Can You Forgive Me?

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We stood there, standing and staring at each other, it was awkward. I opened my mouth but closed it, having nothing to say as the man looks at me, probably in hatred. Tracer noticed this and cleared her throat.

"Hiya Genji, you probably already know Sombra. Uh, she's with us, she feels like she doesn't belong in Talon so... I'll leave you to it." And she dashed off, I started panicking, this wasn't like me. His hand rested on the handle of his sword, a glint of silver flashed with green lights following it. I breathed in, ready to face my death.

"Do it. I know you want to kill me, so why not do it. I came here in hopes to change but clearly I am not welcomed here." I looked him dead in the eye I guess you could say, he did have a visor on. The silver glinted no more, seeming Genji put his sword back in it's sheath. 

"Why do you want death?" He spoke, his voice gentle besides all those other encounters. 

"Because I've realised what I've done wrong, I can be valuable to you guys. But I understand if you want me to leave. I wouldn't blame you, I hacked you, I put you in pain and that isn't exactly the best feeling to have. Trust me, I would know as well. From my past." I mumbled the last part so he couldn't hear. 

"What do you know about pain? You only cause it." 

"Yeah and I regret that. You may not believe it but I was one of those that suffered from pain. I lost my parents in an omnic war, I was orphaned because of that. You don't think that would hurt me. I'm broken, like you how ever that might have happened." I clamped a hand over my mouth as I heard what I said, I've never let anyone know about me or my past. 

"Sorry for your past, I could understand why you turned to a life of crime." 

"I didn't, the Los Muertos gang picked me up." Genji nodded, walking closer to me, he rested a hand on my shoulder. A weird feeling went through me at his touch. "Look, all I ask for is for forgiveness. Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me for all the pain I cause you, for picking fights with you, for hacking you?" He looked down at the ground, then back at me. 

"Why seek forgiveness from someone else when you need to forgive yourself first?" 

"But I have forgiven myself, I just want to know if you're okay with me around. If you trust me. If you can put our problems in the past and move on Genji. Can you forgive me?" 

"Yes, I forgive you Sombra." He took his hand off my shoulder and suddenly I felt cold, he started to walk away  and turned around to look at him one last time. "Welcome to Overwatch." 

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