One Day before the War

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I walked the halls with Lena and Hana beside me, everyone started to take a liking of me, and I did too. They all had their own personalities that somehow made them work as a great team. I mean, they had their ups and downs but everyone has that kind of bond with someone in their lives. 

"So, what are you girls thinking about?" Lena piped up, Mei and I were the only ones being quiet as Lena droned on about the war. "Let me guess, Mei secretly likes Jamison and wants to hide it but can't stop thinking about him and Sombra can't stop thinking about Genji." 

"Jamison is a bully, he does nothing but tease me. I don't like him Lena." Mei crossed her arms over her chest as she pouted at her friend, her lips puffing out a bit. 

"Sure, and you Sombra?" 

"I'm thinking about how I might die soon." It's not a lie, with Amélie and Gabriel on our side, there's no telling what might happen but I could guess Doomfist would want me terminated. "I took Doomfist's greatest agents, you don't think he's going to strike back against me." Everyone went silent, bowing their heads down as we continued to walk. Honestly, I could not stop thinking that I might die... and it's a scary thought. We soon bumped into Amélie, she was wearing something different than before. Something that screamed her more than Widowmaker. I smiled at the new change in outfit. She wore a white ballet dress with clear stockings that had white ribbon wrapped around it. She wore short, white wedged boots. Amélie had white ribbon wrapped around her arms and had her venom casing on her left forearm. Her hair was up in a bun with white ribbon holding it up and her helmet changed. It was white with a swan look-a-like face on it. To top it off, she had some feathers sticking out of her helmet, boots and her venom casing. 

"Bonjour Mei, Lena, Sombra." Her voice had emotion in it for once.

"Killer look Amélie, watch out for the swan lake ballerina. You're amazing." I complemented her as she went on her way and as she walked away, I swear I saw her smile in the corner of my eye. Gabriel soon walked past as well, same outfit just all white. "Hey uh, is white a new thing I started because it seems to be trending." I pointed to the other two agents walking away from us, the girls laughed until Lena said something. 

"You know, I don't think Genji has seen you in that yet Sombra." A smirk appeared on her face. "Why don't you show him?" 

"I'm fine, okay." 

"Oh come on." I held up a finger towards her as I placed another finger on my com, a distorted noise coming from the other end. It sounded like a panicked female on the other line. Help me please, I... I need h-h-help. T-Talon's got me. Please, s-s-save me. "What was that?" 

"Someone's in trouble." I ran away from the two, heading towards an airship to head to the Talon base. 

"Wait, don't be irrational." The airship already started to leave by the time Lena got there. "It could be a trap Sombra." She yelled but I didn't hear her. By the time I got there, it was just pitch black, completely dark. No sound, no nothing besides a few electrical sparks here and there from broken wires. I bumped into a big figure, and I mean big. They muscular, I tried to see who it was but it was hard to make out since there was no source of light. The lights turned on suddenly and Doomfist stood before me. 

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