Close to Death and Love

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Reaper's POV

"Reaper, as we now have learnt, Sombra is a danger to us if she leaks out any information about us to Overwatch. That's where you come in. You're to kill her, make sure she never comes back." Doomfist said, I nodded, getting angry at what Sombra had done. 

"I got it Doomfist." 

"Good, I'm glad I can trust you Reaper and that you're my right hand man. Go now." 

Sombra's POV 

I strolled down the streets of Dorado, maybe seeing my cousin would be great. 

"Genji, you there?" No response. "Genji, hello?" I felt hand grasp my shoulders causing me to jump, I turn around to see him there. "Are you kidding me?!" He chuckled slightly. "Ha no, this is no laughing matter. I tried to talk to you through the intercom and I heard no answer, I was worried Genji. Then you go and scare me. You don't understand, do you? I could die if I encounter Reaper." 

"I'm sorry, thought I would just make you laugh or just cheer you up." 

"Now's not the time, sorry." Genji soon climbed a wall, keeping an eye above to see if he could spot Reaper. I heard weeping somewhere, turning around rapidly in all directions, that was Alejandra. "Alejandra." I called out, no one answered until I heard the crying get closer. I turned behind me, seeing Reaper holding a shotgun to my cousin's head. "Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this... Gabriel." 

"You should have thought of that before you betrayed us." 

"Look, I'm sorry okay but I left for a good reason and you have a good reason to leave as well." Reaper pushed Alejandra to the ground hard and put his shotgun against my head. I started to get scared, my heart beated fast and my eyes grew wide. I started running as Reaper chased me, that was my first thought, I had no one else besides Genji there to protect me and even then, he was somewhere else. A gunshot went off, hitting my right side as I continued to run fast. I clamped my hands against my side to stop the bleeding, I was terrified. After another few minutes of running, I got shot in my lower left leg causing my left leg to fall towards the ground but my knee caught myself. That would be stinging by the morning. I limped away, not wanting this nightmare to go on until I tripped. I turned so my back was facing towards the ground as I scooted away from him. A dark laugh erupted from Reaper as he aimed his shotgun at my head, ready to kill me. Gunshots fired rapidly at me as I squinted my eyes but nothing hit me, I opened them to see Genji deflecting the bullets. I laid my head against the cool concrete ground and sighing in relief, glad that Genji was there to be my saviour. Reaper fled as Genji walked up to me, carrying me bridal style as we walked to a nearby airship that would be waiting for us. I looked up at the sky as I still held onto my side. The stars sparkled beautifully. 

"The stars look beautiful tonight, don't they?" I commented on the bright, celestial sky, Genji looked up as well. 

"Yeah, they are." He said, not wanting to admit anything about his feelings. I coughed up blood, feeling weak as my energy drained. "Hold on Sombra, you'll be fine." 

"You really think so? I guess I deserve this though. This is the price I pay for every being in a gang or terrorist group, huh?" I coughed a bit more. 

"No you don't, you don't deserve this." I chuckled slightly until I blacked out, not remembering a thing or hearing a thing. "Sombra, I won't let you die... you're special to me." 

I woke up to be on a hospital bed and a bright light shining in my face, I shielded my eyes with my arms. As soon as my eyes were adjusted to the light, I sat up a bit too quickly to have crashed back down on the bed as I clutched my side. 

"You're awake, that's good." Angela came in holding a clipboard as she examined my bloody figure. "Do you still feel pain?" 

"Pain?" I questioned her until she lifted up a singlet she put me in for me to only see my whole waist wrapped up in bandages. "What happened?" 

"You don't remember? Well, Reaper attacked you when you went to find him which resulted in near death for you. But luckily if it was not for Genji, you would be dead in Dorado instead of being in here." Angela said as she rested the clipboard on a side table and started taking the bandages off to examine the wound. Once she cleaned it up, she wrapped it up in fresh bandages and looked at the wound in my leg as well, repeating the same process. 

"Is she okay Angela?" 

"Yes Genji, come in. You can see her now." The cyborg walked in, seeming to care more about me than before. "I'll give you some time alone." Angela walked out with her clipboard, leaving us two to talk. 

"Why did you save me?" 

"Because we're-" 

"No more of this 'because we're friends' bullshit Genji... I want to know the truth. You always seem to avoid it." My voice seemed lighter than usual, like I was losing hope and faith in Genji. And I was. He kept feeding me lies but I want to know the truth now. 

"Ever since I saw you Sombra, I thought it was such a shame for a beautiful girl like you to be apart of Talon. Then when you wanted to pick a fight with me, you should that a bit of you cared when you didn't shoot me. And now... I'm just glad you're okay... that you're alive." He got closer to my bed, our faces inches away. "To say I like you is an understatement." Genji raised a hand to my cheek, caressing it as I raised my hand to a button on his mask that would unlock his visor. He put his hand on mine, quicker than I expected, I was really wanting to kiss him. He soon lowered his hands onto my hips, moving mine and his body closer. I pressed the button, the visor coming off. I grabbed the visor, staring into his chocolate brown eyes that were charming me. I traced my finger gentle over the scars... that were from his brother. 

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you Genji." He told me what happened to him before I almost died. 

"Don't be Sombra, it's not your fault." He was right, I leaned in closer to Genji as he did to. I closed the gap, enjoying the moment I was in. Genji still help onto my hips, deepening the kiss and making it passionate. I loved this... until he stopped kissing me and left my lips cold. His hand got close to removing my shirt, this was moving fast but I didn't care. I placed my hand on his back, my purple light mixing with his green light. We kissed again, it was still passionate like before. 

"Hiya love, thought I would just come check... on... you." Lena paused throughout her sentence to see us kissing. I pushed Genji away, not on purpose of course but because of Lena. I started to get embarrassed as Lena sort of did too. "Well, aren't you two cute. First you're wanting to kill each other and now you love each other." Lena tried to joke but didn't do very well with breaking the awkwardness. "Uh... I'll just be leaving then, enjoy your day." 

"Lena... tell no one." I told her, the tone in my voice stern. I was serious about this. She nodded and dashed off. I looked back at Genji who was nearing me again. "Listen, let's take it slow first. Just so no one suspects a thing or intrudes on us, mi amor." I rested a hand up against his cheek, Genji kissed me one last time until he put his visor back on. Once again my lips felt cold, I was missing his lips touching mine. 

"I understand, it's probably for the best." I started walking towards the entrance slowly, ready to go find Ana. "Uh Sombra..." I turned around to face Genji again. 

"Yes mi amor?" He walked towards me, resting both his hands on my cheeks as he looked down at me. 

"What is your name?" I froze at that, no one knew my name besides Alejandra and Zarya but... I guess I could tell Genji. 

"If I tell you, you won't tell anyone will you?" 


"It's Colomar... Olivia Colomar." 

"That's a great name for a beautiful girl." 

"Thanks, bye mi amor." I waved at Genji left. I sighed as I trudged to the courtyard to find Ana. Why is love so... difficult?

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