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I've read bio about these agents, all of them seem significant in a way and looking at me, just saying if I wanted to join, I don't think I would be that unique. I thought that it would still be nice to say hello, hopefully Genji, Zarya, Symmetra and Pharah is there, I've wronged each of them somehow. I searched up Genji again, I knew where Overwatch was already, that wasn't a problem but Genji. I shot him, a bullet went through his shoulder and I felt overwhelmed with sadness or something like that. No, guilt. I have never felt guilt towards anyone for attacking them, he would be the first. I looked at the picture they had in his file, I remember every detail and it was like I knew him. There was a knock on my office door

"Sombra, open up." It was Doomfist on the other side, his voice didn't seem to have a tone of anger in though he did seem a bit impatient. I looked behind me at the door shocked, quickly rushing to turn off my computer.

"Just a minute Akande."

"Now." Once everything was shut down, I opened the door to see Doomfist with a girl next to him, one that sort of looked like me. "Your cousin wanted to talk to you." I look down at her, surprised she would come to visit me, a smile crawled onto my face as I threw my arms wide, hugging my family member.

"Alejandra, it's good to see you."

"You too Oli-" I clamp a hand over her mouth, stopping her sentence.

"It's our little secret remember? Apparently someone found out though. By the name of Aleksandra Zaryanova." Alejandra averted her gaze and looked at the ground, finding that more interesting. She didn't say anything, only being ashamed. "Hey, Alejandra, you should know I'm not mad at you, I just don't expect you to go around and say my real name. No one can find out, you know that I told you this that the girl is dead, long gone. It's fine, just be careful with who you tell." She hugged me again

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Then I thought to try take my cousin's mind off of it "Wow, you've gotten taller, haven't you. Yeesh, you'll be almost as tall as me soon." I took a set at my wheel chair and brought another over for Alejandra. She sat on it, looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes. "Ha, every time I see Alejandra, you start to look like a strong, beautiful woman. Now, why did you tell Aleksandra about this?"

"Oh uh, I asked her if you did something wrong and she replied with a yes so I told her, then she asked for a name if possible. And I told her your name was Olivia Colomar."

"Don't worry about because..." I got closer to her so she could only hear me whisper "I'm probably turning into a good guy." She locked eyes with me, her face holding shock while I smiled at her.

"So, you're going to be a good guy." She gasped in excitement but remembered to lower her voice "Like... Overwatch."

"Yep." She smiled, her smile was contagious as I smiled as well, and it was almost as big as hers.

"So... do you know anyone?"

"You know that I can hack, I just hacked into the Overwatch security system and looked at the agents." Alejandra crossed her arms, her face saying really. I threw my hands up in defence "What?"

"You're a hero but you still hack? Anyways, do you have your eye on someone?"

"Why do you ask this question every time you come and see me? No, I-" I stopped as I thought of Genji, my face heated up slightly as I thought of a cyborg. Goddammit, was I in love with a cyborg... a cyborg?! Alejandra noticed this and started to tease me.

"Yes you do. Who is it? Let me guess, that uh guy with the gauntlet... what's his name? Oh Doomfist."



"What?! No, he's old."

"Widowmaker?" She said slowly, I sighed

"It's no one from Talon, it's..." Alejandra sat eagerly, wanting to know so of course, I replied with an honest answer. "Genji Shimada, an Overwatch agent and a, uh..." I cleared my thought "A cyborg ninja." I mumbled the last part as Alejandra giggled at my response. "What? I've never felt like this before..."

"You're in love." She started to chant until I cut her off.

"The only reason why that is, is from, me attacking him when I shot him through his shoulder... I—I didn't feel too good about it."

"You felt guilty?"


"Well, it'll be fine, find a way for him to forgive you." I nodded, Alejandra got up from her chair and headed towards the door, looks like it was time for her to leave, I never had enough time to hang out with my cousin. She was always in Dorado, Mexico and I was always here in America, where our main Talon base was. Soon I would be leaving, I would never come back here. This place was wrong for me and I could see that. Everyone I hurt before, it now feels like they are all stabbing and I deserve it. This was my wakeup call when I let Ana go, I couldn't bear to see her in so much pain. I actually felt like I cared for something now. I felt like I actually had feelings for once. 

Unknown Feelings for a HackerWhere stories live. Discover now