Home at Dorado

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I pressed my back against the wall, grunting in my as I clutched onto my side. Ana saw me, a look of sympathy on her face.

"Sombra, are you alright?"

"Besides from almost dying by Reaper, Ana, I'm great." I hid the smile I was wanting to show. Genji. He was the only thing I could think about right now. He was the only thing I wanted. Ana chuckled at my comment, soon coming back to a serious face.

"You won't be going to find Reaper today." I looked at her, not believing what I was hearing.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me Sombra, you're not going."

"Ana, come on, I'm the only one who can convince him."

"And you almost died... I'm not letting that happen again. Please go rest. You need it." Ana started walking away until I limped towards her, pulling her by her arm to face me.

"Listen, give me today to heal, I don't care if you want me to stay in bed or something for the whole day today but I need to help Reaper. He's not the same and he knows he is doing the wrong thing, he knows he can change Ana. Please." She nodded her head, I released her arm as she walked away again, having better things to do. I sighed, resting my back up against a wall again and stopped holding onto my side. Hana walked up to me, titling her head slightly to one side.

"You okay girl?" I waved a hand dismissively at her, as a sign of I'm alright. "Okay, you know, I found out about something today. About you." My eyes shot open wide, afraid she knew that me and Genji were a thing.

"What?" I ask, trying to hide my fear.

"You seem to care about Widowmaker and Reaper a lot, it's like they seem like family to you."

"They aren't actually bad people, something in their lives forced them to turn into who they were today Hana. Widowmaker is fine, she's on our side but she's just hiding in Talon for now. Reaper... I lost him yesterday. Who knows, it might take two more days to find him now and that means one day is gone, wasted. We only have four days left starting right now."

"But yesterday wasn't a waster, you got Junkrat and Roadhog." Just as Hana said that, Mei came storming with a not-so-amused face.

"Who brought Jamison here?" Yep, she really wasn't happy.

"Hey Mei, if you're so hot Mei-be you should take the parka off and Mei-be you'll be a lot cooler." Jamison said, leaning one his arms against the wall. Mei growled under her breath as me and Hana just laughed slightly. Mei turned towards Jamison, armed reeled back and ready to punch him. Jamison threw his hands up in the air in defence and backed away from the ice lady, not wanting to get attacked.

"Anyway, is there more of a secret you're hiding Sombra?" Hana turned back to me, looking at me seriously.

"No, besides my name. Nothing." I said calmly, not wanting to tell anyone about my new... relationship.

"Okay." And she walked away, Mei going the other direction. I limped away, just wanting to get out of here, not wanting anymore questions thrown at me in case I spill something I don't want to tell anyone. Lena dashed towards me, a smile on her face.

"So, how's lover boy going?" She whispered, still remembering to keep our secret.

"Fine, we haven't bumped into each other after that incident with you." Lena nodded, then opened her mouth to say something.

"Hey, I figured you didn't have a place to stay around here so I thought you could crash at my place until you get your own house."

"Thanks but I can't accept the offer."

"So you're going to go all the way to Dorado and come back?" I opened my mouth but closed it soon after, she did have a point. "Exactly, come on, you crash in the spare guest bedroom." Lena ushered to me to her car until I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"I can't, I'd rather stay at Dorado for now. I'm sorry but I just can't accept the offer." I called up an airship, I was scared in case Reaper was there again but I just wanted to stay with my family for a bit. On my way to the airship, I felt my leg give out under me and I was going to fall. I felt hands grab me, holding me up so I didn't face plant. "Thanks." Cold metal pressed against my skin as I looked up to see who helped me. It was Genji. I blushed, pulling away slightly and feeling sad in the process. I didn't want to feel like this, let alone keep pushing myself away from him. I know we said to keep it secret but I didn't want to hide this. 

"It's okay." He brushed a hand against my cheek until I walked away, heading towards the airship. "Where are you going?" 

"Back to Dorado." Genji grabbed my hand, stopping me from continuing any further. 

"You know Reaper might be there still." 

"I'm fine." 


"I'm fine." I said more stern this time, turning my head slightly to look at him behind me. "I appreciate you caring about me but really, I'm fine mi amor." 

"At least let me come with you." I sighed, grabbing his hand pulling him along with me. I sat down in the ship, Genji taking a sit next to me and resting a hand on mine. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I rested my head on his shoulder, my eyes droopy, I felt like going to sleep. Soon I did and woke up on a couch, seeing the house was a pale yellow and blue room. 

"Oh, you're awake Olivia." Alejandra ran over to me as I slowly got up, wrapping her arms around my waist to give me a hug which cause me to grunt in pain. "Oh sorry, what happened?" 

"I got shot by Reaper but the important question i, are you okay? You're not hurt are you Alejandra." 

"No, I only got a graze on my elbow but it's fine, dinner is ready. Mama, Olivia is awake." I saw the baker lady walked in, she was the same one I encountered a few days ago. 

"Ah Olivia, good to see you're okay." 

"I'm sorry, I forget who you were when I first saw you Auntie." 

"No, it's fine. We're having burritos tonight, did your friend want to join?" She points outside towards Genji who was looking at the sky. It was already dark out, I limped slowly towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"You wanna come in, it's a bit cold outside don't you think." 

"I'm fine." He turns around and holds onto my hips. I rest my head on his chest. "You should eat, also get some sleep. You seemed really tired on the ship Olivia." I go back inside, munching on the food then heading for the shower. I got out, drying myself off as I looked for bandages to wrap my wounds around. A knock came from the door, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself, seeing the bandages and grabbed them. I opened the door, seeing Alejandra standing out front of it, ready to go for her shower. I head to my bed, chucking on my normal outfit and heading outside towards the balcony. I rested my elbows on the railing, watching the night sky and the stars twinkle. 

"Why were so sweet when I first noticed you, now, you just seem sour." I was talking to myself about the stars, maybe it was because I was in love with Genji but I had no idea. I saw a black mist on the ground, I backed away from the railing slowly, not wanting to be noticed by Reaper again so soon. 

"You seem jumpy, you alright?" Genji came up behind me and pulled me into a hug. 

"Reaper's still here." I whisper, making sure that man didn't hear me. 

"It's okay, who do you need here by tomorrow?" 

"McCree, Soldier: 76, Junkrat, Roadhog, Reinhardt and Symmetra. I heard Moira and Doomfist is coming by to make sure I don't escape this time. So what I need is you guys out front, distracting the two while I go find Reaper and get him away from you guys." He nods as he carries me to the bed, pulling the blanket back and placing me in the bed. "Are you not going to sleep?" I ask Genji. 

"No, I need to make sure you and your family are okay, I don't want Reaper coming to attack you girls." He removed his visor and placed a quick kiss on my lips then putting it back on and walking out of the bedroom. I fell asleep soon after that. 

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