Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

May’s P.O.V

I quickly got up stairs and began to look for something decent to wear; I pulled open my wall robe and starred at my clothes scanning each one of them looking for something just right. After about a minute of looking through all my clothes I found my purple dress. It hung just below my thighs, it was quite simple but perfect. I also dug out my black heels from the bottom of my wall drobe and pulled out a bag to match. “MAY WE HAVE AN HOUR TO GET READY THEN WE HAVE TO GO OKAY BABE” Nath called up the stairs “OKAY!” I called back. I put my ipod on its docking station and clicked on my ‘getting ready playlist’ and the first song which came on was payphone by maroon 5.  I sat in front of my mirror; began to straighten my hair while singing quietly to myself the lyrics. After my hair was fully straightened I began to apply my make up once I had finished I texted Ellie. She seemed a little quite I hope see was ok

*Hey btw if you’re not back before me and Nath go we are going out with his mum and Jess for dinner, help you self to food ect, you seemed quiet earlier hope your okay ly xxx*

And clicked send. I glazed at the clock I had 10 minutes for once I was on time, so I decided to add ear rings and my necklace which had ‘forever’ on it, and put it on. I was actually quite nervous for tonight, I know I have been round Nath’s house from before I can remember and with his family, but this time it was different when we were little our parents used to joke about us being together and we used to be discussed by the thought. Nath was just my best friend but things change people change I guess that’s what I have learnt. Nath had already told his parents and about us, so that was good they were thrilled, but I just hadn’t had the chance to tell mine yet. I wasn’t that I didn’t want too, it just they hadn’t called in ages I know there busy but I think sometimes that they forget they ever had a daughter. That’s the reason my brother left, now I kinda see his point. It had been ages since their last visit home and I was starting to miss them.

“BABE YOU READY TO GO” Nath shouted “YEAH TWO SECONDS” I replied and grabbed my phone and keys off my desk and shoved them into my small bag and headed down stairs.

As soon as I saw Nath he took my breath away, he looked flawless and that was an understatement. He wore grey faded jeans, black shirt with the top button un-done, and a brow blazer with converse. He smiled when he saw me and his face lit up “Woah you look stunning” he smiled and looked me up and down. I felt my cheeks turn a little pink. “Thanks babe you don’t look too bad yourself” I winked “You sure you wanna do this I am sure my mum will understand if you don’t wanna considering the situation” I said and looked deep into my eyes. “Yes now come on let’s go we are going to be late” I said and pulled in towards the door. “Does your mum know then?” I asked as I locked the front door. ”Yeah told her, thought she ort to know, hope you don’t mind” “Course not” we walked down my drive and turned into Nath’s. He slipped his arm around my waist as we walked I smiled to myself and leaned closer to him. “It feels like ages since I’ve been home” he stated I laughed and he knocked on the door. “You ready babe?” he asked “Totally” I smiled at him.

Jess opened the door smiling and Karen stood closely behind her. “Hey” Jess said and pulled me into a big hug “Long time no see” I laughed “Hey Karen” smiled. “Hey May and Nathan” she smiled and pulled Nath into a big hug then pulled me into a massive one. “Awww look how much you both have grown up it only seems like yesterday you were playing hide and seek I my back garden” she smiled “Trust you mum, to bring the old times up” Nath sighed “Stop it Nathan no matter how old you get you will always be my little boy” he groaned and I laughed. “Jess I think your shoes are by the back door” Karen said. “Okay” she ran through the house to find her shoes.  She came back with her shoes in her hands. “I love your dress Jess” I smiled “Thanks” she smiled.

We walked to the restaurant talking in deep conversation. It was all going great so far. Nath kept his arm around me 24/7 and kept looking around. I left him to it but apart from that it was all perfect.

Tom’s P.O.V

Me and Ellie had arrived at her house and were packing a suit case full of clothes for her. We hadn’t spoken about the kiss. I was really sure how to bring it into conversation really. We were just acting pretty normal like best buds as always. She has seemed pretty quiet this morning, but that could me due to anything really. Maybe she just wanted to be friends and that’s why it hadn’t come up, I mean why would  someone so perfect want to be with me.

I held up a pink lipsy track suit, I remember we went shopping with May, Nath, Kels and bird and girls being girls dragged us into lipsy. And Ellie instantly fell in love with it, but looked at the price and could afford it. So I saved up for about 5 months and got it for her for her birthday. I wonder if she still remembered I got it for her. The smile on her face when she opened it made up for the money I spent on it “Need this Elz?” I said and she turned around and a smile appeared on her face “Yes! I was looking for that, it’s still my favourite Tom Tom thank you again” I chucked in the pink case and couldn’t help but smile. “Is that everything?” I asked “Yep” she said and I did the suit case up and carried it down stairs for her. “Woah this is heavy Elz how much stuff do you need” I laughed “Hey I’m girl and girls need loads of stuff” she giggled “Do you mind if I stop off at my place and get some stuff too” I asked “Course not” she smiled. I was falling and falling bad.

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