Only Minutes Away

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I woke up in a hospital bed again, Angela there but also Ana was beside her. My vision was blurry and I wasn't fully awake, I could just hear what they were saying.

"She should be fine but she needs to be careful Ana, you do know what could happen to us if she-"

"If she keeps going like this, Talon's going to get to us. I know Angela, but... I have my faith in her. If most trust her, then I trust her."

"It's not that I don't trust her, I worry for her. Sombra's another Overwatch agent that I have to look out for now."

"Listen, she'll be fine Angela. Olivia is going to be okay, she'll learn." I shot up the moment I heard that.

"Wait, how do you know my name Ana?"

"You're awake, good. Get ready, the war is only minutes away. We cannot have minute wasted." Ana started to walk away and had her hand on the door but before she left, she turned her head to face me slightly. "I got your name from Alejandra, we needed to know how you tick." And she left. I sat up slowly, I lifted my hand to my head and felt a bandage on my wound. I looked around, the room was mostly white, pretty bland. Angela walked over to me and lifted up the bandage, examining the wound that was inflicted on me. Let's see, I'm here again because of the same reason. A Talon agent almost killing me. This time, it wasn't Reaper, it was Doomfist. Someone a bit stronger than Gabriel.

"Alright Olivia, you should be fine. I'll just fix you up a new bandage and then you're done dear. After this, it's probably best to get ready for the war. It's starting in New York. We all have to be there." Angela grabbed a fresh bandage, wrapping it around my head. I swung my legs over the bed and got up slowly, not rushing anything. Angela grabbed her Caduceus staff and blaster, she turned to look at me then motioned me to follow. She took two items off a table and handed them to me, my machine pistol and translocator. I took them, cocking my gun and putting my translocator away. I followed Angela out to the back, five airships waiting while Angela and I got in line with everyone else. Jack and Ana stood in front of the line, Jack picked the groups, assigned them to different parts of New York and their airships. I felt Genji grab my hand, holding it softly.

"Fareeha Amari, Jesse McCree, Mei-Ling Zhou and Aleksandra Zarya-Nova, you'll take the first airship. You'll be going to The Bronx." The four nodded and went to their destination as Jack continued. Before Fareeha could continue further, Ana grabbed her daughter's wrist.

"Be careful." Fareeha nodded as Ana let go and the first airship was ready to go.

"Jamison Fawkes, Mako Rutledge, Satya Vaswani and Amélie Lacroix. Take the next ship and head to Brooklyn."

"Aw come on mate, you can trust me and Roadie to be on our own." Jamison tried to convince Jack with Amélie and Satya scoffing at the boy.

"Lena Oxton, Winston, Genji and Hanzo Shimada, you're going to Staten Island." I squeezed his cybernetic hand, causing him to turn around and face me.

"Please be careful." I whisper as he brushes a strand of hair out of my face. He nodded, soon letting go of my hand and leaving towards the ship.

"Torbjörn Lindholm, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Angela Ziegler, Gabriel Reyes, you're all one group with me as well. We'll be going to Manhattan. Which leaves Ana Amari, Olivia Colomar, Hana Song, Tekhartha Zenyatta, Orisa and Bastion. You guys are going to Queens. Those five places will be littered with the Talons Omnics, once we dispose of them, go straight to Central Park. Talon is going to attack civilians at Central Park and we have to be there before anything bad happens, understood?" We all nodded, waiting in our airships ready. "Alright, everyone, go." The airship ascended up, moving towards our destination. I was scared honestly, imagine if only Moira and Doomfist were holding back before, I might not be able go up against them with full strength.

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