Chapter 32

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Khushi couldn't take it anymore.. The way he's licking and biting her neck is enough to drive her mad. She doesn't want this all consuming feeling.

Looks like he's going to tear way her blouse so with all the self-control she could muster and with all her strength she turned and pushed him away.

She couldn't look at his bare chest so she looked at his face and immediately regretted because the raw lust and hunger in his face is making her blush.

She tried hard not to blush but as like every girl, she blushed and lowered her eyes to ground.

She cursed herself. She can't afford to be weak in front of him. So she steeled herself and looked at him crossing her hands.

“What do you think you're doing?"

“Touching you"

“Wh..Wha..What..?" Khushi spluttered at his look and words.

“Stop touching me Mr.Raizada"


“What Why? Because... I don't like you touching me"

“You're lying Khushi... Just before few minutes, you were....."

“Stop it Mr.Raizada.. I hate it when you touch me and I already said that I am an adult with hormones. It's nothing but that."


“Yes, Do not forget that you're my husband for three months"

“Do you honestly think I will let you go..?"

“Yes else I will make you go..."

“Make me..?"

“Do not challenge me Mr.Raizada. You know very well how stubborn and determined I am"

Arnav just sighed and stared at her.

“What are you waiting for? An Invitation? Go, I have to change my dress"

Khushi told him but Arnav remained there.

“Make me"

Khushi dragged him out of the shower wall and pulled him out of the bathroom with soaking clothes.

But suddenly he stilled and she couldn't drag him away..

She turned around irritatingly then let his hand from her hold.

“Why are you making things difficult?"

“Khushi.. Khushi... Khushi... I am not a doll to play around."

“See Mr.Raizada, I had a tired day.. Just leave for five minutes so that I can change"

If she went to another room for change then her di will get suspicious.

“Look Khushi.. I cannot leave like this half naked out of the room. What do I explain to people?"

“I will wait in the room. You take your clothes and change in the rest room. Ok Khushi?

Khushi nodded and went to pick her clothes. Just when she reached the door to restroom he blocked the way.


“Well like a good boy, I am cooperating with you so I want a reward."

“What do you want?" Khushi scowled turning her face away..

“A minute"


“I want a minute with you being statued"

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