Secret Love

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One day passed, I was chilling outside the courtyard out back of the base. We were sure to be ready. I was looking at the leaves on the trees flow in the wind. I was thinking about me and Genji, how our relationship was. I wish I didn't have to hide it but... what would the others think? The sun was setting, it looked pretty but it just seemed... sad. Everything that I once found beautiful seemed dull. I felt someone wrap their arms around me as they sat down, I rested my head against his shoulder. I knew who it was but I didn't want to keep our love a secret. 

"You alright? You've been out here for most the day Olivia." Genji asked, looking down at me. 

"I guess." 

Why can't you hold me in the street
Why can't you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish it could be like that
Why can't we be like that cause I'm yours

"You can tell me." 

"I feel so limited, like, with our relationship. I know we agreed to hide our love but it just makes everything seem so... dull." 

We keep behind closed doors every time I see you I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough
It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you it just fits perfectly 
Every second every though I'm in so deep 
But I'll never show it on my face
But we know this 
We got a love that is homeless

"Do you want to tell them then?" 

"What do you think they'll say mi amor? I want to feel normal and I feel like I'll just be judged by them. You are in Overwatch, I just joined." 

"Genji. I just want to be like every other couple you see, holding hands, having fun. It's just doesn't feel right how we have to stay apart. Mi amor..." 

"It's fine, I understand, everything will be okay Olivia. Trust me, I know they'll be fine with this decision." I reached my hand up to the button towards his visor.

Why can't you hold me in the street
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor
I wish that is could be like that
Why can't we be like that cause I'm yours

"Olivia, tell the people you trust the most first or just tell a few if you hate feeling like everything needs to be hidden." He let me press the button, his visor coming off as I leaned closer to his lips and Genji leaned in as well. We kissed, it was more sorrowful than our first kiss, it felt cold. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer but I wasn't feeling any great emotion right now. We pulled away, Genji brushed a strand of hair out of my face, staring into my purple contacts I got. 

Girl you know this 
We got a love that is homeless 
Why can't you hold me in the street
Why can't you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that we that it could be like 
Why can't we be like that cause I'm yours

"I don't wanna live love this way, I don't wanna hide us away. I wonder if it ever will change, I'm living for that day... someday." I traced my fingers on his lips, still feeling sad. 

Why can't I hold you in the street 
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor
I wish that we could be like that 
Why can't we be like that cause I'm yours 
I'm yours 

Genji offered me his hand, pulling me up as I placed his visor back on, trying my best to savour our probably last kiss. He held my hand, reassuring me that it will all be fine. I saw them all walking out, my heart was beating fast like it was about to jump out. I was getting terrified. I wanted to run but my feet held me in place, I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. Genji squeezed my hand to knock me out of my reality, I was still scared of what was about to happen next. Lena saw me, a sympathetic look on her face because she knew what was going to happen. I took a deep breath then looked back up at Genji who was looking down at me, I could tell he was smiling under his mask. 

"I uh..." The words got stuck in my throat, I just wanted to run. Genji wasn't going to say anything, I was scared to death. Then Lena stepped in. 

"Hello everyone, hope your having a great day. Now, I know about this but they wanted to keep it a secret, they're together. Now the reason why these two never told you earlier because Sombra was terrified. Let's be honest, she was in Talon so you could sort of picture why she didn't want to tell anyone. She thought you wouldn't accept her. Now I beg you, please, Sombra's only a girl who is actually experiencing stuff like this for herself because she never got the chance so don't be rude to her anything." The agents weren't bothered, soon they walked away but Lena stood there, looking at me and Genji. 

"Thank you Lena." 

"No problem love, the least you can do is tell me your name." I looked at her shocked. "I'm joking, have fun you two." And it was only Genji and me left. 

"I have to say, you are beautiful." I blushed at the comment, soon squeezing his hand. 

"Really? That's nice of you, I love you Genji." 

"I love you too Olivia." 

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