Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Mayyyyy…. What did you get for question 4 on the English?” he asked me. “Why should I tell you?” I said. He grabbed my make-up bag from my lap and held it up high and out of the train window “because if you don’t I could possibly accidently drop this out of the window”. “Fine I will tell you” he laughed and he handed me back the bag. I opened my handbag and pulled out my English book. “Ummm… The nurse helped Romeo and Juliet because she loves Juliet. Juliet didn't want to marry Paris and Nurse stood by her at first. The Nurse was the one who raised Juliet and she cares about her and how she feels. Juliet is hurt when Nurse betrays her by advising her to marry Paris after Romeo was banished for killing Juliet’s cousin” “Thank you” he smiled. “Just don’t copy it word for word k?” “I promise” “Swear on Sid The Sloths life” I winked.  “FOR THE HUNDERTH TIME I DON’T LOOK LIKE HIM!” he moaned. “Yeah you do” “Shut up” he moaned. “Ok…..Sid” I whispered.  “You are so annoying” “That’s why you love me though” he just laughed and continued to write. I laughed and plugged my ipod in and turned up my music nothing like a bit of ‘Busted’ before school. I leant back into my seat and watched the world go by from the window.

Ellie’s P.O.V

Where the Fuck is he. Its nearly 8am and he still isn’t here; I swear when I see him I am gonna kill him. Every morning it’s the same excuse ‘sorry over slept’. I was about to leave when I saw a boy running around the street corner. “Ellie wait!” he said in his thick Bolton accent. He reached me and pulled me into a hug “So…sorry….I over slept” he breathed. “Eww Tom you’re all sweaty” I laughed. “Why are you always late” I tried to say like I was angry but his cheeky face just made me laugh.  “Sorry” he laughed. “Come on we are gonna have to hurry up we are already late, we are meant to be meeting May and Nath at the station now” I sighed. “We better get a move on then” he laughed. We practically ran to the station; where we saw Nathan leaning against the wall with yet another cap on and May who looked like she was laughing. I ran behind Nath, May saw me but I raised my index finger to my lips and winked. She just continued talking it sounded like the X Factor “Noo Cher so should of won” he said. “You only say that because you find her fit” May laughed. He blushed and looked down. “Nath she would be too hard for you come on with all the rapping and shit she is a bit rough” “Maybe I like my girls rough” He said in a creepy voice. “Ewww Nath that’s disgusting” she hit his arm. I quickly grabbed his hat and ran behind May. “Ellie WTF!” he shouted. I just laughed he ran after me and grabbed it and put it back on his head; then pulled me into a hug. Tom went up to May and pulled her into a hug too.  Then I ran up to May and pulled her into a massive bear hug. “Morning was Tom late again” she said sarcastically “When is he ever on time” we both laughed and walked together to school.

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