Destruction in Manhatten

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Once we landed we got off, most of us grabbing our guns out and walking down the street.

"So, do you think we'll win?" I ask as I trotted over to Ana, seeing her take the lead due to her being second-in-command.

"There's no telling Olivia, we just have to hope for the best and give it all we got. In the meantime, just breathe, we're only attacking omnics."

"But will we make it to Central Park in time?"

"I'll make sure of it." Screams came from a distance with gunshots following it. All of us ran towards the noise, seeing the Queens Museum bombarded with robots. Orisa and Lúcio charged in with the rest of us following behind. Orisa shot a barrier up, shooting out her graviton charge that pulled the omnics in front of us to attack. Bastion got into his turret form and started shooting, Orisa was using her fusion driver gun, Zenyatta shot discord orbs at the other omnics and Ana was behind the barrier healing people. Lúcio and I got behind the robots and started to attack them. One by one, they all soon were destroyed. Everything was quiet, until Ana piped up.

"Alright, straight back to the ship. Quickly. We have no time to waste, Talon cannot spread their omnics around the world and destroy us."

"Excuse me ma'am, officials here. We're going to have to lock you up." A man wearing a black suit held up a badge, two more men soon came up to him holding handcuffs.

"No, you don't understand. We're trying to save the world."

"And Overwatch was banned years ago because of the organisation."

"I promise we're not doing anything wrong. There's an upcoming war that Talon is leading, a terrorist group. If we don't stop them, their commander is going to destroy everything in his path." The man in black considered this until he stepped to the side, gesturing for us to continue. "Thank you." Ana said, soon running off in the direction of a landing airship. "Come on, hurry." We all got in, not bothering to seat because we were going to be running again soon. The ship landed and I was the first to get off, running at full speed towards Central Park until I slowed down. The sight... was horrifying. I stopped in front of the entrance, taking everything in. People screaming in pain, trees fallen down, fires.

"We're... We're too late." I finally stuttered out as everyone else caught up with me, everyone from Overwatch. I saw Doomfist in the distance walking towards us sinister, ready to kill us. Everyone got their weapons out, ready to attack Talon. I was afraid, my gun was falling loose in my hands as I lost grip. We might not be able to do this. Genji came up next to me, holding my hand to reassure me. I felt calm for a moment, like everything was at rest as I closed my eyes. I soon opened them, feeling confident now. I had Overwatch with me, I had my friends with me, more importantly. I had him, Genji, with me. I wasn't afraid anymore.

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