Chapter 26

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Arnav went to his car and closed his eyes before starting the car.. He clutched the steering very tightly that his knuckles turned white...

He couldn't breath properly and evenly..

He just couldn't take it more of his imagination mind and the images it suggested..

To feel those hands against his bare skin..

To kiss her angelic face veiled slightly by her silky hair..

Those red lips..


What he wouldn't do to taste it... Just once and he would die happily..

He could clearly remember every little detail of her in the tent..

He just couldn't take it anymore..

By crook or hook, he would have her..

Arnav opened his eyes and groaned..

My love and desire for her would be the death of me..

He pulled his hand and placed it above his chest where his heart was..

It hurts...

Even his love for her hurts... He loved and desired her too much that it hurt..

The desire to see her underneath him...

To cover her, dominate her with his body was just so so overwhelming.

Arnav shook his head of his thoughts. He has to be positive and pull the plan to woo her well..

Arnav just knew it and he could feel it that today was going to be great and good...


Arnav just knew that day was going terrible.

He daydreamed and arrived late for one and it was so agonizing that today wasn't his duty to be with her till evening. He just wanted to bash his head for arranging the schedule like this.

He couldn't even approach her. He couldn't give any possible reason to get an appointment with her.

He at least wanted to look at her and see how she was doing with his own eye. But he couldn't even if he wanted to go and see her without any reason because she was at the meeting all day.

It wasn't until evening that his schedule changed and he almost jumped out of joy to go and see her. But the meeting wasn't over yet. So he waited till 7 when everyone came out of meeting room.

He slowly opened the door when he didn't see her arrive for a while even after everyone emptied the office. So he peeked through the door slowly.

He let out an inaudible gasp and his heart stuttered along with his brain's function.

There she was walking around the room contemplating about God knows what in the light of the projector still not turned off which looked like moonlight.

She looked beautiful even more than the last time he saw and Arnav never felt more in love than ever.

If he had any doubt about his feelings for her it evaporated completely because how could anyone not love her.

That's when Arnav noticed her limping. He realized that the wound from the knife not yet healed fully.

Stubborn working machine, Arnav thought fondly.

He went over her and pulled her close towards him by pulling her shoulder with his hands.

To have her in his arms felt like to be Home at last.

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