Amélie Lacroix

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"Overwatch." I finally whispered, audible enough for the three of them to hear. D.Va and Mei come in, aiming their guns at the notorious assassin. 

"Then I'm done here, have fun trying to explain to Doomfist about this." and Widowmaker zipped off with her grappling hook, pulling herself towards the ledge. 

"Well, we got Hanzo, let's get out of here." D.Va says, Mei and Hanzo trailing behind her. Just as I was about to walk away Genji grabs my wrist. 

"The ship is that way, why are you going to follow Widowmaker?" 

"Now's the right time to talk to her. About who she was before she got brainwashed, if I wait any later then it won't be as good as now." I respond back 

"Then I'm coming with you." I tugged my hand from his grip 

"No you're not. I appreciate the gesture but I have to do this alone. You can wait for me but don't come with me, please." Genji nods his head, leaning against the wall as he watched me walk over to Widowmaker. I had to make her remember who she really was. "Amélie, wait." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and turning around to face me. 

"What do you want this time? And why do you keep calling me that?" 

"There's something you need to know, about your past." She went to turn around but she stopped after I said this "You were brainwashed to be turned into an assassin. You were never like this." 

"What would you know about my past? Sombra." 

"Files. I got from Overwatch, Ana lent them to me. Your past, it seemed so good until Talon stole it away from you. You had it all, a husband, a good career, a great house. All of that was just wiped clean from you." 

"How can you prove that?" 

"The file I hold in my hand in is some woman called Amélie Lacroix. The name sound familiar to you?" Widowmaker looks down then back up at me again. 

"It does." 

"That's because it's you. Look, Amélie Lacroix, married to Gerard Lacroix. Age 33, she lived in Annecy, France. Gerard was an Overwatch agent that you loved, then something happened to him, and something happened to you. Talon agents kidnapped you and wanted to brainwash you so they could assassinate Gerard. They didn't know how to get close to him but they saw you as a potential assassin. You were the only who could get close to your husband. They brainwashed you. Your skin is discoloured because of the rate of blood flowing got slowed down and the medical procedure numbed your emotions where it comes to the point that you only feel emotions immediately after you kill someone." Widowmaker stood there, her face holding a tiny bit of shock as she processed this information. "That girl you see in the mirror is Amélie but she's been locked away. You're the only one who can bring her back." 

"But she isn't me. She's dead, Amélie's long gone." I extended her file towards her, hoping she would grab it. 

"There's a picture in there. I want you to look at it." Widowmaker slowly grabbed the file, tracing her index finger slowly across the folder then opened it, seeing a picture of a beautiful young girl. She had beautiful snow white skin, olive green eyes and deep, brown hair coming past her shoulders. "Does she seem familiar?" Widow nodded slightly, her eyes fixed on the picture like something was coming back to her. "That's you. Before you turned into Widowmaker. Something interesting I found out about this dear girl is that she is a ballerina, graceful, pretty and amazing." Widow snapped the folder closed and shoved it back towards me, gently though. 

"You're right... thank you, Sombra." 

"That's what friends are for, right?" 

"Listen, I'll join Overwatch after a week so Talon don't get suspicious of me. You on the other hand..." She paused, leaving me wanting to know more. 

"Si Amélie?" 

"I'll have to lie to Doomfist and Reaper, and Moira, I'll tell them Hanzo got away, it was neither of us that caused him to run and it wasn't our fault, it just happened. Then I'll say you went to hunt down more Overwatch heroes for a few days." 

"How long is that?" 

"A week, it'll start tomorrow and by the last day you'll have to be back. No exceptions." She starts to walk away towards the airship. 

"Hey." Amélie turned around, I smiled at her "Thanks." She smiled back and waved, leaving me alone. I sighed, walking back to Genji who was still there waiting. "You didn't have to wait for me, I was just joking." 

"I didn't want to leave you by yourself." He responded back

"Are the others gone?" 

"Yeah, just us two." I slight blush crept on my cheeks as we walked back to the ship, to say I was nervous was pretty accurate. 

"Listen, Genji." He turned his head towards me to show he was listening  "Earlier before, with Hanzo, I would never do something like that. I knew he was your brother and just to make you trust me then throw it away by killing Hanzo seems horrible." He nodded, I felt awkward talking to him, alone. Knowing that I liked him was already nervous, but knowing he might not. Ugh, feelings I tell you, there confusing. 

"Are you thinking of something Sombra?" He must have noticed my slight blush, though it was dark, there were lights around Hanamura. I hesitated 

"Si, I was thinking, maybe just to break the ice. We trust each other, right? So I was thinking maybe we could be friends, yeah?" Genji nodded again, he didn't seem to be much of a talker. The rest of the walk was silent until a question popped in my head. "Hey, why did you say me by the way Genji? I'm not a real hero like you." 

"I saved you because you're apart of Overwatch, you're another hero, I'm pretty sure we need you too." Dang, well my heart just shattered, I thought he would've said something else. I looked down to the ground, nodding. "But also because I consider you a friend, I believe that you want to change, that you don't want to be evil." I looked back up at him and smiled, we got to the ship and took a sit, waiting to get home. Could this blossom into something more? Maybe. Maybe not. 

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