Need to be Strong

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"How could you let that robot escape?!" I trudged slowly through the base while Doomfist was yelling at me. 

"I couldn't hack him, it would be easy if I knew he was hack able!" I fought back, it's so annoying when he won't leave me alone. 

"You're becoming a liability." 

"Oh yeah, good for you. I'll work at my own pace Akande." I grabbed the handle to my office and turned it, slamming the door behind and locking it so no one, especially Akande, would bother me. "GOD, you're so annoying when you don't get off my back!" I yell through the door, I huffed, heading towards my computer. How could I get rid of my anger you ask? Well, this cyborg I met a day ago would do great, hack him and make him kill stuff. That would be great. I just needed to shoot a single stray bullet through his head to prove I wasn't weak, that I could kill stuff. My fingers tapped against the keys as I searched for this cyborg to see if he had a name and where he was. Me knowing what I was doing, I found out about his information quickly. Genji Shimada, age 35, he's an adventurer, used to be apart of the Shimada clan and Overwatch, now is at Shambali Monastery, Nepal. Too easy. I packed my translocator and my gun, swiping up a purple screen to locate his exact position. And to think this was another place Akande wanted one of us to go to. After I found his location, I called up a pilot to take me to the Shambali Monastery who agreed to do it. I got in, looking at the ground as we started to levitate. Genji huh, well I'm about to ruin his life. We finally landed after what felt like hours. I cocked my gun and went into my stealth mode, going completely invisible to the human eye. I threw my translocator onto a roof of a small temple, I caught two figures in the corner of my eye. A robot floating and that cyborg, Genji. They were meditating, pff, like robots knew how to do that. They started to head to a larger temple, Genji flicked his head back, looking behind him to make sure nothing bad would happen. 

"Genji are you coming?" The metallic voice from that robot spoke, I searched for his profile, Tekhartha Zenyatta, age 20? Since when did robots age. Whatever.

"I'll be there in a minute master." Ha, so he was looking for a fight and I was sure going to give him a fight. I threw my translocator behind him and turned visible again. It's like I didn't even need to say anything for him to know I was behind him because he just turned around with a blade pressed towards my neck. 

"So this is how you greet visitors huh?" No comment. "So uh, can you speak cause I heard you before." 

"Who are you?" 

"Oh you don't remember me, do you Genji?" 

"How do you know my name?" 

"I'm a hacker, I have to know. Think, you do know me. You're not completely robot, you should know." He didn't speak, guess I had to tell him. "I was the one who hacked you at Vishkar Corp." 

"What are you doing here? You're not welcome here." 

"I know." And I disappeared like that, see, before I decided to talk to him, I placed another one of my translocators away from him in case I needed to flee. Which it worked like a charm. I pulled out my gun and started shooting him from a distance, Genji soon then threw shurikens at me. One after the other, they were coming at me rapidly fast, so I started to run and dodged when necessary. I went into stealth mode and got behind him, hitting Genji in the back of the head with my machine pistol. He stumbled back and grabbed out his blade, aiming it at me then ran towards me. My face had panic written all over it as I dodged his attacks, I was running away again, he threw shurikens again at me. One hitting my cheek and blood pouring out. I hissed at him and shot me again but he deflected the bullets which got shot back at me, luckily they missed me. "Let me guess, you always hurt girls don't you." I mumbled as I wiped some blood away from my cheek. 


"So why continue to attack, huh?" 

"Because you're with Talon." 

"So be it." I stood my ground, looking at the cyborg. "Bring it on." 

"Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!" He ran at me, sword out but before he could cut me I stopped him. My index finger on his chest as I hacked his robot body. A smirk soon crawled onto my face. "Can't beat a hacker, can ya? Cyborg." All the green lights that were shown on his body turned a purple colour, he grunted in pain as he fell to his knees, his sword dropping beside him. His body was locked, he couldn't move or do anything that could harm me. I place my gun on his head, just one stray bullet is all that will do to prove I'm not that weak as I think I am. I just needed to make sure Zenyatta wouldn't attack me and save his student. My index finger slid to the trigger, I cocked my gun, ready to shoot him. But I didn't, I was hesitating. I gripped my gun tightly, pushing the gun against Genji's head further but no bullet came from the gun. An orb hit my hand, knocking my gun away, I looked up to see Zenyatta in front of me. I waited to long and now my chance was gone. I saw Genji getting up again and grab his sword, I should've made the hack last longer. He held the sword against my neck again. 

"Genji, no need for that." The omnic held up a hand while floating towards the two of us. 

"She tried to kill me master, who knows what else she could have done." 

"But she hesitated, does that not show that she didn't want to do it?" Zenyatta placed a hand Genji's shoulder. Genji put his sword back, taking a step back. "You fought Genji, wanting to kill him but you never did, why my dear?" It was like nails on a chalk board hearing someone call me 'dear'. 

"I'm becoming weak. Talon agents aren't weak." I growled then remember Ana's comments with how I should join Overwatch. I looked to my machine pistol on the ground then back at the two boys in front of me. I ran towards the gun on the floor and shot at the both of them. "Stay out of my way." Orbs and shurikens were shot at me though they all missed "You guys are terrible shots." One of my bullets his Genji in the shoulder, the bullet piercing through his arm. Something weird was happening to me. I felt... terrible for attacking him, even worse than me almost killing Ana. I just ran away, knowing I aggravated him even more. I just can't wait for more yelling from Doomfist at me. 

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