You Will Pay

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I stumbled back in fear, my lip quivering and my hands shaking as I saw the man in front of me. He looked angrier than usual, a dark, terrifying look on his face. His fists were clenched as he looked at me with eyes full of hatred... his eyes yearning to see my own blood spill before him.

"H-hey Akande, l-l-looking good." My voice shook with fear, I was scared for what would happen to me.

"You... Sombra." His voice was just laced in hatred, every word he spoke got me an inch closer to death. I suppose that distress call wasn't real... guess I should've listened to Lena then. "Why? You destroyed everything I had, you made me lose my top agents to carry this war to victory. Why did you do that?" I didn't respond, my throat was dry, making it hard for me to make any audible noise. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU... YOU..." He rose his voice, yelling at me now, by now I was trying to hide behind a chair away from him.

"I... I... I'm sorry." I mumbled, my voice really quiet.

"Sorry isn't good enough." He walked towards me, soon grabbing the neck of my outfit and pulling me up to his height and eye level. "You cost me MY agents, MY war that I was ready to lead. And you... you're going to pay for it. But why would I save the fun for myself. I'll let someone else tear you apart, I want to enjoy this." A tall, lengthy figure walked out of the shadows, hands behind her back as she came over to us in a pride-like walk.

"You called for me Doomfist." Moira O'Deorain, a geneticist who used to work in a science corporation until she got kicked out by Overwatch because of her study, her project. Blackwatch allowed to fund her science projects, Moira's mission, to rewrite the building blocks of life. And guess what... she was close to her big break through. She needed a test subject and Gabriel volunteered, only to have his cells decay yet regenerate at a high-accelerated speed. She soon got into Talon, now they fund her science projects.

"Have fun with her." He threw me to the ground, my arms stung at the impact as they tried to hold me up. Moira smirked as she walked closer to me, I rushed to get myself up and started running. I knew I was going to die but not like this. I turned around to face her

"Hey amiga, Moira, ha, think about this. You don't really want to kill me do you?" She held out her hand, the one that lets out a beam that saps enemies' health.

"You betrayed us." She said calmly, walking slowly towards me. "It's time you pay, you shouldn't have done that." Her hand was still held out towards me, a purple like-swirl started to come out of Moira's hand. I backed away, turning around and ready to run until I came face-to-face with a wall. I was cornered. "Nowhere to run Sombra." I thought quickly and threw my translocator behind her, soon teleporting and running away from Moira. As I kept running, someone soon barged into me, knocking me down. My side hurt as I looked up to see none other than Doomfist in front of me with Moira soon appearing next to him. He held up his fist as if to punch me, letting his gauntlet charge up as I got up again. Moira had her hand out again ready to drain my life. They were both ready to kill me. I remembered my translocator that I didn't pick up, a smirk on my face as I disappeared. I soon went into my camo and ran for the door until I tripped over a chair. My camo faded away as I was visible again to anyone. I would have a massive bruise on my side and guess what, it was the same side that was bandaged up a few days ago so it stung. I got up, stumbling over my own feet as I tried to gain balance. A gunshot went off, I ducked my head, my arms holding it down and protecting it. I look behind me to see Doomfist had shot at me, he was reeling his fist back again. I sighed, ready to accept my fate until I heard multiple gunshots go off. I look behind me to see Lena, Hana, Jesse and Fareeha, they were all there with their guns aimed at the two Talon Agents. I grabbed my gun out and cocked it, ready to shoot at them until Fareeha pulled me by the collar out as the other three gave us cover.

"You're an idiot Sombra, think twice next time." The Egyptian girl muttered as she let go of my collar. I rubbed my neck, it was a bit sore because of how hard Fareeha tugged on it.

"Sorry. What about the others? Shouldn't we help them?"

"Lena told Ana and Jack about this, they sent us on a mission to retrieve you, not attack and retrieve." Fareeha commented as the others ran out now, great timing for the airship to land as well. We all got on and I rested my head against cool, metal wall of the airship. I reacted and pulled away from the wall, my hand going straight for the back of my head. I removed my hand from the spot where it hurt to see blood on my fingers. That push that Doomfist gave to me must have busted the back of my head. My vision started to get blurry as I crashed onto the floor. 

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