Chapter 12

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Arnav was amazed with the hotel and scolded himself for not keeping an eye on the environment or where they were going in his embarrassment.

The hotel must be for high class persons. It was like a mini palace..

Beautiful... And what's more beautiful was that the girl accompanying him.

Man, first day, first touch and first date.... Wait.. What? What the hell I am thinking?

Arnav went to many hotels because of his clients. But he never went to eat to hotels like these.

And it surprised him that they were welcomed despite them being this late.. Might be because she was a regular customer here..

He followed her to the table. Looked like the hotel has Italian or Chinese food after reading the menu whixh he couldn't understand.. He doesn't know a thing. They sat opposite to each other.

He started fidgeting under her gaze.. God..! I am the man and I should not feel nervous under a girl's stare.

And there was a main problem. Because he didn't know what to order.

How he's gonna keep his ASR cool...?

Khushi can't believe she was doing this.

What the hell was she thinking.? He was obviously hungry and why did she drive to this hotel, her favourite..?
She looked at him and saw him fidgeting under her gaze.

It was so clear he had never eaten in these kinds of hotels.

The waiter came and Khushi let him order first.

He just looked at her pleadingly to help.

She just raised her eyebrow clearly enjoying the great ASR (oh! She had read about all his reputation and name in his file) asking for help. Well he has to ask..!

Arnav looked at her hopelessly. Aah..! The trademark smirk everyone was talking about in the office..

Arnav knew she was doing this deliberately to annoy him. He has no way out of this. He cursed his traitorous stomach.. All because of that he was in this situation.


She took pity of him not able to take the widened puppy eyes he was giving her and asked him

“Vegetarian or not..? "

“Non-vegetarian "

“Anything allergic to..?"

Arnav was surprised at her thoughtfulness.


Khushi ordered for both of them..

Arnav eagerly took the plates after the ood arrived as he was hungry and he really enjoyed the food, admiring her tastes in food. They ate silently. The strange thing was that the silence was comfortable.

But both ignored the new feelings rising in them as both of them were stubborn and arrogant.

Arnav had never seen a girl like Khushi. She never talked much and was so different from others. He had been with his over talkative sister and also with female clients. But Khushi was too different.

Arnav wanted to eat slowly and delay so that he could be with her here. It's quiet. Yes..! No other reasons.

But she finished quickly and waited impatiently. He didn't want to face angry KKG everyone warned him off in the office.

Khushi saw the time and it was 11. He finished quickly and protested to let him pay.

Khushi just raised an eyebrow, Arnav swallowed the words and let her pay as it was clear she would win..

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