Chapter 35

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Arnav's heart beat was audible to even his ears.

How could his whole being depends on her single gesture.?

He knew she's not overly expressive and he knew she won't confess how she really feels that's why he gave her the saree and told to wear it if she accepted him.

Even in the dim light she looked like otherworldly beautiful.

Many may think he's exaggerating but the fact is, she looked so beautiful to him.

When did she became this pretty? This beautiful?


And his name in her lips never felt this sinful,...

“Come here"

His legs took him to her without him trying as if she cast a spell on his legs.

Arnav's thoughts landed back from the dreamland when she took the pallu from her shoulder and let it down. Arnav didn't dare look down at her body in fear of taking her right then and there.

“What ar-are you do-doing Khushi?"

Arnav stuttered, unable to believe her boldness. She always looked shy no matter what they did.

“Turn the lights on Arnav"


“Please Arnav... It took all the courage from me to stand here like this so turn the light on before I run away Arnav"

Not knowing what's going on Arnav turned on the light.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to look at her after turning on the light. He will not be able to control his desire..

“Am I that repulsive to you now?"

Arnav's eyes opened suddenly in shock.

“What are you...."

His voice quivered and his sentence remain incomplete after looking at her accidentally.

There was a ten centimetre scar running from the elbow to shoulder in her left hand. There were scares like wire circling in her right hand.

Arnav could see scars like burned by cigarette on her chest and he could see belt scars on her back when she turned around.

Arnav's hands trembled and a lone tear trailed down his cheek unconsciously. Arnav had no idea what are the things she must have gone through.

Khushi turned around again yet her eyes were not meeting him. She looked as if she must cry but still stood there when she knew a person is looking at her scar.

Now Arnav understood what she meant when Khushi said she is standing here with every courage she has.

And Arnav knew she must be so brave to expose these even to him.

“Now you know Arnav... Can you accept me with this body..?"

“Do you think I will let you go just because of these scars Khushi?"

“I don't know Arnav.."

And Arnav could finally see the vulnerability, mistrust, bitterness, expecting to be rejected, fear in her usually expressionless cold face.

Arnav bent and took the pallu of her saree, arranged it properly on her shoulder and hugged her as tightly as possible.

“So this is why you always wore full sleeves or half sleeves shirt and nothing exposing.. Huh..?"

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