New Overwatch Character

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We stand on the brink of a breakthrough in human evolution. I've dedicated my life to unraveling it's secrets. I take risks that others would consider to be unwise for I do not share their caution. Overwatch held back the pace for scientific discovery for decades, they believed my methods were too radical, too controversial, they tried to silence it but there were others in the shadows searching for ways to circumvent their rules. Freed from my shackles, the pace of our research hastened. Together, we delved deeper into those areas that were forbidden by law, by morality, and by fear. New patrons emerged, possessed an appetite for my discoveries, and with this knowledge. What new world could we build. 

I'm so excited for the new character Moira, she is so interesting. Another support character on it's way to Overwatch. She seems really cool and there is a lore behind her that covers up a gap relating to how Gabriel Reyes became Reaper. 

As shown in her origin video, near the end you see Moira experimenting on Gabriel and you see him stare at his body in shock as it starts to turn into black mist. It does even say in his story that, quote, 'It is possible that he is a byproduct of a failed genetic alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated rate'. This could prove Moira was behind this because she does talk about a human evolution and is said that her occupation is a geneticist. She works 'searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life'. This throws away the whole theory of Mercy being the one to make Reaper like this. And I believe that after he's cells were changed that when he fought Jack Morrison aka Soldier: 76, he never died like Soldier. He was just assumed dead just like Soldier. Though if he was in shock of what was happening to his body that Moira made happen, why in Talon does he work with her? The shock could have been either bad or good but I don't know the answer to that. 

Sorry for rambling on about the lore, I thought I would just share my idea to you guys about what I think about the whole story between Moira and Reaper. I am so excited for Moira to come out though because I really want to play her. She seems like a cool support hero and she seems like another Symmetra with her biotic grasp that comes from her left hand to kill enemies. Anyway, thought I would just tell you guys what I thought and there will be another chapter for the story coming out. I hope you like this and let me know what you think of the story right now. I know Sombra probably didn't feel scared and lost throughout her childhood but there is always a possibility that it was like that. Let me know if you agree or not and give me some feedback. I'm also thinking of adding her to the book, let me know if you want that as well.

Peace out ✌💜

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