Saying Hi to a Russian "Friend"

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As we got back, we saw Jack, again but with two with older men. Torbjörn and Reinhardt. The rest were gone though, all the cards were packed up too. Fareeha spoke up 

"Uh, what's going on?" 

"We're getting a new recruit." Was all Jack said as the men went to the entrance, ready to retrieve this new agent. So Fareeha went to suit up and grabbed her rocket gun, I was already ready for this. We left, heading to Russia. I could only imagine who this was... but I knew. 

"You okay?" Fareeha asked as we stepped off the airship, heading towards Volskaya Industries. 

"I'm not exactly welcomed by Volskaya Industries, Chairman Katya Volskaya, Aleksandra Zaryanova or any Russia person here. But I'm okay." 

"Just stick with me." I nodded as the five of us went into the Industry, allowing them to do all the talking. Zarya was said to be in the chairman's office waiting for us. Fun. We went up the elevator, Reinhardt and Torbjörn waiting outside. I wanted to stay outside the office but Fareeha pulled me in with her. There stood the chairman and Zarya, both the Russians glared at me evilly, like they really hated my guts. I slowly walked, more pleased to stand with Reinhardt and Torbjörn outside who wouldn't judge me. 

"Uh Ola, Reinhardt, Torbjörn." 

"Hello my friend." Reinhardt's voice bellowed, glad to see he didn't mind be being here. "Great to know you're on our side now." 

"Hello." The Swedish dwarf spoke, his voice a bit harsh but at least he wasn't like Fareeha how she wouldn't talk to me. "Don't try any funny business." 

"Hey, Torbjörn, I've changed. I wouldn't dream of it. You guys should know, Widowmaker, I made her remember who she really is. She said she'll stay with Talon for a bit more, which I'm guess near the end of the week she'll be joining. Widow just has to make sure that Talon doesn't get any suspicions of us." They both nodded their heads, Jack, Fareeha and Aleksandra walked out. Aleksandra snarled at me as we walked out. "Hey uh, Zarya... if it's okay, can I call you Aleksandra." No answer. "Anyway, we need to get along, you might not trust me and I get that. The only thing I ask of you is to show me some kindness, just to get along with me. Please." 

"Fine." We shook hands on it, continuing back to the ship. The whole time, neither me nor Aleksandra spoke to each other. "Olivi-"

"Do not just go around saying my real name around people, please." 

"Sorry, Sombra. Are you really good?" I nod my head. "Well I'm sorry for ignoring you and just being mean." 

"It's fine, also if you join, there's three omnics. So get used to it." She grunted, I giggled slightly until Ana came out with Genji by her side. "Uh, what's going on?" 

"We need you to get Junkrat and Roadhog, we just found out that this omnic war is coming sooner than expected Sombra." I stood there, shocked

"Well, what about Reaper? You agreed to having him in Overwatch." 

"That's if you can convince him in time. We don't have time to waste." 

"When does it start then Ana?" 

"At the end of this week, we only have five days to prepare ourselves. I'll need Jack to train McCree, Genji, Hanzo and Lúcio. Torbjörn to train Mei, Symmetra and Zarya. Reinhardt to train D.Va, Winston, Junkrat and Roadhog when they come. Then I'll have to train Tracer, Pharah and Mercy, and you if you wanted me to." 

"I should be fine Ana, plus, you should breathe, just calm down. I know the war is coming quickly but we have five days. It'll take at the most, twelve to sixteen hours to get to Australia then it'll be done quickly. With Reaper, probably two days because knowing him, it's going to take a while for him to be convinced. We got this." I gestured Genji to follow me to the airship that the other team was just in. 

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