The Core

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Who is Sombra? To the System she's no body, she doesn't exist. No one remembers the girl. There were a thousand children like her after the war but none of them could hack like she could and she learned that people were just as easily manipulated. Now she understood how the world worked. Information is power. So she kept hacking, politicians, corporations, governments, it was an addiction but for the first time someone noticed her. When your hardware's obsolete, it's time to upgrade. The girl was gone and Sombra was born. Now I'm ready. I'll find out who really runs the world. I'll find their weaknesses and how to exploit them and when I do, I'll be the one pulling the strings. Who is Sombra? You'll never know. Adios. 

Right now, I was bored out of my mind. Hacking was fun and all but it does get pretty boring after awhile once you have plucked information after information about any organisation you can think about. I shut down my computer and slide my chair back, perhaps it would be better to annoy Reaper aka Gabriel Reyes, it was always fun getting him worked up. Walking past everything that seemed to be useless to me in this base, I saw Doomfist coming towards me. Did I do something wrong?? Probably, I always make Talon agents boil, even Doomfist the all mighty commander. Respected yes, but jealousy on the other hand. Some wasn't really to happy to see him back, they thought of the Nigerian man as a rival to them that they had to surpass. Luckily I wasn't one of them, I wouldn't want to be a wanna-be-Doomfist replica anyway. 

"Sombra..." His voice strong as usual, I mean have you seen this man. Seriously, saying he is just powerful is an understatement. 

"Hey there Akande, nice weather we're having, si?" 

"Shut it with your remarks or I might regret sending you on a solo mission." 

"You kidding me comandante? Tell me about it." I propped myself onto a table and listened to this new info I was going to learn. You know it is a surprise for me to be on a solo mission by myself, I could betray them.

"You sound like a child Sombra, stop acting like one. I need you to infiltrate Vishkar Corporation. There's a container filled with hardlight that we are able to use, rebuild those pieces of trash into something actually dangerous using this energy. This is our chance to strike back at Overwatch, do you under-" 

"Sheesh senor, I do. Give me the blueprints of the place and I will be on my way. Anything besides waiting around or finding secrets about Overwatch for you is better." I got up as the blue paper was handed to me, I opened it up; mesmerizing every single floor and its label to describe that room. It was on the 5th floor, hardlight energy core room, second to the very left of the hallway was where it was marked to where the container would be. I was ready for anything. "Adios." I found out how to get all the way to India without being spotted. A small fighter jet painted to look like something from the army was going to carry me across the vast ocean and land to my destination. The ride was long, of course it was a two seater because maybe Doomfist didn't trust me to fly a plane and that would probably be because he is on to me. It finally landed, far away from the corporation itself so I was hidden, not that I couldn't be sneaky anyway. I put on my cloak - you could say that or as I like to call it by its proper name, thermoptic camo - to get into the building without being seen. As I entered, I saw heavily armed men and women standing out front of labs and other authority only rooms. I made my way up, getting closer and closer to the very being of this energy slash hardlight. I was about to enter as chattering was heard close to the door. It was a female. 

"So Satya, I mean Ms Vaswani, I mean Symmetra... uh" a British girl sounding about in her twenties stuttered over a name. 

"Please Tracer, we're being professional here. Symmetra will do. Continue." Some chicka that was Indian accompanied her. 

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