I'm Sorry

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So we made it back with no hassle, though on the ride back to the base, I did notice I was staring at Genji. Not because I liked him, at least not this time. It was because of what he said earlier, how he said he was a friend. I'm not used to people saying that honestly, the people I used to work with were stone cold, no heart for anyone but themselves and agents who were valuable to Talon. Like Reaper and Widowmaker, which I'm pretty sure I might've jeopardised her job. I went outside, where I first met Ana's group that she was training. I sat on the concrete, looking at the trees wave around in the wind. I exhaled, I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around to see the familiar Brit behind me.

"Lena." I said, watching her smile at me.

"SO, Sombra, wanna do something fun?"

"I'm not used to doing stuff with people that is 'fun'."

"Well, wanna meet other agents?" I nod my head, letting Lena lead the way as I lagged behind her. We were soon in the lobby, I guess you could call it that, and stood there. "Wait right here." She dashed off, left me waiting there. For a few good minutes. Then three new people that I haven't met before followed Lena. She soon dashed in front of my face, causing me to flinch and step back a bit and of course she laughed at my reaction. There was a gorilla, an angelic woman and that ice lady from last night, Mei. I knew all of them, I mean, I hack so it seems reasonable right? Then two more came into view, Lúcio and... Pharah. They all looked normal, like, they weren't in their outfits, except for Winston because he was still wearing his outfit. Mei wore a blue shirt and jeans, Mercy wore a white singlet and jeans as well, Lúcio wore his green top and jeans, as well. I looked at Tracer, she didn't have anything casual on. "Okay, this is Winston, my best friend. This is also Mercy or Angela, such a sweetheart. And Mei-Ling or just Mei for short, you know her from last night's mission." I wave at all of them, they each gave me a smile, including Lúcio which I already knew. Pharah on the other hand kept glaring daggers at me, I averted my gaze, getting a bit scared at her. She knows I'm good now, so she can't hurt me but I know she'll try to find a way to actually convince Overwatch I'm bad... but I'm not. I walk over to Fareeha, she scoffed and looked away, not amused that I want to talk to her.

"Hey listen, you know I'm not bad anymore so stop giving me this disrespect. Fareeha, you're acting like a child because you don't to solve this problem like an adult."

"You don't know who you're messing with here Sombra. Just stay out of my way."

"Or what? You're going to hit me." Fareeha was taller than me but I wasn't backing down, her height didn't intimidate me. Her mouth formed a snarl as she got closer to me, trying to scare me. Her fists were balled up "What are you afraid of? Huh?"

"You hurting me, my family or friends again."

"I let your mother go."

"But you could have killed her."

"Widowmaker could have killed her, I didn't. Seeing her, Ana, hurt filled me with guilt. I am never filled with guilt when I go to kill victims. Widowmaker could have killed your mother years back, when you were only about a teen Fareeha. Stop having a grudge against me, I'm trying to say sorry for what happened at the Temple of Anubis in Egypt." Fareeha's snarl disappeared and her eyes darted to the ground for a second till they came back to meet mine again. "I'm sorry okay, I didn't want to yell but you just aggravated me. Can you forgive me?" She hesitated for a second, then opened her mouth

"It's okay Sombra. You're right though, I should have handle this like an adult..." She bit her tongue for the next part "Friends?" Fareeha held out a hand, wanting me to shake it. I grabbed her hand and shook it. 

"Glad we can put this past us." Lena's zipped towards us, a smile on her face. 

"So you two have forgiven each other?" We both nod our heads, waiting for Lena's. 

"Well, I just asked the others. Wanna play a card game? Just so you, Sombra, feel comfortable around people who will accept you... until you meet Soldier: 76 and Torbjörn and Reinhardt and Zarya." After each name she called out, Lena's voice got quiet but then it grew again. "So do you want to play? Fareeha, Sombra." I nod my head, a small smile on my face at Lena's excitement, she could act like a child as well I guess you could say. Fareeha soon nods her head as well, we both walk side by side towards the rest of the group. 

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