The Stars at Home

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I felt guilty the whole trip back, what I did to Ana was not something I was expecting. I didn't think she would just lie there, gun on the floor next to her - not bothering to grab it - while her eyes pouring out tears with my gun aimed at her. She wasn't crying from the pain, no, she was crying about her daughter that was close to death. Ana shouldn't have had to experience that, she's an old lady close to death that seems to still be going well. All I could think about was that the both were okay. I know it sounds stupid but, maybe I'm going soft. I lied to Amelie about shooting her and for that, I could get a horrible punishment. 

"The job is done Doomfist, what's next?" Reaper's voice shook me a bit, making me jump slightly, at least it wasn't too noticeable. 

"There's different countries I'm assigning each one of you, got it. Reaper, you head to Horizon Lunar Colony. Winston is armed there.
Widowmaker, you go to King's Row. Tracer will be there, there's an omnic by the name of Tekartha Mondatta I want you to assassinate.
Sombra, you're going to Dorado. Your home town. SST Laboratories Siege Automation E54 aka Bastion is going to be there." We nod, both Reaper and Widowmaker heading off without any messages for being careful. I started to head off, hoping Doomfist wouldn't stop me like he always does so he can have a word with me. Luckily, he didn't. It was about an hour and a half ride there to Dorado. I stepped out of the Talon airship. I had to see past the pain that I would bring people, I had to kill this robot. 

"Back home... I should go drop by the bakery." I heard a beep from behind me, turning around I saw the bastion unit. I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him, he didn't look scary but I didn't want to underestimate what he actually could do. "Uh ola." I was stuck on what to say, why was I hesitating to talk to a damn robot? 

"Good to see you again Sombra." An old voice peeped from around a corner, I saw it was Ana but she had her hood down, looking at the sky. 

"I uh, what?! You're not going to attack me, you don't... uh... have a grudge on me for almost trying to kill you?" 

"No. The reason behind this is that you spared me, you obviously still have feelings for other humans instead of making them hate you. That's because you're a good kid in a bad situation. You should come join us. Join Overwatch. You would seem to fit in there better." I looked down, then back at the bastion unit

"Is the uh..." I cleared my throat "Is Bastion not going to attack?" 

"No, no need to. I told him you weren't a threat." 

"Wait how did you-"

"I have my ways." And she went over to me, resting a hand on my shoulder, Ana being slightly taller than me. I spoke up, my fear disappearing 

"Do you ever stop and look up at the sky? I hear you can see all sorts of things." The night sky was charming and peaceful. It felt like it belonged here, that it should never leave. 

"Yes, it's the stars." 

"Stars?" I looked over to Ana confused

"Yes Sombra, the stars. Every one of those big balls of gas that sparkle in the night sky is a way that calms me from something stressful or some big events that happened. I suggest you do that, it might help kid." I glance back at the sky, seeing the moon and the stars glitter. Everything aligning into something great, then a thought hit me. How do I stop Doomfist from finding out about me interacting with Overwatch's second in command? I glanced down at the paved street, suddenly feeling a hint of regret but I had no idea about what. 

"Bakery's nice, yes?" Ana said, looking at me, directly in the eyes while a smile was clear on her face. A smile pulled up on my face 

"Si, I loved to go there." 

"Have fun then kid. Bastion and I should be going, just enjoy yourself right now. You don't have to let anyone know what you do outside of your missions." 

"But I was-" 

"Tell them the mission failed and you'll get them again next time. Bye Sombra." And the two left, like that. Something weird was happening to me, I actually felt happy. Like actual authentic happiness. Was it Ana? It feels like I've known her for a long time but that's just probably because of her being a mother to everyone, caring about them. But why care about me? I'm on the other team. Whatever it was, she had her reason and I wouldn't blame her if she told Overwatch I could be one of them. Because, if I'm being honest, I feel like I am one of the good guys. I stopped by the bakery, the sugary smell of cakes and bread spread quickly throughout the store. Colours came from a range of red icing to purple icing to rainbow coloured cakes. A little pachimari cupcake sat there on a tray behind glass unattended, I walked up to the lady who ran the store. 

"Ola señorita, qué le gustaría hoy?" 

"Ola, um, that little pachimari cupcake please." 

"Okay señorita, that comes to a dollar fifty." I looked at her bit shy now, I didn't bring money with me. The lady seemed to notice and chuckled softly

"It's on the house señorita, here you go." 

"Are you sure?"

"Si, si, you deserve it since I remember when you were just a young girl señorita. You never told me your name." 

"I don't have a name, and uh, thanks." I waved and exited out of the bakery, that lady remembered me since I was about ten years old. I started to peel the wrapper off, excited to eat my cake before I left. I was always keen on getting the little cupcakes, it would be safe to assume I have tried every single cupcake she had offered in that store. 

"So, what did you get Sombra?" I jumped slightly, cursing silently. 

"Don't do that, and I got a cupcake." She giggled at my childishness as she saw the cupcake I got. We strolled throughout Dorado's streets, talking here and there about me joining Overwatch. A static noise came from Ana, she placed her index and middle finger on the com in her ear. 

"Hello, Jack... what?! I-... Yes, yes. I'm on my way." She sounded panicked but tried her best to hide it. 

"What's wrong Ana?" 

"Tekartha Mondatta got assassinated during his speech as he was rushed to a limo because of Widowmaker. Which leads to Tracer, after the assassination, Tracer tried to reason with Widowmaker but... it didn't work as planned. She... her... her chrono-accelerator, it's, it's damaged. She's phasing in and out of her very timeline." Ana rushed off towards an airship that was still there for her. I looked at my cupcake then at the sky, the stars. A beautiful dance with millions of sparkling dancers. I start to calm down, Tracer would be fine, Winston would fix her in no time. He defeated Reaper last time before he recalled Overwatch, he should be able to do it again. I finish off my cupcake and look at my gun. I've become weak, haven't I? 

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