Chapter 05

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Arnav was on the way to home in his car. He never really wanted to go home. The memories of his dad would haunt him not only in the dreams but also whenever he was alone.

It's been six years since his dad had died.. He was always there for him. The one and only true relation he ever had was his beloved dad.

He was an inspiration, roll model, everything to Arnav.

His mom died giving birth to him. He never really cared about mom because he never had her or knew her personally, besides he always have his dad.

His dad was both his father and mother. Things were pretty good until his 12th age. His dad got remarried to another woman.. He was okay with it because he can have a mother too.

He was wrong. That woman came under the category of neither good nor bad. She doesn't like him much though didn't torture him too.

She just ignored his presence. Arnav was okay with it as long as his dad was happy with her. She may ignore him but loved his dad.

It was all okay until his father died in duty. It was so alone and still was after his father died.

His father was the main reason for him to be a bodyguard. His dad made him study fashion designing though he always wanted to be a guard like his dad. He owns pretty much properties and money of his ancestors yet he still wanted to go for this job.. Many of his friends thought him as a crazy one to quit fashion.

He then joined the club to improve his body muscles and did everything to became a bodyguard.

Being a bodyguard brought a step closer to his father. It may sound insane to some people but he alone knew. Wearing this uniform made him feel his father close, its like father was being with him. That's why he continued this job even though its tiresome. It's hard to let go of this.

Many people told to accept the dead people as dead and move on but he didn't want to. He didn't want to let go of his father's memories. They were the anchor for him to be in this world.

She never was a mother and never let Anjali to be with him. His step mom changed a lot after father died. She gone into cold self, greedy and showered false and pretending love on Arnav so that he won't abandon her and her child Anjali. Arnav was not a cold hearted person, he supported her financially and also put up with her after all she too loved his father. They were all he got now even the relationship was name sake.

Arnav has changed too after his father's dead. He was full of mischief, kind and loving when he was a child. He now has turned into something.....

Someone as everyone calls ASR.. He won't mix up with people.. The only one so close to family, friend, like brother was Akaash. He joined this job because of his father but he started loving this job.. It's full of risk and challenges except the female clients.

He reached home, wishing there would no one be there, but here goes his luck..

“Arnav beta, how many days have been gone after you came home?"

Arnav didn't fall for the pretence.

“Sorry Saritha ji"

“How many times I've told you to call me ma.?"

He clenched his fingers looking tensed. Saritha knew if she pushed him too much he would leave. Though she also didn't like him call her mom so she left alone. He brougjt money to their life and her daughter's college fees.

“You must be tired beta, go and rest."

“Ok".. He was relieved that she left him alone quickly. It's unbelievable that how much act she put upon just for money.

He went to his room and kept his luggage, searching for the sleeping pill. He can't sleep peacefully no matter how hard he tried.

May be it's because he spent night and day protecting the clients or may be due to the fact that he was afraid of nightmares filled lonely nights.

Just then the queen of acting came to his room..


God, girls are so unpredictable. And her step sister was way too unpredictable.

At first she showered love as if he was her own brother and sometimes she pushed him away as if she doesn't even know him may be because of her mother's influence. One day he even saw her mother scolding her for being with him.

It hurt him for few days then he overcame it. He started avoiding her for her own good and her mother's harsh words but he fulfilled every duty as a brother. He can't ignore Anjali though. She was over pampered, sometimes arrogant child. She didn't grow up at all.

“Bhai... Where is the thing i asked?"

“Umm.. I forgot anju.."

“Bhai.. Stop lying. You're worse at it. I know you won't dare to come home knowing my wrath.."

Arnav sighed, “here goes" he took the necklace she asked and the designer sarees too from his bag.

Anjali jumped out of happiness yelling ”You're best bhai"

Arnav smiled at the happy face of her. He cared her sister. She was so childish sometimes. Their relationship was complicated.

“Bhai. I am so happy.. And how are you?" she came hugging him.

Arnav caressed her hair lovingly saying  “ I am fine Anju.. How are you?"

“I am fine bhai. You should come home often bhai. "

“You know Anju how my job is like."

“Ok fine.. But bhai what were you doing before I came?" He didn't look at her in the guise of putting his bag and shoes away..

He told her hesitantly, “I couldn't sleep Anju, so searching for sleeping pills."

“Bhai, I've told you it's not good habit to take them frequently"

“But.. "

“Stop bhai.. Why fear when Anju is here, come sleep"

She sat on bed asking him to lay down.

“Your mother will scold you Anju."

“Bhai, relax. She went to temple."

Arnav gave up and placed his head on her lap letting her caress his hair. After sometime she placed his head on a pillow and went out of the room. Little bit she knew he can act well too like her mother.

He got up, searching the pill. He took that pill and went to sleep hoping for sleep without any nightmares reminding his past..

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