Chapter 14

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They both went to parking and it was too late in the night. As usual khushi drove the car. The silence between them was so uncomfortable.

Arnav was hungry. His well toned bodyguard body wanted food. He glanced at her slightly and gave up all the hope.

What have I done..?

Just second day in job and he had screwed up..

When did he start to care for clients..?

Khushi parked the car and told him,

“Take that way" pointing stairs, “which will lead you to your room from backside. And morning too.. I don't want a repeat performance of what happened today morning. "

“Yes mam." Just when he was relieved she spoke, she went away without a word..

Man, he should order something for dinner from tomorrow onwards.

Khushi slammed her room's door. God...!

Why am I so worked up against him.. It was so irritating and one of the reasons she couldn't finish the job in time as he was constantly occupied her mind.

Somewhere in her mind a voice told her,

Hmm.. Poor ASR.. Haven't eaten yet..

No.. I don't care..

But you do, the voice argued..

No, I don't care..

She repeated the words..

I don't care..

I don't care..

I don't care..

I don't.......

Damn it all to hell..

She took the phone and called hariprakash..


“Yes mam?"

“Do you still have any dinner left?"

“Yes Khushi ji."

“Go and give water and food for the guard in guest room."

“Ok mam."

“And ask him if he needs anything."

“Yes mam."

She dressed for the night after freshening up and dropped on bed, too tired to eat.. Her last thoughts were to give a pay rise to Hariprakash for making him work overnight all the time..

Arnav finished dressing up as he had already made one of his members to put a luggage of half his things inside his car today, knowing he would have to work overnight all the time and might stay here for some days.. He came out of bathroom to see someone had placed a plate on the table.

“Excuse me, but I didn't ask anything."

“Sir, Khushi mam told to give this to you."

Arnav turned from the staff and grinned stupidly,

“Do you want anything Sir..?"


He slowly ate the food and hesitated but gave in to the guts and asked the staff who refused to leave until he finished his food..

“Did mam have dinner..?"

“No, mam usually doesn't eat dinner."
And with that Hariprakash moved away from the room with the plates after placing a jug of water and went to sleep.

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