Time to Get Back

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I walk out of the hallway I was in before, heading towards the courtyard where everyone else was. Lena was there as well, thank god for that. I need someone to tell my plan to.

"Oh hiya love." I waved at me, Lena was sitting cross-legged with her hands wresting on her ankles. "How'd it go with Genji? I know how he can be sometimes-"

"It was fine, now I wanted to talk to you guys. I have a plan. I can convince two agents from Talon that they aren't really bad." I sat down, swiping a purple screen up for them all to see. There was a list of hundreds of Talon agents but none sufficed to who I was actually looking for. I picked out two picture icons, one of Widowmaker and one of Reaper.

"Now missy, what makes you think that two stone cold humans could change?" McCree spoke up, looking at the icons.

"Well, Widowmaker would be a bit hard, all you would have to do is show her memories of her past, of who she really was. Amélie Lacroix, married to Gerard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent. She got kidnapped by Talon agents and got turned into who she is now. They made her like this to kill Gerard. She used to be a beautiful ballet dancer. I just need someone or two that are willing to help me."

"I uh, I can come love, just promise nothing bad will happen to us."

"If anything escalates, then know I take the damage. But I'm the master of manipulating, just leave the talking to me."

"Well what about Reaper?" D.Va pointed out.

"That's uh... going to be a lot harder. There's a Talon agent called Moira that worked under the care of Blackwatch that provided her with research tools she needed to change the building blocks of life aka our cells. She needed a test subject when she thought she hit the jackpot and Moira picked Gabriel Reyes aka Reaper. She turned him into that, his cells decay but regenerate at a high-accelerated rate. He must have been blinded by his hatred on Jack Morrison aka Soldier: 76 and just wanted to kill him. After that he must have thought that the fall of Overwatch provided him much opportunity to kill so much more. And of course, none other than Talon provided him that spot. All I would have to do is to remind him Moira did this." I explained.

"Who's Moira?" Lúcio asked, wondering about who this 'new' Talon agent is.

"Well, she's been here for a while but she's only joining this fight." I pulled up a screen of her. "Moira O'Deorain, age 48, she's a geneticist. She's dangerous and scares because she threatens if I step out of line, I'll become dead. But I'll have a slow, painful death were all my cells decay."

"It's getting late Sombra, don't you think it's time to go?" Ana asks from behind, I flick a new screen up and check the time, 4:30 pm. I was here for about an hour and a half. I removed the screen out of my face and raced towards the front, where I parked the Talon ship. I had to get back before anyone else knew I was gone. See, when missions are set, they're better to do at night. So I only had an hour or so to get back and make sure no one knows that I took a ship for a joyride to meet others that were good. I got back and checked the time again, fifteen minutes to spare. I sighed in relief and hoped out, going into stealth mode and entering my office. I rest my head on the desk in front of me, of course I was sitting on my wheel chair that I made in front of my computer. A knock was heard.

"Ola." I said tiredly, not bothering to look up at the person who came to visit me.

"I don't believe you've been on missions Sombra." It was Widowmaker.

"I didn't go anywhere."

"Then how come when we called you, you didn't answer?" I sighed, coming up with the best lie that could definitely sound believable.

"Well after my cousin visited, I missed her already and since I don't get to spend much time with her. I went to Dorado, Mexico, and went to the bakery. Sorry if you hate it but I wanted family time." The French lady sighed then closed my door, I smiled silently as she left. I felt good about this. Why? I don't know but I sure as hell know I'm supposed to be bad, evil. But I'm not and I have to live with it. So what's better than joining Overwatch to change my career. I could still be the hacker I am, find out who is the king pin, the one who rules the system. 

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