Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Nathan’s P.O.V

I was still trying to work out new lyrics of my song. I am normally really quick and good of coming up with new lyrics. But I guess this is about a real person. The lyrics mean things not just words to me. We got off the train and began the walk home. “May…ummmm…I am not use if you know or if I should even tell you this but you’re like my best friend” “Okay go on Nath…” “Well ummm… maybe I shouldn’t” “just tell me Nath, I promise I won’t tell you can trust me” “I know but it’s not mine to share” “Please Nathannnn” “Okay..ummm Tom kinda ummm… likes um…” “Ellie yeah I know lol it’s soo cute” “Yeah…wait how do you know” “He told me” she grinned. “He really likes her though I mean really really really do you think you could kinda .. like not tell her but maybe give a sign” It was the least I could do for him hes my mate. “I will try Nath, but she likes Harry, I can’t change that” “Yeah I guess anyway it’s not our place to is it really” I laughed.  “Shit” May mumbled as the rain came pouring down. “Just our luck” “My mascara and my hair just great just great” she moaned. I looked around for any sort of shelter I could barely see it was raining so hard then I saw an old bus shelter. “Come on over there” I pointed to the bus stop and grabbed her hand; then pulled her towards the bus shelter. I finally managed to pull us both towards the shelter. I chucked my bag down on the bench and sorted out my hat, it was drenched I ringed it out and placed it back on my head. May hand grabbed her hair bush from her bag and began cursing about the weather. I laughed and just watched the rain hoping it would stop so I could just go home and finish my song.

My P.O.V

We just sat there watching the rain pour and then hit the ground and bounce off. Even though the rain has ruined my hair and makeup, its kinda peaceful. Many people properly don’t agree with me, but I think it is I am just weird like that. I looked over a Nath and he was thinking and staring out into the rain as well. Fuck its freezing and I bet my blouse has gone see through just great. I shivered. The day I leave my blazer in my locker it decides to rain. “Nath um… I don’t think the rain is planning on stopping anytime soon” “Nah me either should we just run for it?”  “I think we are gonna have too” he picked up his bag and flung it over his shoulder. He must have seen my shivering “You cold?” “Yep” “I told you not to leave you blazer in your locker” he looked so pleased with himself and had that ‘told you so face’.  “I didn’t know it was gonna chuck it down like this did I?” He took off his blazer and put it on my shoulders I put my arms in it and grinned at the warmth feeling. It smelt of him, it was also about 2 sizes too big for me so it was hanging of my arms. “Nath you have it back you will get soaked I’ll be fine” I began to take the blazer off when he put his hand on my shoulder “it’s fine you have it besides I am not the one wearing a pink bra” he laughed. Fuck I knew it had one see through. “That’s embarrassing…and um very awkward.” I wrapped the blazer further round me.

“You ready?” he asked. I looked out into the rain “you know what yolo” we ran out into the rain. It was fucking raining hard that’s all I am going to say. We ran all the way, laughing at each other we finally reached our road and sprinted up my drive way and into my porch. He turned to face me. I looked up to him his fringe was messy kept in place by his hat. His fringe was dripping wet. His shirt was slightly see through due to the rain. It clung onto his chest, I never noticed before what a good body he really had. His eyes were watching my every move, they were so green they were quite perfect. His lips moved closer to mine and he put his finger under my chin and tilted it a little until his lips met mine .I closed my eyes. I didn’t pull away for some reason it felt right. He pulled away and leant his forehead against mine I re opened my eyes to see his staring into mine. “I text you see you tomorrow” he whispered. I his soft breath against my cheek he kissed it then began to walk back down the drive. “Wait Nath your blazer” I rain back out into the rain and took off his blazer and handed it to him. “Thank you” I smiled; he mirrored my smile I looked at the floor he kissed my cheek again and waved as he walked to his house. I walked into mine and shut the door behind me I looked at the mirror in the hall way.  My makeup had run my hair that was straight was now wavy and soaking wet. Yet Nathan had kissed me. I ran to my bag and grabbed my phone and texted Ellie

*OMG OMG OMG please text me I need you xxx *

 I began wiping my face with a makeup wipe and my phone buzzed

*omg tell me xxx* 

I replied  

*Me and Nath kissed :S xxx*

She replied with in seconds

*OMFG OMFG was he a good kisser I have always wanted to know and why didn’t you tell me you like Nath xxx*

I replied

*I didn’t know and does it sound creepy he was a good kisser and I didn’t know until he kissed me call me xxx*

After I told Ellie everything about the rain and the kiss. She was so happy and I was so glad. I was just very confused I got into my pj’s and got into bed and thought about Nath. His eyes. His face. His hair. I have known him since like forever he was one of my best friends should I being falling for him. I am just so confused.  

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