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So as I soon as I got back, I was given another mission to do with Reaper and Widowmaker coming as well. Volskaya Industries, a woman by the name of Katya Volskaya was to be found and assassinated. I sat at a desk, swiping my hand across hologram screens that were in front of me. 

"Ha, I thought this was suppose to be the most advanced security system on the planet." I said, swiping a screen over to see a pictures.

"We don't have all day, hurry up." The familiar French voice said. 

"Enough, do you have satellites?" The bruiting voice asked. I sigh, thinking they don't believe in my real ability. 

"Of course." I pulled up a screen showing a birds eye view of the Industry before us, locating the pinpoint for where the chairman would be. 

"Are you certain the target is here on sight?" Widowmaker asked. 

"Oh, she's here all right." A holographic screen came into my view with a camera showing the chairman going down an elevator with two guards protecting her. "Okay, you're in." Both Widow and Reaper nodded at each before entering through the door I just opened. 

"Uh, I cannot wait till the inspection is over." I overheard a guard say to another as they passed, I became visible, there was a holographic control panel next to me. I opened up the keyboard on it and started typing to get the control up for the door to open to let Reaper in. He waited, expecting the door to already be open. 

"The door." The door slightly open and Reaper moved close to it, only for it to be shut in his face. "Sombra." He growled as he looked to the camera that I could see him through. I laughed quietly as I reopened the door for him, Reaper turning into his black mist to enter through the crack. 

"Turrets are down." I said into the com, Reaper hid behind a wall as the turrets became deactivated. Reaper looked up to see Widowmaker

"I am in position." She whisper as her helmet can over her eyes and she looked through her scope. "Sombra, time to target."

"Incoming right now." I answered back to Widow. 

"Chairman Volskaya, the new guidance systems, they will be the difference in destroying those hated omniuns they-" 

"Tell me we are still on schedule. The omnium will not wait for us to be ready until they attack again. " Katya Volskaya turned her slightly to the left as she walked up to the technology. The robot suit activated and moved. "Our first new mechs in a decade, this will ensure the future of Russia."

"Just a little bit further." Widow slurred her words as she focused on the chairman, ready to assassinate her. Chairman Volskaya moved her hand out towards the mech until the alarms blared loudly, red lights flashing. "Quoi?" The guards started moving the chairman away, Widow tried to shoot her but missed, the guard changed course to protect the chairman. Widow grunts. 

"Widowmaker, you hold the perimeter, we'll take over." Reaper turn into black mist and entered the Industry and started shooting at the guards, they were all falling. He went to go shoot one of them but instead the guard ran into the metal arm of the mech and Reaper left him there. Just as he shot a bullet from his shotgun, the mech came to life as it's arm blocked the bullet from going any further. Reaper looked up at the mech as he saw the arm getting reeled back and soon hitting him which cause Reaper to hit his back against the base of a metal beam. He got up but immediately went to fall, luckily he caught himself on his knee and his hand clutching his side. 

"Sombra, I'm cut off, it's on you now." 

"I'm all over it." I responded as I ran towards the elevator that was taking the chairman to safety, using my and to slide into the direction I was heading. I jumped on a barrel and used my hands to get up to ledge. I looked up see the chairman was close to leaving 

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