Chapter 08

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The mam word broke the dream like reality to both of them.

Arnav was confused because of this while Khushi was angry because she listened to her heart.

Once there was a time while she listened her heart and vowed to never listen to it. She broke that promise. And all because of the person in front of her. Anger, rage.. She decided to treat this person in worst way as possible.

Even though the receptionist informed about this person, she wanted to vent anger on him by asking

“Who the hell are you?"

Arnav flinched. What did he do to deserve this much hatred from her. He was hurt yet he put his usual bodyguard mask acting as if he didn't hear the rudeness.

“Mam, the personal guards you asked for. Four of us including me. Three of them waiting in reception."

Khushi acted as if he doesn't exist for a while and sat on her chair without offering him to sit. She looked the file for a while frowning and trying hard to concentrate.

It was easy for Arnav to stand because most of his work was standing. But it hurt that this person was ignoring his mere presence. This was what he wanted? Right? He wanted female clients not throwing themselves over him. Then why did it bothers him?

Khushi got flashes of her Di's words

~~~“Treat everyone well baby doll."

Her Di said when she fired Hariprakash for umpteenth time due to her bad mood.

Khushi rolled her eyes without caring.

“At least as humanly as possible by you. Please.." with puppy dog eyes

“As you wish Di"~~~

Khushi sighed placing the file on table and offered him to sit. She closed her eyes for a few seconds to ease her head.

“And you're Mr..."

“I am Arnav Singh Raizada, mam."

“Good. Shall we get on with this?"

They discussed for a while about salary, leaves should be taken during work, transport, where should they stay, her shedule they should keep up with and all.

Arnav thought, she must really be rich. That's why she has a big ego and was ignoring stupi..."

Arnav couldn't scold her even in his mind. During the discussion he admired her for determination, confidence, stubbornness. Lioness was all he could name her in mind.

While some part of Khushi's heart was admiring his intelligence and thoughtfulness.

Just when Arnav thought the discussion was over, khushi spoke

“Let's discuss the important matter."

Arnav was startled, what was going to important? Everything was discussed already.

“Yes mam."

“You see Mr.. Hmm.. Mr. .. " Khushi couldn't remember his sur name because all she remembered was Arnav. She called him Arnav in her mind so many times but not wanted to call in reality.

Arnav felt hurt again thinking she didn't even remember his name.

“Arnav Singh Raizada mam. You can call me Arnav or ASR."

She wanted to call Arnav but couldn't bring herself to attach with anyone other than her Di professionally

“Yes Mr.ASR" Arnav again felt hurt. Oh God. All she did was giving him pain.

“You see.. I am not gonna like your usual clients."

Arnav nodded indicating that he's listening.

“I've some terms and conditions."

“Ok mam. What are your terms and conditions?"

“Well. First, there will be attacks and if any of my family members are there with me then your first and foremost duty is to protect them. Are we clear?"

“Yes mam...." Arnav was confused slightly. Of course every guard would protect their client and family.

“I think you don't get it. You've to protect them even if you have to leave me unprotected. You've to protect them even if I am pointed with gun. Are we clear now?"

Arnav clenched his hand tightly under the table. He gritted his teeth. He couldn't believe this at all. He admired her love for family but leaving her unprotected was....

Insane. But not having power to do anything, he simply nodded and determined to protect her with everything he had.

“Second, You should not tell anyone, I mean ANYONE about where I am, what I am doing, and even if I got attacked, how many guards I keep, whether I am alone or with guards,..”

“Of course mam, we respect our client's privacy.”

“I know. I think you don't understand this either. I meant not to report about me to my friends, to family or especially to my Di in any situation unless I die. Are we clear on this?"

Arnav couldn't take it at all about the unfairness. She seemed 26 or 24. Small age, but no ounce of fear for life. He felt immense respect for her, seeing like her as head of family. But felt so scared. She was so young. Who the hell was attacking this girl in looking, but lioness if get to knowing.

Again he just nodded,

“Third, I don't want you four to follow me wherever I go.." Thinking of Di she added lastly, “one is enough and sometimes I want you to leave me alone. Ok?"

“But mam.." Arnav protested. Why she's hell bent on being not safe?

Everybody thought that she was being stupid and reckless not to let anyone guard her. She even drove her car alone most of the times even though she appointed a driver. But she cared.. She may be a cold hearted person yet she has a heart.

She doesn't want anyone to die for her. There has been so many attempts to hurt her but she doesn't want anyone near her get hurt. Why can't anyone understand this? She asked him ignoring his protest,

“Do you agree or not?"

Without having a choice Arnav nodded,

“Fourth, keep media away from me or me away from media. Understood?"

“Yes mam."

Arnav thought, So she don't like attention. She was so different. I wish she will be safe. Why am I concerned? Yes, she's my client and wanted her to be safe.

“Ok mam. We will do our best."

“Good. Start your work from tomorrow. You can go."

With that Arnav got up and went. Pain, some sort of pain clutched his heart and it's started hurting. He had never been got hurt this many times in one meeting. It was so painful.

If Arnav thought he was pained due to this conversation, he was wrong. Khushi got hurt every time he called her mam. And after telling him to go, she felt void. It was so painful.

Arnav informed the schedules to other three and told them she allowed only one to guard her and that'll be him (obviously).

He told the arrangements for staying from tomorrow. They bid bye and Arnav went to car eager to do the one thing he wanted do.

He went to his car and not hoping on driver's seat, he moved to the passenger seat and took the file.. He could drive home to pack his things after reading this.

Arnav stared at the file. The file about her given by Akaash to study and to know about her enemies and threats better. And also to know her weakness and family. Arnav chuckled thinking what would be her weakness. And spoke to himself aloud,

“So, let's see the life of lioness.."

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