Chapter 18

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Arnav stepped out of the car with little difficulty. Seeing this Khushi offered him help.

“It's ok. I can manage myself" he said the same thing she said while he offered her help.

Hearing his answer she glared her pattern glare and said

“It's not an offer but an order."

Arnav leaned against her inhaling her as she was pressed up against him which immediately calmed him to his surprise.

Khushi supported him, she maybe lean but she had worked hard in her childhood. Like an ant she carried heavy things greater than her weight.

She helped him as he was made to walk to the doctor's cabin and waited patiently when doctor cleaned the wound and dressed it as she informed this was emergency in the reception.

When the doctor said finally he has to take an injection to avoid any infection on the wound. He denied saying, he'll be fine and there was no need for any injections.

Khushi lost her patience and snapped at him finally.

“Stop being difficult Mr.Raizada."

“But.. But.." She cut him off looking at the doctor.

“Doctor, put whatever you wanted. He won't complain.."

He opened his mouth to protest but seeing her glare he sighed letting the doctor to inject him.

She wondered what all the drama was about and looked at him confusingly.

She almost laughed seeing the great bodyguard who was supposed to protect her was afraid of a needle. He didn't show it in his face but she saw through his barely concealed nervousness.

She had controlled her laughter but she couldn't help but chuckle openly. Seeing his suspicious glare, she covered it with a cough.

God...! What happened to me..?

The never smiling, stone faced business tycoon Khushi Kumari Gupta was trying hard not to smile.

He looked at her carefully and tried to predict the emotions on her face. He was sure her eyes twinkled in amusement just a while and her whole face became blank when she saw his stare.

Did she always hide her emotions behind her blank face..?

Arnav's imagination suddenly ran wild..

How would she look if she laughed..?

How would she look if she smiled..?

How would she look if someone caressed her hand..? (In his imagination the someone looked suspiciously like him)

How would she look if someone kissed her..?

How would she look at the height of passion..?

Wait.. What the hell I am imagining.. It's just I am feeling confused and dizzy.. Yep.. That's all addled my brain..

A small traitorous part of his reminded, yes.. Yes.. That's why you didn't notice the doctor had already finished injecting him and almost on the way to door.

Oh Arnav.. Get a grip..

He put his leg down, stood up testing his balance. It was fine, he could walk.

Why did he sound disappointed that he could walk finely..?

The traitorous part whispered to him again,

Because you can't lean anymore on her, you can't feel the soft but firm body pressed against you. And you can't smell...

He groaned aloud and told the voice to shut up.

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