Pick a Side

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We got there, it was night time. The cherry blossom trees were still pretty, Widowmaker strutted towards the temple. 

"Uh, you think that's a good idea?" No answer, she just crouched down in front of the entrance and aimed her sniper at the man sitting in the temple. He was sitting on both his knees, his bow next to him. Widowmaker peered into her scope, watching him carefully. 

"One shot, one kill." She whispered to herself, her finger slowly reaching the trigger. I went into a thermoptic camo and went towards Hanzo. Widowmaker saw me and moved her gun away, looking at me in anger. Mei started shooting at the spider girl, along with D.Va firing missiles at Widowmaker as well. She grappled onto a ledge and started firing at the other two girls. This left me with Hanzo, I had to aim my gun at him just in case Widowmaker saw me and got suspicious. I became visible again and aimed my gun at Hanzo's head. I felt a blade hover close to me

"Why, Sombra? Did you lie?" 

"Do you really think I want my cover blown Genji?" Hanzo turned around with his bow aimed at me "Wow, listen amigo, I'm on your side. Genji, tell him." Genji put his sword back in his sheath and went towards his brother. 

"Genji, what does this she-demon speak about?" Hanzo lowered his weapon. 

"Seriously?! I'm trying to save you from a blood thirsty killer out there that was just about to kill you." 

"No, she's right Hanzo. We need you to join Overwatch, just listen. There's going to be a big war between Talon and Overwatch and we need all we can get. Hanzo, we need you." Just after Genji finished his sentence and Hanzo agreed, Widowmaker appeared

"I thought you were socialising with the Overwatch team. I knew I couldn't trust you Sombra." 

"Ha, Amélie, it's good to see you again. Listen, it's not what you think..." She glared at me like she was going to kill me "Okay, maybe it is but it's for a good reason." 

"Sombra, who's side are you on?" I looked panicked between the Shimada brothers and Amélie, my words were stuck in my throat as I tried to say something but I was mute. "Hurry up." 

"I'm on..." I hesitated and squinted my eyes "Overwatch." I opened my eyes to see Amélie aiming her sniper at me, a shot went off and I closed my eyes and braced myself for death but... nothing? I opened my eyes to see Genji with his blade out, he must of deflected the bullet. 

"Huh, even though she still may be bad you trust her, right cyborg? Well Sombra, pick a side." 

"What?" I asked, knowing what she meant but wasn't it already clear? 

"Pick. A. Side. Talon. or. Overwatch." Amélie said in a irritated voice as she death stared at me. I looked at her, the French lady giving me chills, then I look at the Shimada brothers, their gazes giving me a bit of hope. Do I go with the scary lady? Or the team who saves one another and citizens? I was stuck on a decision but who do I pick. I've known Widowmaker more than Overwatch, same with the Talon agents but something was urging me to go to the hero side of things. I could be a liability to both sides. 

Talon or Overwatch?

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