry” she giggled. I gave her a look she hid behind Ben. They were always friends with benefits I guess that hadn’t changed. “That prick owes me money” he spat. “Does he owe you guys money too?” He obviously thought me and Nath still did that kinda stuff. I was about to answer but Nath did “Urm.. yeah a lot” . I looked at him; he gave me a look as if to say shut up and play along. So I did. “We could work as a team again you know, the guys and I miss you both from the gang” Ben said. “Maybe… do you have any links to where he might have gone?” Nath said. “Well not him… but people he knows”. He pulled out two pictures, and showed them to me and Nath. Shit…     

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