Fareeha's Crush

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I sat down on the ground among the rest. They all introduced themselves to me but I already knew who each and one of them were. Fareeha took a sit next to me, which was a surprise. I mean, we did forgive each other but I didn't expect her to sit next to me.

"Alright, anyone know what Speed is?" Lena asked, shuffling the deck and ready to deal. Everyone nodded their heads except, like I said, I don't do fun. 

"Uh no, haven't played card games in a while." I responded. 

"Well, this is how it goes. Each player is dealt five cards to form a hand and each player has 15 cards dealt to form a draw pile that's faced down. Two stacks of five cards placed face down act as replacement piles on each side of the players and in between them. Finally, two cards are placed face down in the center between the replacement piles." Hana soon cut in, finishing off Lena's explanation of the game Speed.

"The round begins when the players each flip one of the face-down cards in the center at the same time. Using cards from their hand, the players must simultaneously place cards one above or one below on top of either of the center stacks without hesitating to shuffle cards or otherwise delay the game. For example, a pile with a six on top may have a five or a seven placed on it, but not another six, however multiple cards at one time can be placed. Ace is both a high and low card, considered one value above a King as well as one below a two, so that the cards form a looping sequence. Whenever the number of cards in a player's hands drops below five, he or she has to draw back up to five cards until that player's draw pile is depleted. When both players run out of options for play they simultaneously flip a card from the side piles onto the top of the central piles. If these piles become depleted, the central stacks are shuffled individually and are placed face-down as new side piles from which cards can be flipped.. A player wins by running out of cards in his hand and draw pile before the other player. Speed is typically played in a two-wins-out-of-three set. Can I join?" Lena nodded. 

"Okay, Hana, who do you want to play against?" Hana smirked, looking at Lúcio then speaking his name. 


"Aw man, you know you're better at this game than me. That's why you picked me, didn't you?" He responded back

"Maybe maybe not." Hana sat in front of Lúcio as they grabbed a spare pack of cards and started to shuffle them, Lena brought like, 5 packs of card in case there were games like this. 

"Angela, who do you want to verse?" 

"Mei-Ling." The two girls sat in front of each other and started the game. 


"Sombra." I look at her, unsure of this decision. "I'll go easy on you, I'll teach you in the process." We both sat in front of each other as Fareeha grabbed a pack of cards and started to shuffle them, then dealt them. 

"So, do you guys normally do stuff like this?" I tried to make conversation. 

"Yep, before you came, last week we made a deal to binge watch movies late at night. Boy was that a mistake?" We both chuckled at her statement. "So... you've never done anything like this?" 

"I mean, I watch movies with my cousin and do stuff she wants to do but with Talon. Ha, they're just serious about their work." I cleared my throat and did an impression of Reaper. "Sombra, stop fooling around. Sombra, can't you be serious..." I went back to my normal voice "It's always Sombra this and Sombra that with Reaper and Doomfist." 

"Nice impression." 

"I try." A smirk came on my face "Do you like anyone?" Fareeha immediately blushed at my question as we started playing. 

"What makes you think that?" 

"Well, Angela used to be with someone before Overwatch got disbanded. Hana and Lúcio seem to have a thing. Lena has a girlfriend outside of Overwatch. I mean, I just wanted to know if you're in a relationship." She averted her gaze towards the cards as she placed a card higher than five. 

"Promise you won't tell. I haven't told anyone." I pushed my thumb and index finger together and dragged them across my lips carefully. "Uh... Jesse." She whispered.

"Like, Jesse McCree." Fareeha nodded her head slowly. "That's adorable, any reason why." 

"Well, I've known him when we were young. I was only twelve, he was seventeen. Pretty young to be in a gang that trafficked weapons, right?" I chuckled, placing down a card. "But as I turned seventeen, Jesse turned twenty-two and that's when I started to like him. I told my mother, she didn't seem to mind. We're adults now, five year difference between us, I'm thirty-two and he's thirty-seven. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell him." 

"For starters Fareeha, do you two still talk like you did when you were young?" 

"Yes, ha, he would play with me, like, childish games. The memories." 

"Alright, well, if you're not going to do it, I'll be willing enough to tell him for you." Fareeha's blush grew brighter as I told her that. 

"No... I mean, I uh... I don't know." 

"It's alright, I have an idea. Follow me." I got up, tossing my cards face-up, Fareeha doing the same thing. We walked towards the courtyard where I first met Jesse and lucky enough, he was there with Ana, talking to her. 

"Oh no, no, no, no." She started to walk away but I grabbed her arm. 

"Where exactly do you think you're going Miss Amari?"

"You're not forcing me." 

"Fine... Jes-" I started loudly until Fareeha clamped a hand over my mouth. 

"Not another word." 

"Then tell him." She sighed, looking up at Jesse, smiling to herself. Fareeha took a deep breath then headed towards Jesse, I smiled, excited for her. This wasn't like me but I've changed, no more killing people, no more manipulating people, no more being bad. Full stop. Ana walked over to me, she knew what was happening and laughed quietly at me and herself. Yep, that woman could read someone like a book, I swear she could. I looked back towards Fareeha, seeing her hands behind her back that she was fidgeting with. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I loved what I saw next. Jesse kissed her, catching Fareeha off guard but she soon kissed back. I felt all giddy inside, like I was a kid. They soon walked over to me. 

"So, you were the cause of this Sombra?" I nodded my head, trying not to smile. Jesse only chuckled then walked off. 

"What happened?" I turned to Fareeha, seeing her still blushing and smiling. 

"I got stuck on my words when I tried to tell him, I guess Jesse just knew that I was trying to tell him I liked him." 

"Well, good job. You going to keep it a secret?" 

"You know, my mother knows, Lena and Hana will find out somehow and tell everyone but I guess no." 


"Sombra." A gruff voice spoke from behind, not Reaper, someone else. Fareeha looked scared, and shocked. I heard a gun get cocked and aimed at me, ready for that person to shoot me. 

"Jack, listen, she's a good guy. Don't shoot." The gun was still aimed at me as Fareeha tried to convince him. "Don't shoot!" She shouted this time. I turned around to face Soldier: 76 aka Jack Morrison. 

"Hey uh, Jack, Fareeha's right. I don't want to hurt anyone." He started getting closer to me, which terrified me. "I swear, I convinced Widowmaker as well that she shouldn't be in Talon and she believes me. Please don't hurt me." Jack grunted

"Welcome to Overwatch then." He just walked away. 

"I guess we should get back then?" Fareeha suggested. 

"Yes." I responded. 

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