Welcome to Overwatch

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I trudged through the halls of the base, Lena by my side. Genji had to go but I didn't mind.

"So love, feeling welcomed yet?"

"Eh, sort of. I do like everyone though." We turned a corner until someone bumped into me, I held onto their arms to make sure they were okay. "Hey, watch where you're going amiga." I saw that it was a girl... not any girl, Hana.

"Oh, there you are Sombra. I've been looking for you, come on." She grabbed one of my wrists with both hands and tried to pull me forwards, I stood my ground though.

"Why? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me Hana."

"I can't, it's a surprise for Ana to tell you, come on." I reluctantly followed her, what did Ana want to tell me? After a few minutes of walking out of the base towards a fashion store, Hana opened the door, letting me walk in first. She closed the door behind me but she was still with me. I saw Ana talking to someone I've never seen before, the lady, she had red glasses on that were almost falling off her face and a long line of measurement tape around her neck.

"What?" I asked, seeing Ana turn around, a bit of smile on her face.

"Ah, thanks Hana. Sombra, I thought since you're in Overwatch, you needed to look like you are an agents. So what better way than to get your own outfit." I shook my head, not believing this.

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, I want you to feel welcomed dear." The lady who was going to create new outfit for me spoke up.

"Okay hon, what are you wanting? Something different from purple, maybe blue. Whatcha wanting hon?" Her voice was rough but also like silk.

"Um, well since you've asked, maybe a combination of white and blue." She hummed to herself as she sketched out a design, glancing over at me once in a while to catch a glimpse of my style. She placed the pencil down, soon holding up her sketch to me. She had a black suit designed with some strips of a neon blue colour in some areas. There was a white skirt and some white metal designed for my arms and legs. This looked awesome.

"You like?" Though it was only a drawing and she had to label parts that would be a different colour, I think it looked pretty cool.


"I'm also thinking maybe get your hair to grow out, put it in a braid. Also die your hair a deep blue, have some pure white and pale blue highlights in some places." I nodded, I'm not in Talon nor Los Muertos anymore, it's time for another upgrade. The lady got to work on helping me grow my hair longer and die it. It was already growing long since I hadn't had my hair trimmed for a while. Once that was done, she got to work on my outfit. She started with the black suit, then moved to adding in the neon blue colours then the white metal. After a while, it was finished. It looked better when it was finished. "Go on hon, try it on." I went towards a change room, closing the door shut. I came out when I got it on, the black blended well with the blue while the white complemented it all. My hair was soon braided with a few strands coming out and my cybernetic was changed to the colour blue/

 My hair was soon braided with a few strands coming out and my cybernetic was changed to the colour blue/

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"Thank you senorita." 

"It's free hon, you need it." The lady walked out, Ana soon came into view. 

"I thought you needed this Sombra, to make you feel like you're actually apart of Overwatch." 

"Well, thank you as well Ana, you didn't have to do this." 

"You're right, I wanted to. Welcome to Overwatch." She strolled off, leaving Hana and I alone. 

"You look amazing, I'm thinking Genji might even love you more." Hana started to make kissing noises, I brushed it off my shoulder, walking off towards the base again. "Oh come on, you can't deny it. You'll probably give him the hots senorita." Hana caught up to me, nudging my arm with her elbow.

"That's the least of my worries, after today, all we have is tomorrow before the war. We have to be ready."

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