Finding Out About the Heroes

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I thought, after everything I've done, I could still be apart of Talon but now, I don't feel like I belong anymore. A terrorist group, I felt like I wasn't apart of it. Maybe I could be good? But maybe it wouldn't work? I mean, some Overwatch agents I encountered won't exactly take lightly to my presence, hopefully they could learn to trust. I was at my desk, typing up Overwatch and listing every agent there that I could find. Offense: 

Genji Shimada, age 35 who was an adventurer as well as an agent. There wasn't much info filled in to tell me more about this robot. 

Jesse McCree, age 37, a bounty hunter that was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. He was an outlaw before he became a hero, he was given the choice between rotting in a maximum-security lockup and joining Blackwatch. Of course he chose the covert ops division. He believed he could make amends for his past sins. 

Fareeha 'Pharah' Amari, age 32 and is a security chief working not only for the Helix Security International but also Overwatch, in Giza, Egypt. As a child, she dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and joining the global peacekeeping force, Overwatch. Though she did join the army, I guess she got her wish now that the force is together again.

Jack 'Soldier: 76' Morrison, age unknown, now working as a vigilante for himself but Overwatch. His whereabouts are unknown but I would hack in to find out his exact location. He was strike commander for Overwatch until a unfortunate problem. He fought Gabriel only because Gabe was angry at Jack for getting the role though Jack didn't want to fight. 

Lena 'Tracer' Oxton, age 26, youngest member and is an adventurer. She joined Overwatch and was going to pilot the Slipstream but something happened while in the process of the slipstream. The matrix malfunctioned during the first flight and making it soon disappear. Lena was presumed dead until she was found months later but only for her molecules to be desynchronised from the flow of time and she was suffering 'chronal disassociation', she was a living ghost with Lena disappearing hours and days at a time. Winston took the case into hand and created her a device called the chrono-accelerator. I hope she was okay after her incident with Widowmaker.  

We next had defense, not too many there helping defend Overwatch and the world. About three were the only one's dedicated to saving lives. There were heroes to be persuaded to join the team.

SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54 'Bastion', age 40 in human years that was a battle automaton for Overwatch. Not much to say about him, he was a normal omnic that went rouge and after a decade became sentient again but was more wanting to save humanity. 

Mei-Ling 'Mei' Zhou, age 31, a climatologist and adventurer who went into cryo-chamber because of an outrageous snow storm the climatologists could stop nor leave their base. Mei was the only one who woke up with her other teammates being classified as dead. She created her endothermic blaster which got her to the satellite tower which got her a signal. Mei's still on her way back to Overwatch. 

Torbjörn Lindholm, age 57 and he is a weapon designer. He was an engineering genius which earned him a spot in the original Overwatch strike team. He has joined Overwatch again to help stop this upcoming war Talon was going to give them but to also gain help from teammates to stop those stolen weapons of his getting into the wrong hands.

Hanzo was on the list but he wasn't even close to joining, either Overwatch never had the time or he was always of the run so it was hard to ask him. There were five tanks which was pretty good, this team seemed to be going pretty good. 

Hana 'D.Va' Song, age 19, a former pro gamer until she gave that up to help save the world. She works with the Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army as well as Overwatch. She's become a global icon and I'm guessing Overwatch has seen one of her combat streams, seeing how good Hana is they obviously wanted her to join. And boy did she do that. 

Orisa, age 1 month in human years as she acts as a guardian robot to all and her human friend, Efi. Efi was the one who encourage the omnic robot she built from scratch and finally Orisa seemed convinced. Now she is apart of Overwatch. 

Reinhardt Wilhelm, age 61, an adventurer as well as an agent. The highly decorated soldier was inducted into the original Overwatch strike team. He has vowed to fight for justice across Europe like a knight of old, defending the innocent and winning hearts and minds with the promise of better days to come.

Winston, age 29 and an adventurer also while still helping defend the world. He is a genetically enhanced gorilla that was intended with the rest of his kind to test the effects of prolonged habitation in space. As a young gorilla, his brain developed rapidly from the gene therapy and helped with scientists' experiments. Winston escaped to Earth by building a makeshift rocket to escape the uprising the other gorillas created, he was known as he favourite caretaker's name. Winston. He cut himself off from the world he believes in and went into seclusion, until an event forced him to recall Overwatch again, and that was taking a big risk.

Zarya was yet to come, though I don't think she would be to happy with me being in Overwatch. 

Ana Amari, age 60, a bounty hunter. She survived a deadly bullet to her right eye, a mark made from Widowmaker. She stayed hidden under the alias of Shrike and became a bounty hunter though she was wanted for thieving and espionage. Overwatch re-banded and she joined again. 

Lúcio Correia dos Santos, age 26 and is a DJ and freedom fighter. Glad he joined our fight to save humanity. Vishkar Corporation showed up at his country's doorstep and promised a reality that would make their lives better but it never came. So when laws were put down to have order, Lúcio fought for his right and many others. He realised he had an opportunity to make a difference and change the world for better, he joined none other than Overwatch. 

Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler, age 37, a field medic. When she joined Overwatch before, she realised she would save many lives from attacks by enemies. Angela created the Valkyrie swift-response suit to help her with saving people though after Overwatch disbanded, she continued to help those who were affected by war. 

Tekhartha Zenyatta, age 20, is a wandering guru and adventurer. He helped Genji on guiding Genji on the path to finding piece with his newly built body. He was apart of an omnic outcast group that said they had witnessed a spiritual awakening after an omnic crisis so they meditated in the Himalayas. The robots sought to heal the wounds caused by the Omnic Crisis a generation earlier and bring humans and robots back into societal harmony. Though Zenyatta disagreed to this, he believed it wasn't right to repair problems between omnic and human by dogmatic teaching but instead by interpersonal connection and engagement. 

Symmetra was close to joining but she was still decided on whether to join or not, of course she still had to help protect her country and corporation which I wouldn't blame her. The only people Overwatch believes have potential in becoming agents is Satya 'Symmetra' Vatswani, Hanzo Shimada, Jamison 'Junkrat' Fawkes, Mako 'Roadhog' Rutledge and Aleksandra 'Zarya' Zaryanova. Though I felt like I could somehow convince Amélie 'Widowmaker' Lacroix and Gabriel 'Reaper' Reyes. The other Talon agents were hopeless but these two actually had a past with others they loved. If I just help them to remember that, it could work. 

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