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After Alejandra left, I started to get ready to take a trip to Overwatch. I could say hi to some of the heroes there but maybe the might not like me. They'll know I'm Talon material and probably believe me. I left my office, peering around to make sure no one saw me, it was only afternoon but if anyone saw where I was going they probably wouldn't like it. I went around a corner then backed up, I saw Widowmaker walking towards me, well in the direction I was. I panicked but soon went into my stealth mode and snuck around her, soon exiting the building. I pulled up a holographic screen only to get rid of it, I was about to call a pilot but that wouldn't work, they would get suspicious of my actions. Instead, I decided to steal a ship myself, yeah I was really doing this. They would definitely know a ship was missing once I was gone. But all I could do was hope. I jumped in and started up the engine, I took off. See, I didn't know how to fly but since I could hack, I could make this ship fly on its own so I just hung back and relaxed. I could see the organisation overhead, my heart jumped in excitement and a smile grew on my face, I re-hacked the controls and set my destination to land next to it. Obviously what I didn't notice was a lady walking towards the building. She wore a brown pilot-like coat with orange tights and... crocs? She glanced up and saw my ship descending, guns came out of her cuffs on her wrists, brown gloves holding the guns. I also noticed this device on her, a blue glowing light protruding from the device. It was Tracer. I hid slightly, hoping she wouldn't see me.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I didn't want to respond, I was scared honestly. "Excuse me, Talon agent, I'm talking to you." I reluctantly poked my head up, then spoke

"Ola amiga, uh, Sombra." I stuck a hand out, hoping she would shake my hand but she didn't, so I told her the truth. "Okay, okay, listen. I don't actually feel like I belong in Talon, like... I'm a good guy."

"So you want to join Overwatch?"

"Just meet people first, get warmed up to everyone before I get thrown into missions." I said with a smile, the guns got put away and Tracer lent me a hand, helping me out. "Lena Oxton."

"Uh, maybe if you are to meet everyone, don't say their names. That is a bit creepy. But anyways, hiya love. Do you have a name besides Sombra?"


"Tracer, what's taking you so long?" That old voice that I knew spoke, Ana poked her head around the corner. "Oh, Sombra, I see you've met Tracer. Want to meet others I'm training?" I looked at her then back at Lena.

"Oh uh, really? That would be awesome."

"Come on." Ana motioned us with a hand and the two of us followed. Lena poked my arm, a smile still on her face. She was clearly excited about this.

"So, want to know who is there?" I nodded, better make conversation I suppose. "Okay, well, I'm one of them, getting trained by someone who was second in command is awesome I tell ya love. Now there is also McCree, he's cool and friendly, I'm sure you'll warm up to him quickly. There's D.Va, someone from the Korean army joined us to help us fight which is cool and she loves games, I play them with her sometimes. Then there's Lúcio, another person who's joined our fight and he loves music because, ya know, he's a musician. Pharah is another girl in the group, she's the rocket queen. There's also..." She paused, thinking while she put her index finger to her chin. She clicked her fingers and her smile grew back. "Genji, he's so cool. He told me he's a cyborg ninja, how cool is that?"

"Ha, yeah." I chuckled nervously, not only did I grow feelings towards a goddamn human who was half robot but also because I attacked him.

"You alright love?" Before I could answer, I could hear chatter in a courtyard outside. "We're here." She zipped towards the others, telling them about me. I glided over towards the group, smiling at them

"Ola amigos and amigas."

"Howdy there, names McCree. Jesse McCree." A cowboy man, McCree, extended a hand towards me. I grabbed it and shook his hand.

"Howdy McCree." I imitate him, he laughs quietly, and then the next came.

"Hi there, I'm Lúcio." He voice was so energetic or enthusiastic.

"Hello, you know I don't think I've met a man with so much energy inside you. It's a good thing." I responded back

"I'm Hana Song but D.Va's the call name." The girl pushed Lúcio out the way, he pretended to act hurt which in her reaction, she poked her tongue at him.

"Hi..." I saw Pharah standing back, glaring at me. I moved away from everyone else and towards the girl, she scoffed at me. "Ola." I held my hand out towards her, she never looked away from my eyes. "Listen, Fare-- Pharah, I never meant for that to happen to you. Widowmaker did that, I didn't want to almost kill you guys. Please, I'm sorry for what happened to you." Pharah was out of her rocket suit, she was wearing dark blue jeans and a blue singlet, underneath that was a patch where bandages were. Pharah was taller than me so that made me feel intimidated "I don't want to be a bad guy."

"Good for you, I can try to trust you but don't think I won't be watching you." She walked past me, pushing me aside a bit with her shoulder. I turned around, everyone looking at me like I've done something wrong.

"What? I said I'm sorry."

"Sorry I'm late." An Indian voice spoke, that was Symmetra, I'm pretty sure.

"Symmetra, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it." Tracer squeezed her into a hug whereas Symmetra was a bit uncomfortable with it but she chuckled at Tracer's childishness.

"Yes, but it's only for this fight only. Don't depend on me always being there for you."

"Ola." Symmetra's smile dropped as she saw me but soon responded back.

"Hello, nice to see you're on our side Sombra. I have to go, though I thought I would just tell you where I stand Ana."

"Thank you." The old Egyptian spoke as the Indian left, her steps being elegant.

"Wanna meet Genji?" Tracer appeared in front of me, I jumped slightly which cause her to laugh. "Sorry, I'm so used to zipping here and fro, everywhere basically but... do you want to meet Genji?"

"I uh, yes but he wouldn't exactly be too happy."

"Why love?"

"I attacked him, tried to kill him. I shot a bullet through his shoulder, that's the last time we saw each other." Tracer looked down.

"I'm sorry for that... but look at the friends you have here now, McCree, Lúcio, D.Va and Ana seem to like you, I'm your friend. Listen, everything will be A-Okay. He'll just take a long time to warm up to you but everything will be fine."

"When does he get back?" I ask eagerly, Tracer laughed at my statement.

"In about a few minu-"

"Hello, Tracer." I panicked as he turned a corner and saw us standing there, though I couldn't see his face, he probably wasn't too happy to see me.

"Uh, Ola." I wave at Genji nervously. 

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