Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ellie’s P.O.V

Okay, I had just got off the phone from May and she was feeling a bit better and she calmed me down a bit. She was going around Tom’s and Nath, Jay Max and Michelle were  going a tiny bit gutted I am missing out but I would rather be going out with Harry. It was now 4:30, so I got in the shower washed blow dried and straightened my hair and began to apply my makeup. Once I had finished I got changed into my outfit and put on my shoes and sat on my sofa in my living room, I checked the clock 5:55. Perfect timing. I grabbed my phone and chucked it into my bag. The doorbell rang. Ahh it’s him. I quickly checked myself in the mirror and opened the door. He looking amazing he wore chinos, navy blazer and shirt with my white converse. OMG I loved boys who wear blazers omg he looked so fit. He handed me a flower and kissed my check, “You ready to go?” he smiled. “Yeah one sec” I placed the flower inside and then shut the front door and locked it. We started walking in the direction of the cinema. “You look beautiful by the way tonight” he said. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad you self” “Thanks” “So are you going to tell me what we are seeing tonight? “I was thinking the titanic” “Sounds perfect, how did you know I’ve never seen it?” “I asked May in physics and she said you were dying to see it” “Lol haha”. We continued in deep conversation and my hand and his brushed lightly against each-others he gently grabbed mine and held it I smiled and carried on talking. We reached the cinema and Harry had already booked the tickets in advance, so we went straight through to the screen. We entered the room and Harry lead me to our row and allowed me to get in first I smiled and we sat down, our seats were quite near the back and the cinema was about half full. The movie started so me and Harry had to stop talking which was kinda annoying.

The film was about half way through and I could feel Harry’s eyes staring at me. I tried to ignore it and concentrate on the movie but after a while I started getting a little self-conscious. “What are you starring at” I whispered. He blushed “Nothing you just are so amazing” he whispered back. “Aw Harry thank you, but I’m not” I looked at the floor. “Trust me you are” he tilted my head up so I was looking at him, and I got lost in his green eyes “Your perfect” he whispered. I was about to respond when I was interrupted “Will you please keep the noise down!” a lady in front turned around and hissed. “Sorry” Harry and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled then continued watching the film.

“That film was so sad” I sobbed as we both walked out of the cinema “It wasn’t that bad was it, I wanted or date to be perfect not to make you cry” he laughed. “No it was perfect, I am just quickly going to the toilet” “okay” I quickly walked into the loo and locked the door. I pulled at my phone and called May “Hello ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIEEEEE” she answered “MAYYYYYY” “Anyway how’s was your date?” “I’m still on it” “Wait what say hi to Harry” “No he’s not here, I am in the loo” “What” she laughed “Shut up” “Lol why did you call” “Just to say thank you” “What for” “For suggesting the movie” “You could have told me that later” “Yeah I guess but thanks, and omg omg omg it’s going perfect” “Okay lol get back to your boyfriend” “hahaha okay have a great time with Nath and the rest of the gang” “I will byeeeee ly” “Byeeee ly” I quickly went to the toilet and met Harry and we walked to Nandos. The meal was perfect I had a medium chicken burger and Harry had the hot chicken burger. He paid for the meal as well. He was such a gentleman. I was totally enjoying myself.

  Tom’s P.O.V

It was 7:30 and the house was blearing with music, Max, May, Nath, Jay, Seev, Kelsey and Michelle were here and everyone was drinking and having fun. May and Nath were dancing as well as Max and Michelle and everyone else was drinking and talking on the sofas. I was sat by myself in the corner of the room, I didn’t feel like it. I thought this would take my mind off things. But this girl is driving me crazy and yet she had no clue I was snapped from my thoughts by May “Hey Tom you want another drink” she smiled. I smiled back “Um.. I am fine cheers though” “You know I am here if you want to talk” “Yeah thanks I’m just gonna go get some more food and stuff” I said and began walking to the door “No it’s okay thank you through you a true mate but I kinda wanna be alone and besides I think Nath is missing you” I winked. She looked around and blushed. I walked out and into the streets. I needed to clear my mind just get out of this place.      

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