Hope is all we Have

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I woke to feel someone's arms against my waist softly, I turned to see Genji sleeping next to me. I placed a hand on his chest, he soon moved to look at me properly. 

"Didn't I tell you needed sleep mi amor?" I ask as I remove his hands from my waist and get up slowly, going to my closet to find my outfit I usually wore when I was in Talon. "Are we ready to find Reaper?" 

"I called the team last night, they said they would be here first thing in the morning. Do you still want to keep this a secret?" 

"What a secret?" I tried denying the fact, I knew what he was talking about. 

"About us." I lowered my head, looking at my outfit carefully, eyeing every detail there was on it. "It's okay if you don't." 

"I want to tell them but... what would they think? I'm still classified "dangerous" to Overwatch. How can I win their heart? How can I make them trust me?" 

"I trust you, Jesse, Fareeha, Lena, Hana, Lúcio, Reinhardt, Winston, Angela, anyone you've met trust you. The ones that listened to you without any accusations about you Olivia." 

"I know." I gestured to the door and to my outfit. "Do you uh, mind?" I managed to say, though it was awkward. Genji got up and left, leaving me with my privacy. I got changed and walked out, heading towards the entrance of the door to exit and meet up with our team. 

"Please be careful." Alejandra walked down the stairs quietly not to wake up her mother, she was still in her pajamas. 

"I will, go back to sleep, it's too early in the morning mi primo." I kissed her forehead, soon opening the door and leaving, Genji met me out there with the others. "Time to get to work." I set up a translocator in a hidden area in Dorado, marking it on a holographic screen of the map so I could lead Reaper towards it but also not too close to it. I heard gunshots in the distance, Genji was next to me, I nodded at him as he did as well. He left to go stop Doomfist and Moira. I heard an electrical fuzzy sound on the other side of my com. 

"Sombra, I got a plan." 

"Amélie." I smirked as I heard her. 

"When you get Reaper on your side, call me through the intercom and I'll turn on them. We'll leave just before they do anything bad to us, like... kill us." 

"Understood." I cocked my gun, turning on my thermoptic camo and running around to find Reaper. I saw him in his mist form, I turned visible. "Ola." Reaper turned into his normal form instead of his wraith form, he growled under his breath at me. I gulped, swallowing my fear. "Catch me if you can." I managed to form a smile, soon running for my life as Reaper shot bullets everywhere to hit me. I opened up the holographic screen that showed the map of Dorado, I was getting close to the translocator. As soon as I passed it by a few meters, I teleported so he couldn't get to me at the last minute. I snuck up behind him, aiming my machine pistol at him, somehow Reaper knew I was behind him and turned around, placing one of his shotguns on my head. 

"What do you want? You should have died last time." 

"You're right but I need to talk to you... Gabriel Reyes." 

"That man is dead." 

"No he isn't, he is still in there, trapped by this monster you've become. I mean, back in Overwatch, you used to be good friends with Jack and now you hate his guts." He pressed the gun against my skull further. 

"And your point is?" 

"You've been blinded by your hatred for Jack to not realise who did this to you. And she's one of your closest teammates in Talon." 

"Hurry up." He started to get impatient of me stalling him. 

"It's Moira... she did this to you." He growled under his breath again, still continuing to press the shotgun against my skull. "Listen, have you ever thought why she was a geneticist? She wanted to rewrite the building blocks of life aka our cells. When Overwatch stopped her from doing anymore work on her risky experiments, Blackwatch aided her in her research. Sound familiar. Moira soon needed someone to use her latest experiment, so you decided to be her test subject. You were scared, no, shocked at the process and it wasn't really a happy moment for you. That's how you got your powers. Your cells continue to decay but also regenerate at a highly-accelerated rate. You've been blinded by your hatred towards Jack without even noticing what was happening to your body Gabriel." 

"Why?... Why? Why?! You're lying Sombra." 

"No I'm not." 

"Even if I were to join Overwatch, I've committed so much murder. I can't be fixed, I'm broken." 

"That's what you think but there's a man I want you to meet." I press a figure against my com. "We need him now. Thank you." I took my finger off the com, looking at Reaper patiently until someone came into view, the person I was looking for. 


"Remember that voice Gabriel. McCree." 

"What happened to you Gabriel?" McCree asked, looking at the masked man in a bit of shock on what happened to Reaper. "Gabriel, you can be fixed. Mercy misses you, you can mend your ways. Remember how I joined Blackwatch because I wanted to make amends for my past sins and look at me now, I'm going pretty well. You can change, you just don't want to move on... do you?" Reaper took the gun off my head, I sighed happily, great that this was working. 

"I can't change." 

"Gabriel, we need you on Overwatch, please." I begged, looking at him sadly, just wanting some answer from him. "Please, don't make me call Mercy, I don't want her to see you like this straight away." Reaper looked at the ground for a second then looked back up at me. 

"I'm in." I smile, holding my fingers to the intercom once again. 

"Amélie, you're on." The three of us started to run towards the chaos, half were taking care of Moira and the other were taking care of Doomfist. I saw Amélie shoot at Doomfist a couple time, missing the shots though because he kept moving around quickly. So she aimed her gun at Moira and got a few shots in. The two Talon agents soon retreated, leaving us Overwatch agents by ourselves. Two days gone and we had three more to prepare for this war. We only had hope in each other for this to work but we were sure we would win this war. 

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