Email from Unknown

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After that encounter with Widowmaker, I wasn't exactly too happy with my choice but I continued my path. I had to think of something, or do something else that would make me forget about it. For all I know, Widowmaker could be telling Doomfist about me, I would lie and say its false information but where could I go after that. I sat my computer, I thought I would do hacking instead, try benefit Talon for a bit till I know I'm ready to go. As I was typing, an email popped up in the top right corner. It was by unknown. Who would be sending me an email anyway? I clicked on it, I had nothing better to do. This is what it said:

Sombra, I appreciate your plan, it's good and I'm willing to go along with it but I must emphasise that we need to recruit more heroes before we do anything. Like I said, we will do it. I'll send you the heroes we've found that would be good to have.

Hanzo, Genji's brother, master bowman. A great addition to the team.
Zarya, the Russian lady you encountered. Not only will her shields come in handy but her strength as well.
Junkrat, an Australian anarchist and demolitionist. Though he may be dangerous and is a criminal, we need someone like that.
Roadhog, Junkrat's trust bodyguard. He was an enforcer before he became a body guard, so if Junkrat doesn't want to listen to us he can be the voice of reason.

Now I will assign you with others to help you. Not that I don't trust you but it's just to be on the safe side. For Hanzo, you'll have Mei, D.Va and Genji to help you, it's best to let Genji talk to him. For Zarya, there will be Pharah, Torbjörn, Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 though I would be careful with them, we already know Pharah doesn't trust you so we know those three probably won't trust you. Last but not least, Junkrat and Roadhog, Tracer and Symmetra will be accompanying with you along with Genji again. We can't waste time on this so call them up when you're ready and think of your plan of attack.

Sincerely, Captain Amari.

So, Ana was back to being captain again, good for her. I scrolled to the bottom of the letter, seeing the call button for certain teams. I heard a knock at the door, I panicked, looking at the email one last time. Someone knocked again, this time a bit harder. I closed the tab quickly and walked swiftly towards the door, masking my face with something besides panic. Widowmaker stood there, looking down at me in distaste.

"Ola amiga, what did you knock for Amélie?"

"We're being set on a mission."

"Reaper too?"

"No, just us two."

"Where are we going?"

"Hanamura, Japan, where the Shimada tower is." I nodded, hiding my fear, see Hanzo would be there.

"Why, may I ask?"

"You don't ask this many questions Sombra." She sighed and continued "To assassinate a Shimada, I heard he will be visiting there tonight, he normally does. But it's changed after he encountered his brother there."

"Nice amiga, I look forward to it. Just let me grab my stuff and I'll see you outside." Amélie rolled her eyes, her heels clicking against the floor as she walked over to the exit door. I grabbed my machine gun, my translocator, basically anything I needed. I looked over at my computer once more, my hand about to grab onto the handle. I pulled back my hand and pulled the tab up again, the email I got from Ana. I scrolled back down to the bottom, the call buttons tempting me. I glanced at the first one, a picture icon of Hanzo and a button underneath saying 'call'. The mouse hovered over the button until I clicked it.

"Hello, who is this?" A Chinese girl spoke on the other side of the line

"Mei, its Sombra."

"Oh I got told about you, I don't think the other two got the call. So what's the plan, I'll tell the other two."

"Widowmaker and I are going Hanamura, Japan. Hanzo is going to be assassinated. Look, all I can say is to stay in the shadows until I get there okay."

"Got it. I'll go round everyone up Sombra."

Unknown Feelings for a HackerWhere stories live. Discover now