Temple of Anubis

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I was waiting outside for Widowmaker and Reaper to come, the ship was already here and we had no time to waste. I pulled up a purple screen in front of me and studied the Egyptian army, like I said, they were scattered everywhere. The temple was to the North with the Egyptian security mostly as the West and South East.  I typed something else in which showed me a total of how many guards were there, 10, not too much seeming there was like hundreds of them. I looked at each and every identity there was. Shakir, a thirty year old man. Soris, young eighteen year old boy working for the army for the first time. Nuru, a woman in her forties nearing her fifties. Two specifically caught my eye. A thirty-two year old woman under the code name Pharah, she was a security chief for the Helix Security International that was in Giza, Egypt. Her name is Fareeha Amari. Another lady, at the age of 60, was a former Overwatch member now working as a bounty hunter in Cairo, Egypt. Her name is Ana Amari. She was working beside Pharah. Ha, so they must be family, Ana being Pharah's mother. Overwatch is back together and of course Ana is in it,

"Ha, Gabe is going to have fun with this." 

"With what?" 

"One of your colleagues from Overwatch is back... it's Ana." I smiled at him as the two walked out of the building. I climbed in the back of the ship that would take us to Egypt. 

"What have you found out Sombra?" Widowmaker asks as she walks to a sit, refilling her wrist band with some of her venom mines. 

"Ana is there, a former Overwatch member and, her daughter I'm guessing. Her code name is Pharah, real name, Fareeha Amari. Same last name as Ana. They're the only two major agents there protecting the temple." I swiped the screen down and took a sit next to Widow. 

"So Gabe, Amelie, what's the plan?" 

"You're to stay hidden while spreading the bunch of omnics you built throughout the area around the temple to surround citizens and the agents. Widowmaker, you know what to do."

"As for you Gabe?" 

"Sombra, you just need to know your own part." I put my hands up in defense and stayed silent the whole trip there. An explosion made the ship rock. I looked up at the roof, the place where it took damage. Pulling up a purple screen again, I scanned the airship. Smoke was coming off the roof and the damage seemed big. Widowmaker stood up

"What made that mark?" 

"Don't know Amelie, I would make an assumption that it was a rocket but it would depend on the size." Another rocket hit us again, this time though, Widowmaker put on her infra-sight. A girl with a rocket suit and a rocket launcher was flying just outside our ship. I scanned the flying body. 

"That's Pharah. We need to get rid of her." I yell. Reaper went to the giant door at the back and hit the button to open it. 

"Widowmaker, Sombra, you two go now. Remember the plan. Once you get close to the Temple of Anubis, there will be a ship with our omnics in it. Go." Nodding, I headed towards the door and put on a parachute, Amelie doing the same as well. We jumped, speed working with us as we plummeted towards the ground. I pulled the lead and started floating, soon landing in the sand, waiting for Widow. As soon as she landed as well we started running, we weren't too far away from the little market place outside of the temple. Omnics were being loaded out of the ship, my purple screen popped up in front of me as I programmed the bots to different places so they could corner people. I pressed a button and off the went to their designated locations. Widowmaker used her hook and launched herself up, scanning the area with her sniper. I put on my com to communicate with her

"Since Overwatch is back, what do you suppose we will do?" 

"Kill them."

"A bit blunt don't cha think." 

"No. I missed my chance last time, I'm not missing it again." 

"You mean with Ana? How you shot her in her good eye, right?" 


"Cool." I looked around, a hooded woman talking to someone else, someone in higher command. I went in my stealth mode, sneaking towards this lady and commander. 

"Make sure to get everyone out of here, something could happen and you need to be careful. I suggest when something get's called in, or just a few minutes before, to get the citizens out of here." Her Egyptian voice is delicate but still held some toughness in it. I looked at her face, Ana. Gun shots were heard, the whir of a bullet shot the commander straight in the head. Ana grabbed her sniper off her back and scoped the area. I became visible again, pointing my gun at her head. I smirked as she turned everywhere but behind her. 

"Boo." Ana turned and growled at me, 

"Who are you?" 

"I'm a mystery, one hard to case to crack." I slowly walked around her, a smile still dominant on my face. "I'm Sombra." 

"Why are you with Talon?" 

"Isn't it simple to understand... Ana." 

"You don't scare me and that's not what I meant. I read your file that we had on the computers at Overwatch." 

"Of course." I rolled my eyes and stopped walking, looking her in the eyes with disappointment. My smile fell. 

"You were orphaned in the first Omnic Crisis, right, and you were adopted by a gang names Los Muertos. No one knew your name. Only you. Soon you took up a huge life of crime, joining Talon to get them to help you gain information, or just use them. I know this may seem stupid but you're a good kid doing wrong Sombra, trust me. I feel like the reason you gain information to manipulate people is because you're scared so you make others scared. You didn't want to join that gang, did you? You were just a lost kid who was scared because you lost your family and you had no where to go so you joined Los Muertos. You hid behind information your whole life so you didn't get hurt." My gaze dropped to the ground, the gun not aiming at Ana's head anymore. How? How did she know? It could have only been an educated guess. A snarl formed on my lips

"You don't know what my life was like." I said in a low voice, masking my pain "You think I hide behind information about the world. Well I got news for you, what would you do if I told you your daughter might be dead?" And if almost on queue, Widow shot Pharah in her chest which cause her to fall to the ground, just a few meters behind me. The smirk soon returned as Ana's eyes began to tear "You could surrender or we can stay like this fighting. If we continue fighting, you might want to be careful or the next person you care about will die. Starting with her." Ana clenched her fist, her head hung low, she looked up at me and swung her fist. I caught it though, what I didn't expect was for her to punch me in my stomach. I reacted and let go of her hand, clutching my stomach with one hand as the other aimed my gun at her. I started shooting at her, blood pouring down her  arm. Ana fell, her eyes like waterfalls now. "Leave." Ana didn't move or anything, I made sure my com was completely off. "I don't want to kill you or anyone else but I will hurt them if you don't leave."

"Why? You act like you're actually Talon then you turn and switch sides." 

"Keep my life story a secret alright, don't let anyone know." 

"You don't have to be like this, like I said, you're just scared and you're hiding behind people that you think care about you. Amelie doesn't feel emotion, Reaper's hell bent on just everything dying, and Doomfist, he wants to get rid of Overwatch and create a war to consume the world. They only care about their motives. You're a good kid." 

"Ana, you're right about my childhood, you're right about this but... I have to stay in Talon, they'll known something is fishy." I thought of something that could help Ana. "Look, I'll turn my com back on Amelie will hear gunshots, just act dead because I won't actually shoot you. Once she leaves, you get out of here quick with your daughter, Fareeha, okay." 

"Are you normally like this?" 

"Saving people, nah. But it is sort of like another mission at Volskaya Industries where I "accidentally" let our person go." Ana chuckled

"You have my thanks." I saluted her, was I becoming a softy for the Overwatch agents? Seeing Pharah, Ana's daughter, lying on the ground with a pool of blood around her and Ana suffering was just too much. I clicked a button on my com, gunshots following it. 

"It's done, let's get out of here Amelie." 

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