What do we do Now

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Before we could attack Jack spoke up.

"Leave Doomfist and Moira to people more experienced." Gabriel, Amélie, Satya, Mako, Zenyatta and Jesse went after Moira. Jack, Genji, Ana, Mei-Ling, Lena and of course Winston went after Doomfist. The reason why Winston followed behind the other three was because of last time when Genji, Lena and Winston were fighting Doomfist. With Genji and Lena not able to fight anymore, Winston went to attack Doomfist because he hurt his friends. Winston's fist and Doomfist's gauntlet collided, Winston became victorious in the end. Doomfist went to jail and the gauntlet was stored in the museum where it was safe. As for the others, Reinhardt, Bastion, Lúcio, Fareeha, Jamison, Orisa went for one of the Talon agents group. The last group was Hanzo, Torbjörn, Hana, Aleksandra, Angela and I going after the other Talon group. I turned invisible and went behind the Talon agents, soon turning visible and hitting one in the back of the head with my gun and shooting at two more agents. Torbjörn's was set up to shoot at Talon, Hanzo stood from a distance shooting his arrows. Aleksandra and Hana were up close, aiming beams and missiles at the agents. Angela was flying all over the place to get to people to heal them and escort civilians out, she also grabbed her gun out in case she needed to protect herself. And that left me, getting behind agents and shooting them, throwing my translocator to safety and all that. The fight kept going on, once Talon agents were badly hurt, they would leave and get replaced.

"There's too many." Hanzo said as he used a scatter arrow, hitting a bunch of agents. I glanced over to my left to see Moira winning, Gabriel was the last one standing. I looked to my right to see Winston was the only one left standing as well. They were winning. We... were losing. I was stuck in the crossfire, I was losing hope as I froze there, doing nothing. One by one, we soon fell, not being able to attack anymore. I soon got shot in my shoulder and a bullet nipped my hand, making me react and drop my gun. I got shot in the leg soon after that and fell to the ground. I felt something press against my wrist that got nipped, hard. I look to see Doomfist standing on my wrist, an unpleasant look on his face.

"You did this to yourself Sombra." He soon took his foot off my wrist grabbed me by my hair, tugging it up so I was levitating off the ground. I yelped in pain. "You could have avoided this, you wouldn't be the one in this situation." Moira groaned in pain after Doomfist said that, he glanced over to see Gabriel walking over to us.

"You're screwed."

"How tired is he though? I don't think he'll last long, do you Sombra?" Doomfist let go of my hair as my sore body crashed to the ground. Gabriel got close enough to attack only to be knocked to the ground by Doomfist. He laughed at the destruction around us... it was too late. I look around to see Angela tending to the wounded, Ana there helping as well. Everyone was struggling. Battered and bruised, they were in too much pain to continue on. "Now before this all happened, I was going to kill you. You can't run nor hide, this is your fate Sombra." He grabbed my collar, he was ready to end my life...

But I was not ready to give up.

"It's Olivia." With one of my free hands, I reeled it back and punched him in the face, causing Doomfist to let me go and stumble back. I raced to my gun, though my leg was shot, I wasn't going to let that slow me down. I reloaded the gun and started shooting at him, I threw my translocator and teleported at the right time just before Doomfist hit me with his gauntlet. I started shooting him again, the agents were gone, Moira was defeated. I believe we could win this... all of us. "Come on, you have to fight. You're not giving up yet are you? We've come this far just to let them win... ha I don't think so." While I was saying this, I dodged all of Doomfist's attacks until he landed a blow on me, my body scraping against the ground. He chuckled.

"You think you can win, ha, pathetic. You really are Sombra." I tried to get up, using my hands to lift me up as I struggled. Dirt, blood and bruises covered my face. "You really are resilient, aren't you?" He hit me again, harder this time. I tried to get up again but failed this time, falling to the ground. 

"No... just... stalling." I said in breathes, Doomfist looked at me confused as Gabriel, Jack and Winston attack Doomfist. Though Doomfist fought back persistently, he failed. I let out a breathy laugh as I lay on my back, it worked. My plan worked. Everyone cheered as the Government rolled in, grabbing any Talon agent in sight, including Doomfist and Moira. Someone walked up to us in a black suit. 

"Agent Miles, we're here to take you away." Everyone's face dropped as they stopped celebrating. 

"We saved the world from destruction, from Doomfist." Jack said, walking up to Agent Miles. 

"You're still banned." 

"We just stopped something dangerous and you're seriously saying you'll disband Overwatch again. Without the organisation, without us, something like this is going to happen again." I pipped up, Genji helping me onto my feet. My legs were shaking, my body was aching from all the pain I endured. "Yes, I'm Talon but so is Gabriel and Amélie but we've changed. You wanna lock me up, fine. I don't blame you but don't you dare think about locking up heroes who work together to save the world." Agent Miles was left speechless then Ana spoke up. 

"Miles, you used to be an agent for Overwatch until it did get disbanded so you joined the Government but think about it. Please." 

"Fine, after this stunt, they should believe you should continue your work. Enjoy the rest of the day." And Miles walked off, leaving us all standing there. 

"Can we go back? I need Efi to fix me." Orisa commented, she was right, her and the other robots were damaged. Not bloody, bruised by their metal was just damaged. Most of us left, only Genji and I stood alone. I rested my head on his chest as he embraced me. My eyes were closed, enjoying this moment. I felt a kiss on my head, I looked up to see Genji's chocolate brown eyes. They were beautiful. I snuck a kiss on his lips, the kiss amazing. We pulled away, Genji picked me up bridal style as he walked us to an airship waiting for us. 

"I can still walk, I'll just be limping." 

"But you would fall the minute you walk, Doomfist punched you pretty badly Olivia." 

"I know..." A thought came to my head. "What do we do now?"

"Continue to save the world." I crossed my arms a bit disappointed, I was hoping he would say something else. "And have fun together." We laughed together as we got back and took a seat in the airship. I guess Overwatch is better. 

 Who is Sombra? To the System she was no body, she has changed. No one remembered the girl. There were a thousand children like her after the war but none of them could hack like she could and she learned that people didn't have to be manipulated. She thought she understood how the world worked. Information was power. So she was going to hack, politicians, corporations, governments, it was an addiction but for the first time she changed who she was. When your hardware's obsolete, it's time to upgrade. Sombra was there but the girl came back. Now I'm ready. I'll join others and help those in need. Now I'm with Overwatch and I'm a hero to everyone, I'll be there when trouble is around. Who is Sombra? She's Olivia Colomar. Adios.   

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