The Search

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Zarya's POV

"Do you know why you are here?" The chairman asked, looking through a window that was the only source of light to light up her office. She looked down towards her left. 

"Hm, I believe I do." After the chairman told me everything, I was changing my mind about how difficult this would be. Honestly, I thought this was simple but it was not. "With respect, chairman Volskaya, this doesn't make sense. You need a spy." 

"Actually, Sergeant Zaryanova-- may I call you Aleksandra?" 


"What I need... is a friend." 

"Of-- of course chairman Volskaya." 

"Good, in that case, you must call me Katya." She got up from her desk, her fingers just grazing her wooden desk.

"I am humbled, chair-- ah, Katya." Katya soon came in front of me, I had to look down a bit to meet eye contact as I was a bit taller then her. My eyes shifted from her gaze

"You know that we were attacked. This... person must be brought to justice! And I trust only you to do it. Are you up to the task?" 

"I am." The chairman gave me a picture of this person that had been here, blackmailing and attacking the Industry. 

"I knew you would be. Fortunately, as you search for your target, we have something nobody has had before." I grabbed the picture off the chairman, my eyes glaring at this picture. I first went to the Lijiang Tower in China, hoping for an answer. I showed the picture to an Chinese man, he moved his glasses to see the picture further. 

"No, no reports. No hacker on Earth could penetrate our firewalls." I sighed, placing my fingers to my forehead as I listen to his response. My next destination was Hanamura in Japan. I let a man with funky, black hair check the picture. He gave it back to me as he ate his noodles, an omnic came up to me with a bowl of Japanese food. 

"Would you care to sample-?" 

"Not from you robot." The man spoke up as his kids, I assumed, played in the background. 

"To your question about the hacker... I don't know anything." I am no where near to capturing this so called 'Sombra'. I headed towards London in England, in hopes a police officer might of heard of any of this. 

"We'll... interrogate a few suspects and see what turns up. I don't suppose your employer would care to send some of those new mechs our way..." A British officer said while still looking at the picture. 

"Produce results and I will ask her for you." It might have sounded a bit rude, like the man had to wait for it but this was a big deal. My leads have... just run dry. I rang up chairman Katya Volskaya, only to hear her say this. 

"Giving up so easily? I expected more from Russia's defender." She was underestimating my skills though she thought of another idea. "But if you need help, I know of a hacker. Highly recommended." She sent me the contact details. This hacker was in Numbani... great. Numbani always knew how to make my skin crawl... just the thought of people associating with omnics, freely, was bad enough. All I could think about was to get out of here, this was like a hellhole to me and just how worse could this get. An omnic... stood in front of me in green clothes, it had two antennas coming out the sides of its head. 

"Greetings, Aleksandra Zaryanova. I am Lynx Seventeen." 

"You're... a... robot. She didn't tell me you were a robot." 

"You're very observant. She didn't tell me you were observant." I rang up the chairman, wanting to know why she did this. 

"Did you know it was an omnic?" She sighed at my words 

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