Omnic Recreation

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"Ah, it's good to be back. Ola Akande." I waved at him, rolling in the cart with the energy on it. He rolled his eye as he grabbed one of the containers, they were pretty big. Blue light glowed from the metal box that was opened. 

"Good, you're excused." The lid snapped closed and was taken away with the rest. Somehow  I felt like there was more for me to do than Doomfist led on. Looking at him, awaiting him to respond to me. 

"What do you want Sombra? I said you can leave." 

"There's more you want me to do, isn't there? Because if there is, I'm guessing you want me to rewire the robots since I'm a tech person. Correct senor?"

"Yes, don't push it or you will get no part in this plan to make Overwatch pay." 

"Aye aye Commander Akande. On it." I started to walk off, a smile on my face as he called back at me. 

"It's Doomfist, Sombra." Man was it fun peeving everyone off. Strolling down the hallway towards the robots, I saw technicians standing around with the containers in hands. Placing my hand on one of their shoulders, I pushed my way through towards the robots. So how we're we suppose to operate on robots completely wrecked. 

"Do we have a plan on what the omnics will look like?" No response "Hello, I am talking to you people, answer me." 

"Yes, bigger, badder. Make no mistake that these omnics will be dangerous." 

"Oh jeez, stop hyping it up and actually get to work. I'll decided if they are dangerous or not, understand?" A sea of heads nodded and started to get to work. Peering at their work on only one robot, it seemed to go pretty good. It was done, they started on the next lot of the omnics and all that had to be done now was rewire every single robot to change their motive. I cracked open the first robot's casing on it's back, wires dangling everywhere that weren't connected. My hands delicately worked there way through the wires. 

A few hours passed, one after the other after the other until they were all done. An army fit for a king. I sat back, my arms holding me up as I admired the work from of me and many others. To say I was proud was an understatement. After at least eight to ten hours work was done here and it was finally completed. I got up, brushing myself off and heading out the door. As soon as I exited, Reaper walked towards. What do they want now? 

"I'm guessing it's all done?" his deep voice booming at me. I rolled my eyes at him 

"What do you think Gabriel?" I pushed past him and walked towards my office Talon provided me with. To think I had a bigger part to the plan was just stupid. If I was involved though, I would just be sitting at my desk. What else could I possibly have to do? I've done my part. 

"Good, Doomfist needs to see you." He left after he told me that, my hand inches away from the handle to my office. I sighed heavily and trudged over to our meeting room. I pushed the door opened to see the room bare with only Reaper and Widowmaker sitting at the table and Doomfist standing up as always. I took my sit next to Widowmaker and nudged her with my elbow. She glared at me sourly like I was something she didn't enjoy. 

"Ola senorita. How have you been Amelie?" 

"Eh fine." Widowmaker tried to make little conversation, she was more interested on stopping Overwatch along with Doomfist and Reaper. Me though, sure, I didn't mind that but I was more interested in finding out who runs the world. "Why are you here?" 

"Got called, don't know why though." 

"Whatever, just stay out of my way. I don't need a clown distracting me." 

"Yeah, ha- wait a minute." 

"Sombra." I got snapped out of my daze by Doomfist looking at me "You will be controlling the omnics you fixed, they are to be with you at all times and if they start malfunctioning, it's your problem. Understood?" 

"Aye aye Akande." Saluting him, I got up and headed towards the door with the other two.

"You are to start at the Temple of Anubis. Make sure that place is rid of any Overwatch agents there." We all nodded and exited. I started heading towards my office to grab my machine pistol and translocator, this was going to be easy. With the Egyptian army scattered over the place trying to stop other rouge omnics, this makes it easy with less guards there. I cocked my gun, turning it in my hand and aiming at nothing, this will be fun. 

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