Chapter 01

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New Delhi..

It was chaos in the office. Boss didn't look happy because of the things happening in his office. He trusted his employees and he trusted his favourite one more above than all. Though he was calm.

The client was not happy at all because his daughter was missing. He was staring the one in his front, irritated by the calmness of him.

“I want my daughter now" the client was almost shouting at him. But the boss still remained calm. The client seemed to jump at him and tear his shirt.

“Answer me. Car gone, phones are switched off, Where's my daughter? You told he was enough, you told he was the best. Now what?"

Now the accusation and doubt on his favourite one made him speak up.
"He is best. He won't let anything happen to your daughter. He will try to protect her with everything he got. He informed just a while before that she's safe"

“To hell with him. I want to know about my daughter now." The client banged his hands on the table.

Akaash's temper raised. He got up from the chair and roared at his client,

“Calm down Mr. Mehta. This is not the first time something like this is happening. Your daughter never cooperates in any of this. Do you know how hard it is to protect your daughter when she hell bent on hiding and hanging out with her friends without informing. Still he is doing his best. If I find out that this time also a situation like this happened because of your daughter's fault. I am terminating our contract."

He had enough of this one client. He was the boss of the number one bodyguard company all over the country. Mr.  Mehta's daughter doesn't listen at all. His favourite, dutiful employee more than that his friend was working hardly day and night in protecting her. This was enough.

Just then his P.A announced
“He is here sir, with Mr. Mehta's daughter."

Akaash glared at Mr. Mehta and went outside the room. Mr. Mehta followed him sighing in relief that his daughter was safe.

Akash saw the man taking of his sunglass beside Mr. Mehta's daughter.

He was none other than his favourite one, ASR in bodyguard uniform who was too handsome to fit in this job. His uniform highlighting his muscular form. He could have been a model if he wanted. He was charming with those sunglasses and wearing the black uniform, you could even call him devilishly handsome. He remembered most of his female clients asking ASR to be their personal bodyguard and trying to extend the contract. Akaash knew how his friend felt uncomfortable around them. So he changed his clients for this handsome, hot young man now having a mixed expression of humor and irritation.

Akaash knew whatever happened he would inform if he just said the six letter word, so he said "Report ASR"

Mr. Mehta's daughter looked slightly embarrassed though she seemed to admire ASR from her corner of her eyes. She couldn't help herself from admiring him.

ASR spoke in his husky voice which would melt any girl's heart at an instant.


Arnav started calling Akaash as boss at first for fun and now it has became a habit.

Arnav didn't like what happened yet he had to report.

"Boss. We're in the restaurant. She wanted to use my phone saying her battery's dead. She switched it off and threw my mobile away and tried to propose me. I've to sort of drag her to the car which she punctured with the help of her friends and couldn't find another car sooner because of her safety. I tried to call Mr. Mehta but she was not letting to. I couldn't force or push my client. I informed Stella ( Akaash P.A) and informed Mr. Mehta's P.A too"

Mr.Mehta left his phone in car due to the chaos and slightly taken aback by his daughter's behavior. He wanted to apologize that's when Akaash told.

“We're over Mr.Mehta."

Being a top class business man, it must have hurt his ego.

“See Mr. Akaash, you're not the only one who owns a bodyguard company in this country."

"Then go find another one" Akaash turned around not giving a damn to the client and entered his cabin followed by Arnav.

After some time Akaash started to laugh.

“Arnav, please don't show your charm yaar. How many times I have told you not to be handsome. We're losing clients just because they're all falling in love with you."

Arnav glared at him “Boss this is not funny. You should have seen, throwing herself upon me, it was disgusting."

"Relax ASR"

"I am Arnav for you"

"Then I am Akaash for you"

Then they started cracking jokes about their client. They're best friends for two years. Arnav have joined here before two years and have became a bodyguard who does his job perfectly. Akash knew why he joined this career. He was happy with him. He was like family.

“Ok Arnav. Twenty days leave for you. Go and see your family. You won't have next assignment before that" it's been one month, he hasn't went to home. He wanted a break.

“Hope you won't call me and order me to come just because of your important clients Akaash. At least not lady clients this time."

Akaash chuckled remembering the last time giving him a break and called him after one day itself. He smiled at Arnav sheepishly.

Arnav knew that yet he was ok with him. He bid bye to him, leaving for home.

He sat in his car closing his eyes. He was tired of all these clients. He wanted a break yet he doesn't want to go home. The memories would haunt him. He just wished there would be someone to take away his pain and loneliness. He sighed thinking no one would come how much ever he wished for.

It's the reality. He didn't want anyone, he was ASR. He didn't say what he feels but somewhere it hurt to think that no one can understand him.

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